Onboarding is this genuine?

I havenā€™t experienced that.

Justinā€™s site is a bit of a choose your own adventure. There are many ways to get to where you are going. Many different tools to choose from. This one I imagine would be most useful for those not sure where to start or people who are feeling a bit lost.

I wouldnā€™t treat it as some super computer designed to accurately measure your skill level.

In saying that, it has been my long-time suspicion on this site that the grade people think they are at is often higher than their actual skill level.


As yet just the one and introducing me to someone I came across a decade ago. And reaffirming where I should start, ie go backwards doh. Awaiting a reply to the mail I sent back.

I also got one on get to know your dashboard and one on is it really free.

Hi ,
I have also had a few, and also the very first one where Justin introduces himself after you register, although this has been adjustedā€¦

Why Trust Me As Your Mentor?

There must be a creepy Gremlins in the system somewhere :blush:ā€¦ I donā€™t mind, but when it gets into my stairlift I get very scared, :flushed: now I think about it for the first time in the summer. Normally only at Christmasā€¦ :see_no_evil:
If I had a quarter, how many times would I have thought about that in the first years since the elevator was installed? :rofl:

Stairway To Heaven

Mrs Deagleā€™s Stair Lift

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Exactly this! To apply something consistently it requires a lot of playing, whether you do it alone in your living-room or youā€™re lucky to share it with other people. For me the amount of playing to be able to say a skill is really consolidated is bigā€¦itā€™s a lot of time requiredā€¦fun time :wink:

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I am at the start of Grade 2 and the onboarding tool suggested I go back to 1 to just review some basics. I did that and Iā€™m glad I did. In the app there are quite a few new lessons that were not there when I first went through it.

Getting more and more spam emails since completing the waterboarding ā€œsurveyā€. Now being told it would be a good idea to join the Community, having been here for 10 years. What the heck is going on @JGAdmin ??

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Itā€™s not just the waterboarding survey. I didnā€™t take the survey and James told me how to get ride of it.

The news letter used to come once a month. Iā€™ve gotten 7 since April 30th. Thatā€™s 7 in 22 days @FannyJustinGuitar I used to enjoy Justinā€™s Monthly New letters but they are becoming spam and the only option on the website is not receive the Monthly News letter so how do I get rid of the spam.


@roger_holland @TheMadman_tobyjenner @stitch I was thinking maybe the number of subscribers to JG website has been increasing much lately to explain Justin introducing himself and some extra publicityā€¦and this would be very good if it is like this :blush: I think this is not something that will happen every monthā€¦I donā€™t really mind, Iā€™m used to quickly go through and delete the e-mail Iā€™m not interested inā€¦but Iā€™m quite fond of the mothly Newsletter too and I donā€™t want to risk to delete that too in my fast downscrolling!

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Got another one this evening about PMT subscription, which I already have a Lifetime purchase offering me a discounted Lifetime Access. Seems like the emails are scattergun and zero filtering. Beginning to be irritating, I know you tagged @FannyJustinGuitar Rick but donā€™t thinks she should be getting all the flak on this or fielding all the contacts. @JustinGuitar whatā€™s happening man, way too many mails for stuff folks already have. :angry:

they send it to all subscribers , they do not filter if you already paid or not
Thereā€™s more communication lately via mail

Exactly my point Deborah, next Iā€™ll get asked the buy Master The Major Scale and Blues Rhythm 1 & 2 which I purchased years ago, just doing a dump of everyone on the list is not only lazy but will start to grind !

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probably :sweat_smile:

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@TheMadman_tobyjenner do you want to buy Master the Major Scale and Blues Rhythm 1 & 2?


Again ? No happy with the ones I bought !

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Hi everyone,

I recognize that the increase in email frequency can be bothersome, and we apologize if any of you received irrelevant emails.

Iā€™m taking note of everything mentioned on this thread, and we will discuss this as a team and explore solutions and ways to improve (perhaps incorporating preferences for the types of emails youā€™d like to receive or maybe posting the newsletter on Community if you want to turn your emails off temporarily? but Iā€™m not sure what is possible or how we will approach this yet)

Please bear with usā€”weā€™re juggling many projects at the moment, but we value your input and want you all to be happy and to have an equally good experience!!



To add to the conversation, Iā€™d like to say that I noticed a positive improvement into the communication strategy during the past few months. I definitely prefer the current communication compared to the previous strategy of one newsletter per month.

Overall, I find interesting to have more frequent news about the website. Yes, there are some irrelevant emails from time to time, but it takes a few seconds to delete them. And, being a small team, I know that you do your best with the resources that you have.

So, congratulation on your good job of keeping us informed :slight_smile:


FAO everyone

re emails

In addition to Fannyā€™s post here @larynejg has also messaged the team with this message:

Written as a quote but it is in fact paraphrased, not an exact quotation ā€¦

ā€¦ the new onboarding emails should have been sent to new users only. Iā€™m sorry that didnā€™t happen. Existing users just needed to be tagged with their current grades. :frowning: My bad! Itā€™s too late now to avoid the issue for the users who already got them. We will take steps to let people choose what kind of communication they want to receive from us, and improve our Email Preferences. I will add that to the backlog of work with high priority for after the Blues Immersion release.


Hi Laryne and team,

This is how I feel about it,

Donā€™t Worry :wink: :sunglasses:
