Onboarding is this genuine?

To add to the conversation, I’d like to say that I noticed a positive improvement into the communication strategy during the past few months. I definitely prefer the current communication compared to the previous strategy of one newsletter per month.

Overall, I find interesting to have more frequent news about the website. Yes, there are some irrelevant emails from time to time, but it takes a few seconds to delete them. And, being a small team, I know that you do your best with the resources that you have.

So, congratulation on your good job of keeping us informed :slight_smile:


FAO everyone

re emails

In addition to Fanny’s post here @larynejg has also messaged the team with this message:

Written as a quote but it is in fact paraphrased, not an exact quotation …

… the new onboarding emails should have been sent to new users only. I’m sorry that didn’t happen. Existing users just needed to be tagged with their current grades. :frowning: My bad! It’s too late now to avoid the issue for the users who already got them. We will take steps to let people choose what kind of communication they want to receive from us, and improve our Email Preferences. I will add that to the backlog of work with high priority for after the Blues Immersion release.


Hi Laryne and team,

This is how I feel about it,

Don’t Worry :wink: :sunglasses:
