Onboarding is this genuine?

It would be good if it did more of a gap analysis e.g. based on your response recommend you check out these specific lessons/grades/courses.

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Youā€™re right Toby

The whole thing is ill thought out. Quiz? Thatā€™s something where you may or may not know the answer. These are simply poorly formatted questions with no bearing/reference on/to the modules/grades etc that the user has completed.

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Iā€™m sure I read one of your posts a while ago saying that you were going to get stuck into the lessons again? If so, nowā€™s a good time to get onboard :smiley:

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True Gordon but I guess if you are just starting out you donā€™t know what you donā€™t know.
And little about modules or grades or if they even exist. Maybe @FannyJustinGuitar called it right this time.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I obviously know too much so Orwell directed me back to the start of G3 !


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I canā€™t take the quiz on my tablet, because the menu from the bottom of the page completely covers the answer choices, and I canā€™t get it to go away. Iā€™ll try later on my regular computer, but this isnā€™t helpful.

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Thanks. I use Android (tablet and phone) but that worked.

Hi Fanny, I just had a go at the onboarding survey. Unfortunately it doesnā€™t work well on my mobile device, I canā€™t see the orange button at the end of each question. The bottom part of the webpage seems to overlay the onboard questions making it impossible to move on.
A good idea for newbieā€™s maybe.

I can not take the quiz. Most of it I canā€™t see. Having the same problem as markr31. I am on an android phone and no matter what I do. Canā€™t see all the boxes in the fields. Iā€™m not too worried about it though, I know my route and where Iā€™m going and what grade I am at.

Rock on!

Pull down the browser menu. Choose ā€œdesktop site.ā€ That fixes the problem.


:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:(had to be 5 characters or the site wouldnā€™t accept it.):smiley:

When opening the Onboarding quiz on an iPhone 11 the questions are partially hidden by the websiteā€™s footer making it impossible to do the quiz.

@Richard_close2u @DavidP
One to merge with the main onboarding thread.

It says Iā€™m Grade 2 :sweat_smile: Happy with my response, I perceive my foundations are not strong enough andā€¦Iā€™m not interested in power chords at the moment or the picking techniques (plectrum), but there are important lessons that I have skipped and I need to find sometime for them. In the e-mail it also says not to hesitate to explore the exta wealth of resources on the website so itā€™s a double :sweat_smile:

Aha!!! Thank you!
After that I could take the quiz. And yepp, it seems to be accurate enough. Iā€™m in grade 3 material and it says grade 3. Just like I knew!! :grin:

I like this desktop view better!!! Oh yeah, gonna keep this setting. Learn something new every day!

Rock on!

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I am currently in Grade 2. Started in April with JG course. After finishing the onboarding questions a got an email saying I can start with Grade 4. Itā€™ a little too fast. I think itā€™s better to finish 2 and 3 before starting with Grade 4, or can one skip a grade to start with another, advenced, Grade?

Iā€™ve been playing for nearly eight years. I know Iā€™m not nearly as good as I should be after this long, but the onboarding quiz told me I was grade 3. I canā€™t imagine itā€™s a good idea for you to jump to grade 4 after a month. Iā€™m pretty skeptical about how accurate it is.

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I guess it all depends on how accurate the responses provided are as thereā€™s a difference between knowing something and applying it consistently :ok_hand:

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Hi @eduard09, I suspect the onboarding quiz is simply a decision tree based on responses to questions. When I took the quiz, there were questions I wasnā€™t sure how to answer - what to say about skills Iā€™ve been exposed to and have practiced, but donā€™t feel Iā€™ve mastered? Anyway, Iā€™m no expert (currently hovering between grades 2 and 3), but I do agree with your logic of finishing Grades 2 and 3 before moving on to Grade 4. If much of the content is review - great! It wonā€™t take you long to progress. (Which you would already have experienced, of courseā€¦itā€™s taken you less than 2 months to get to Grade 2 :wink:) And based on past comments from others here, there are always little tips to pick up even with skills you already know.

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I donā€™t know if it is accurate but I will continue with Grade 2 and 3 before starting Grade 4. I must say that I played guitar 60 years ago and still play the piano, practice between 30 and 45 minutes every day so playing the guitar is not something totaly new for me.

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