NGD (used)

Step away from the kitty !

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'cos I didnā€™t nick it? :open_mouth:

Cheers @Richard_close2u sorted. And Iā€™m having fun :smiley:

things seem stable and youā€™ll forgive me if I donā€™t do the experiment :wink:

thanks Mari, although this was not my chosen colour. (itā€™s ā€˜sea-greenā€™ btw) My 'Daphne blue one has faded nicely to a dirty grey I like and no doubt this will fade too, as itā€™s kept in the window bay :smiley:

ā€˜Setting upā€™ is a bit of a stretch, but it did please me that I was able give it a good once-over looking for the main points that I would have been clueless about a couple of years ago :smiley:

Thereā€™s always a ā€˜trendā€™ :laughing: Iā€™ll wheel it out at the OM at the latest :smiley:

You remind me of when I was sent out to the Outback in Australia as a junior doctor and had to undertake postpartum ā€˜repairsā€™ without previous experience. An experience I, and Iā€™m sure the poor mothers even more, would prefer to forget :roll_eyes:

Mange tak min ven :smiley:
But then again, we know everything looks good on me (even fat Blues bros. :rofl:)

Cheers Robert, I had forgotten you ā€˜own stockā€™ in that company :rofl:


Just yoink it a bit.

When Iā€™ve tried standard teles in store they all come off

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Happy NGD, Brian :partying_face::bouquet::guitar:!!
Enjoy the honeymoon time with your new guitar :heart_eyes:. Iā€™m already curious to hear you playing it :smiley:.
I wish you lots of fun with it :star_struck:.

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Happy NGD Brian. Sorry to read that the Thomann one didnā€™t work out but that is a pretty sexy lady you have there.

Also, welcome to the G&L Tele Club. Two members strong so far and both off a Richard recommendation.

Nice price as well, especially that extra Ā£30 off. Sweet!

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Are you talking about the rubber ā€˜nippleā€™ or the whole switch? :thinking:

Vielen Dank, @NicoleKKB :smiley:
I actually prefer the German ā€˜High-timeā€™ over Honeymoon or lune de miel :wink:

Who else? :thinking:
I was happy with @Richard_close2uā€™s recommendation for my first leccy too, the Hagstrƶm Viking, although a large part of that was for the looks and name/heritage. I tell myself this one is for a more comfortable play, with improved sound and pleasing controls.
We should call ourselves the Terrible Tele Tubbies for our next performance :laughing:
If I bring my amp, weā€™ll sound Boss too! :roll_eyes:


:rofl: :rofl: What a great name. Surely for that weā€™ll need outfits? :smiley:

Me but other members are welcome also. :smiley:

Iā€™ve got the stuffing sorted out- Just need a stretchy fleece and a ā€˜thingā€™ on my head :rofl:
Goodness, for some reason I had it in mind you had a Squier. Goes to show I was focusing more on your amp than axe :wink:

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From now I see you a little like this :grin:

I rarely laughed so hard when this came out ā€¦Bart de Graaff


Just the plastic bitā€¦

Why did I even ask :rofl: Well, really just to test a theory. Itā€™s said that Leo Fender perfected his vision of what his guitars should be at G&L. So I was wondering if he considered the fact the plastic knob falls off the pickup selector on Teles as a flaw or a feature :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




Because guitar enthusiasts are some of the saddest sods in the evolutionary pondā€¦
nevertheless, I did the experiment just now and pulled the knob (firm enough not to fall off unless youā€™re ā€˜windmillingā€™)
In the pic you can see that Leo did indeed improve the design, whilst keeping traditionalists happy:
Itā€™s a cross-shaped slot underneath with a wide (loose) and narrow (tight) option.
Oh my, such attention to detail :rofl:


Just out of curiosity. Why would you want your knob to fly off?

Oh no! Iā€™ve been drawn in.


Hey, Iā€™ve got gills, legs AND a tail! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for the experiment, looks like Leo did fix it!

I dunno, why would you want your knob to fly off? :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: Iā€™ve been racking my brain, JK but alas I have no answer.


I guess you werenā€™t counting me, since mine wasnā€™t from a Richard recommendation.


Sorry Alan, no snub intended.

Maybe we should have a, ā€œshow us your teleā€ thread.

I want a red and a purple one too.

Right on, bro!
I had forgotten your G&L service thread :roll_eyes:
Iā€™m suspecting there may be another one or two G&Ls in the nearly quarter of a million community members out there :rofl: Apart from the shape, they are two different beasts. Yours is probably a higher quality build, made in the US with a different bridge and pickups?
Did you ever get around to trying out the MFD pups? If so, what did you think?
Cheers B

I have a G&L Legacy Tribute. But thatā€™s a Strat-style, guitar not a Tele style one.



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Not yet. Been waiting for the next string change which will be coming up soon. I will report back when Iā€™ve get them in.