Music Theory Live Class #I

@Stuartw Stuart, I’ve not watched the recording of that live lesson, so not sure what the brief was. Also not sure exactly what was covered in the lesson. So I don’t want to say too much and ‘give the game away’ so to speak.

What I would say, is perhaps guard against getting side-tracked into all the ‘shiny’ topics, such as the topic Keith linked to. I know how enticing it can be, but can easily lead to confusion that has a negative impact on the grasping and applying at the level where you are. In this case maybe that is about the notes and intervals in the major scale and the chords in the key (key being a specific major scale eg C major). As I say I don’t have context, am inferring from the discussion with Keith, and don’t want to go off on a side road.


Not really getting side tracked. It started with me finding a chord (by luck I would add) then trying to find out what it was called, to find that it had two names. A bit odd really. Not too bothered about the theory to be honest. Happy that the chord sounded good and seemed to fit with the progression.

Justin’s First Rule … If it sounds good, it is good :grin:

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To be clear, there’s nothing stopping you using them. They are cool chords.

But, from a theory point of view, they are really a distraction/confusion for you at this point.



I saw that you wanted to post chord progressions, so for key of C:
1 5 6 4 C G Am F
1 4 5 4 C F G F
1 6 4 5 C Am F G

these sound good and have been in lessons
Paul Miller

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Hello and thanks for the previous live session :slight_smile:

Here is my chord progressions:

Verse: G Em C D (I vi IV V)
Chorus: D C Em Am (V IV vi ii)

Looking forward to next session!

Karl from Finland


I’m wondering something similar. Do we have to have been in attendance at the first live music theory class to post a chord progression, or is it okay if we’re registered in the course and just watched the recording? And will there be an open invite again to the 2nd class?

Thank you.

Mari @Mari63 Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
In terms of joining the class my understanding is that if you have paid your recurring subscription or a have life time access you should get an email with a zoom link, that’s what I got.
As far as questions go you were asked to submit these in advance, I think these were used to decide on the main topic. It seemed that question were asked at the time which Richard filtered and passed onto Justin, they were not direct to Justin.
I think as this was the first one and a bit of a learning curve things are likely to develop.
Hope that helps
PS if you don’t have a subscription or life time access I am not sure about submitting a chord progression.


Thanks @MAT1953 . I have a lifetime subscription so I will try to get my chord progressions recorded and will hopefully attend the 2nd class live.

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Mari @Mari63
Did you not get series of emails for the first class?


I think so, but I couldn’t swear to it. I wasn’t available for anything then so wasn’t paying a lot of attention: I will pay attention to this thread or a thread on the 2nd class now and check with someone if I don’t get info for the 2nd class. Thanks Michael.




Like Mari, I’m a PMT lifer. When the mail went out I didn’t have any questions, so thought I’d see how the Zoom sessions would roll. Just wondering how I get into round two, now my boat’s been floated.


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Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
Looked back on my emails and got one with a RSVP, that’s how I got an email with link to zoom.
Guess it will be the same again.

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Cool Michael will keep an eye out. :sunglasses:

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@Mari63 @TheMadman_tobyjenner and @ others wanting to join having not attended #1.
I will seek clarification…

I am due to have my internet up and running on Monday and am looking to get back in the swing.


Thank you Mr C.

Unless you want the option to ask Justin a question during the lesson, there’s little advantage to catching it live. You can submit questions beforehand if you like, and there are distinct advantages in watching the recording, e.g. if he says something you need to let sink in or go back and listen again, you have the pause/rewind option :grinning:

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The session was great. I’m still absorbing it all actually.

I came up with two chord progressions. For both I tried a bar of each note applying D D U U D and D D D D U. I liked them both ways. I don’t know if I did it correctly but here they are:

  1. Key of G, using 1, 4, 5 & 6 chords (G, C, D, Em)
    Verse - 1, 6, 5, 4 = G, Em, D, C
    Chorus - 5, 4, 6, 1 = D, C, Em, G

  2. Key of C, using 1, 2, 5, 6 chords (C, Dm, G, Am)
    Verse - 1, 5, 2, 6 = C, G, Dm, Am
    Chorus - 2, 6, 1, 5 = Dm, Am, C, G


@TheCluelessLuthier @Buckinvt @SILVIA @brianlarsen @Malz @Aledo @penyrolowen @Uninvitedguest @Gagan @MyDogsGotNoNose @Stuartw @karlos_st @TomRichardson

Kudos and good vibes for sharing your chord progressions.
Extra good vibes to @Uninvitedguest for sharing a recording.
Is anyone else going to do similar in this topic? Please. That would be great.


@Richard_close2u I actually performed this with my wife at Justins Xmas Bash last December. Here is a link. The Future Didn’t Last