Mrs. Robinson

So I’ve been continuing to consolidate Grades 1 & 2 since posting my last video in March. (That earlier video is here: First post, first AVOYP - Driver 8/REM

I’ve also started the Strumming SOS course, and I’m nearly through Grade 1 of that. I thought that continuing to refine my strumming while also consolidating the lessons of G1 and G2 might make sense.

In any case, I did a new video, of the classic Simon & Garfunkel tune Mrs. Robinson. I first heard the tune (many years ago) on the Concert in Central Park album, so my approach the song is more informed by that version than by the Bookends version, although I do start with a chorus as is done on Bookends.

In any case, here you go. Always open to constructive criticism!



Nice, I’m not nearly knowledgeable to offer constructive criticism yet but what I will say is you sound good to me. If you were sat round a fire and did that everyone would be singing along and smiling I’m sure. Bravo for having the nuts to put the video up. Good luck

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@Dean1977 Thanks, Dean!

Andrew you rocked that out . Great job . You are making great strides. Keep rockin

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@Jwaters Appreciate that, Jeff! Thanks!

Great work Andrew, I’m a fan of quite a bit of theirs. Nice percussive sound and solid all the way through in general I thought. :+1:

Only thing for me is I would preferred to have been able to see the guitar and your hands, I like to watch the techniques.


@CD02 Great point, Craig. I will try a different set up next time I record.


Very enjoyable Andrew. Well done mate.
A great groove and solid vocals :+1:.

Cheers, Shane

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@sclay Cheers, Shane! Appreciate it!

That was very solid strumming, you got the right groove with that scratch in the mix. Well done, I enjoyed it.

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Great song, enjoyed your rendition Andrew, had the vibes


Can’t really add anything to what’s already been said: great solid strumming with a good groove! Really enjoyed this.

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@Boris1565 @DavidP @MollyT Thank you Boris, David, and Molly!

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That was really good. I enjoyed both the playing and the singing!

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@jacobbonde Thanks, Jacob!

Great version of this song, percussive strumming really brought out the vibe of the original. Really enjoyed this.

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@Mari63 Thanks so much, Mari!

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One word : WOW ! The rhythm. The strumming. The groove. The vocal. The chord changes. Everything ! Man, this sounds great ! Thanks for sharing :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


@BigLuc Luc! So kind! Thank you!

Nailed it!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: Well done. And, yeah, seeing the guitar and strumming fretting will be great next time.

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