Neil Young - Only Love Can Break Your Heart

Been a while since I posted an AVOYP (guess ‘it’s been a while’ is pretty much true for everything at the moment here). I don’t usually double up recordings on the Community to keep volume down as I performed this at Community OM 26. But I did mess up the outro (first time for everything, but why oh why in that moment). More significantly, all of a sudden the use of OBS as an intermediate in the connection to Zoom no longer works, it’s gone totally pear-shaped. So this video is how I’d have liked it to sound in the OM, plus I never mucked up the outro.

As for the song, it is one I have played at OMs before. It became a favourite after I stumbled over Justin’s lesson. That despite having listened to After the Goldrush (the album on which it was first released) many times.

I am generally making progress at getting back into playing, but the video just made me more aware of how much further I have to go to regain the level of relaxed playing I had before things were so rudely disrupted by escalating gout.

Anyhow, enough waffle, here’s the song. Hope you enjoy it.


Such a lovely and enjoyable rendition @DavidP ! Love the loose strumming - not loose in time, nono, timing is spot on - I mean the subtle variations in the strumming throughout the song that give it structure.

And funny how different songs connect with us at different times in life isn’t it.

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Great David ,liked it very much :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses:

and how good that you are on your way back…and who cares if things go wrong at an open mic (easy for me to say :roll_eyes:), that gives my kind of people some hope if we ever playing live here :blush:
I’ve been waiting for a video from you for a while now, because of the last words/text in a video of yours I always have a tune in my head… I finally found it and now practice and "just "have to record it :see_no_evil: …time time time flies, but I thought there was plenty of time (good to see i was wrong :sunglasses:) … and now very busy … ha ha exciting :zipper_mouth_face:

Wishing you all the best


@MollyT Thanks Molly. Appreciate the ‘loose’ comment, something I have to work at, feel over stiff and mechanical. And good that timing was OK, loose not sloppy :joy: It is indeed. As I said in a comment at the OM, Love is All Around that Eric performed was one that I somehow connected with when going through a hard time at work and I just played it over and over and over.

@roger_holland Thanks Roger, always so supportive and encouraging. I do appreciate it and glad you enjoyed the song. I do like to think I give people some encouragement to come and play, that messing up and not being a strong intermediate or advanced (from where I sit) player like many at the OM is not required. Actually in many respects, I’d love to see more people progress from AVOYP to OM as part of their learning and improvement. Not necessarily waiting until they are totally ready for live OMs. Of course I also enjoy those materful performances as well. Look forward to your recording in due course. Meanwhile I do have another noodle up my sleeve, just waiting for a suitable Sat to play with that.

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Thanks for sharing David. Enjoyed your performance in last night’s OM and again this morning.

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This is wonderful David, very glad to see you performing. I love the relaxed strumming vibe coupled with your voice. And thank you for your Chris Liepe advice yesterday, very useful! :slightly_smiling_face:

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A very pleasent song :smiley:

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Well played @DavidP !! Sounding great. Keep at that one, it’s a lovely song to sing and play!!


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Morning David,
For me the main difference in this and yesterday’s performance, lies in the sound quality. And yes, you know your way around sound quality and levels more than many here in the Community. However, the essence of live performances is precisely the ‘unpredictability’ and variation. Hopefully good, sometimes disastrous. But as I often say, the beauty is in the cracks, and that’s where interaction occurs. I honestly can’t recall you fluffing the outro, but there you go.
The most important thing is, you’re back in the saddle-
Persistence is the key!
Let’s toast the toastmaster :champagne:



Well played and sung. Very enjoyable.


We really enjoyed your performance last night, but it is certainly easier to control the sound quality outside of a live performance. This sounded great and we are so glad that you are back in the saddle.

Hi David. I couldn’t attend the OM on Saturday and haven’t listened to the recording so can’t compare your sound quality. As you well know, my approach to recording is very basic so your talk of OBS etc is lost on me, but your sound on that video through earbuds was great.
I know we’ve talked about the definition of advanced beginner/early intermediate/intermediate/advanced etc etc in the past. Whatever you want to call yourself I thought that song performance was excellent and I enjoyed it immensely. Your strumming was relaxed, timing seemed spot on, the note picking was accurate and the song was really well sung. What more do you want? :smiley:
I’m pleased you’re getting back to full health again. I’ve missed your AVoYPs and songs from the playground I think you used to call them. Keep on keeping on. :grin:


Hmm… I didn’t notice any any major sound problems nor mucked up outro at the Open Mic. Then again, I really enjoyed your performance yesterday evening and you had me singing along with you the whole time. Might be that I didn’t pay any attention to the details because of that :slightly_smiling_face:

Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better and are getting back into the guitar groove.

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This is the first time I’ve heard this song (not a huge Neil Young fan, although I took a good stab at ‘Old Man’ once upon a time). Hearing you sing it with your ‘soulful strumming’ almost brought tears to my eyes, David. Very well done. You make me want to learn strumming after 5+ years of playing guitar. I’ve put it off for way too long!

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That was great, David! And very lovely sound, for sure. Nice to see that you posted it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Very late night listen Mr P but heck that is sounding good. OBS is great for this type of recording but I am at a loss of why the Zoom interface seem to be completely SNAFU !!
Guitar sounding clean and wonderful tone - play acoustic ? Vocals ? One of you best, relaxed and natural, CL would be proud. Great to see you back on the recording carrousel !
Top job sir, love the bass riff at the end.


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Very nice, David :clap: :smiley:
I sadly missed the OM, completely forgot it was coming up! :confounded: Serves me right for not being as vigilant on the forum as I should be :joy: But thank you for posting this rendition and I look forward to seeing the OM performance when I catch up with the recording :slight_smile:

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Lovely rendition David. Been a while since I’ve heard you play, so that was a great resumption.
Clean, crisp, melodic, balanced, and great vocals :+1:

Cheers, Shane

@Willsie Thanks John, appreciate it.

@Boris1565 Thanks Boris, not yet at the level of relaxation where I was, but I’ll get there. Chris Liepe was such a game changer for me and a few others here.

@MacOneill Thanks Deborah, glad you liked it and appreciate your listen and comment.

@jgottwals Thanks Jeremy, I will, I just love thew rhythm and good practice on a couple of chord changes/fingerings I find awkward.

@brianlarsen Thanks Brian. You are spot on, this is how I want to sound when performing or recording from the Playroom. And I do like playing live, accepting the variability, and over time can become more relaxed and focus a little more on the entertaining side and not worrting about the performance an making noticeable mistakes. Cheers :clinking_glasses:

@beejay56 Thanks Brian, glad you enjoyed it, aprpeciate the listen and comment

@TheCluelessLuthier Thanks Mark. You are right but what is annoying is that it was all working so well before my extended absence. And as I said in the after-party, no idea what has changed in Zoom, OBS, or both that it is now not behaving as it did. Glad you enjoyed it.

@sairfingers Thanks Gordon. Missed you there, next time. I know and lots to be said for the super straightforward approach. But I do like the engineering and production side of things as much as the playing and performing. I suppose I am that generalist, the proverbial Jack of all Trades, but master of none. But as you say, I don’t want much more. Sure, would love to be able to play and sing Wonderwall, finger pick some of those Dylan classics, and may never put in enough practice time to get there. But am content at (as CT might say) my strum a dum dum cowboy chord performances, with the odd embellishment thrown in. And yes, Songs from the Playroom (not the Wood) was that series of recording which were superceded by the virtual OMs once we started those up.

@JokuMuu Thanks Nicole, missed you performing in the OM, yours are always such a joy. From a sound perspective, there isn’t a lot of difference, and am not suggesting it was bad in the OM. But I do a few things in OBS that I think add some gloss and polish, at least I think so. Singing along is the ultimate compliment.

@wiredforsound Thanks Kevin. Oh my, now that appreciation can almost bring a tear to my eye. I feel that emotion when I play the song and for you to feel it too is such a wonderful compliment. I shan’t try and persuade you to listen to more Neil Young, and Old Man is a great song but not at all easy. I don’t even dare to dream of playing that.

@mari Thanks Mari, perhaps my highlight was seeing you again, you could have played anything. Glad you enjoyed it.

@TheMadman_tobyjenner Thanks Toby. Yeah, I’m pretty happy with the setup. Guitar and vocal both through the PA. I make use of Fx but try and do it so that it all sounds better than without but with a light touch so not obvious. The tirck in OBS is to double the guitar, apply a little Haas Effect for extra width and fullness, which I think works well. I was chuffed with the little bass riff to open and close, super simple walk from the G to C but I think it fitted well as an alternative to those three down strums on the G7. As for the OBS-Zoom connection, it does seem FUBAR and SNAFU.

@nzmetal Thanks Jeff. Miss your wit and of course rocking out in the OMs. Hope life is settling and we’ll see you there again soon.

@sclay Thanks Shane. And it has been a while since I played regularly and performed. But I did play at the previous OM as well, though didn’t repost the rehearsal recording in AVOYP. Maybe I will now after the feedback I got in the OM after-party. Glad you enjoyed it.


David l, I think this is meant for @NicoleKKB ? :nerd_face:

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