One take attempt at Blues improvisation ( Module 13 )

Only second attempt to record a video ( first was 40 seconds or so regarding my travel guitar ) possibly this should be in the beginners safe space above…

Backing track maybe a bit loud, Just used phone to record so possibly not the best sound.

Need to clip start and end a little…


Good start, Geoff.

I think recording is fine where it is and quite ok in terms of recording quality and balance between lead and backing.

It the licks and lines you played had a bluesy feel and sound. I think you did quite well to follow the progression. I liked the tone.

To single out one area to work on to improve, it would be to not over-play. Think about your improv like somebody speaking. You need to take a breath and pause for effect every now and then.


Hey Geoff,

As @DavidP says that was a good start and you did well following the progression. I’m just starting to get into blues soloing and lead playing so not much valuable tips I can give you. One thing that came to my mind would be maybe to use the pinky for the passing notes played on the 8th fret to give it some action.

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Hi Geoff,
What a start of your blues road :sunglasses: :clap:
Halfway through you had already earned my thumbs up and I am not going to add anything else to what has been said and just keep in my own mind/ ears David’s advice that taking a break/ breath in between is a good thing :blush: …for the listener … :smile: (although I know many long consecutive solos but those climaxes at the end of a song played by professionals etc )

Good job and a lot too like …keep on going :sunglasses:

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Noted. I think Justin said something similar about breathing space for the listener.


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Squier Classic Vibe 50’s Telecaster through a 40 year old transistor 20 watt amp with a bit of gain on the pre amp.

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@roger_holland @Socio


Hey Geoff,

Good stuff mate. You’re on the right path.

You had that nice little motif going that locks in the listener, with some cruisy phrasing; then venturing out a bit with some contrasting little flurries here and there, then back home. Thats the framework you want. Sure, some more breathing room here and there, but I reckon everyong overplays when starting out. Just part of the process.

Keep going mate.

Cheers, Shane

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I enjoyed listening to this, well done :smiley:

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Pondering on moving on to module 14, but need a bit more work on the 7th chords.

As in another thread, 3 months on module 13 after 6 on module 12 as was enjoying so much.

Slow and steady leading perhaps to less time in consolidation…


Good start Geoff. There is not one of us who played something rather like this when taking our first steps in blues improv using minor pentatonic. You’re doing things right. All the advice I could possibly offer is here.


Hi Geoff, I’m currently working on the same module, and the blues improv is a real challenge for me.
So, congratulations on posting your really nice version :+1::clap:.

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Took a while ( 3months )…

Maybe you could pose a question for the community if there is a specific area you are finding difficult, or possibly reply here with a video…:grin:

Constructive comment is always good…

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Nice and bluesy Geoff and your playing and backing sounded okay together. Only thing I would change would be a little more grunt in the guitar tone.

I know some people who just don’t pause for a breath when they are speaking. :smiley:


Me too, Stefan, and I stop listening and switch off pretty quickly :rofl:


Sounding good for your first Blues steps Geoff. Lots of good advice offered so far, especially in the respect for providing rest and space. I think as Richard said we all start of down a similar path, trying to cram in as much as possible before learning that “less is more” is the way to go. That will come in time. Just experiment and see what develops, don’t be afraid of space. That a sustain are best buddies !


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I’ve just started about a week ago. So I think, what I need most, is practice, practice, and practice :innocent:.

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Plus maybe a little more gain…

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Good share Geoff. Some great advice here already. Welcome to playing blues, keep at it and keep building those skills.

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Excellent! I was bobbing my head along to the groove. Keep working at it.

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