Open Mic 008 - Call for interest

Sounds great Kevin you still have plenty of time to prepare something for our next OM, hope you had a blast with your band :wink:

A timely reminder Adi ! I had 2 songs lined up but have gone through 2 weeks of barely playing let alone practicing and mojo at rock bottom, so I guess I need to start getting my stuff together.

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Toby with your experience and skill I am sure you will knock off a fantastic show in 3 weeks! And with mojo you know how it is - it can appear suddenly out of nowhere! Perhaps a bit of noodling can bring the spirit of playa back alive? :wink:

There is quite a big possibility that im off to work that day Adrien.
But keep me on the list, and i will let you know as soon as possible if i have to bail out…

Thanks Adrian.

I’ll stick to a single song. Life has also been busy, limiting practice, and I am not making progress as swiftly as I’d like on the song I am adding to my camp-fire repertoire, to get it to what I consider to be performance level ie medium probability of small, hopefully not that obvious clams :grin:

Agree with you on the timing for those out west, let’s what for feedback on timing from those further east than +2

Hi Adi, while since I was active in the chat, sorry for that. Just wanted to confirm the 21st May is good for me, should I be thinking about 1 or 2 songs ? cheers

Hi Eric, yes 21st May is the day. As for songs my suggestion is simple - the more the merrier :blush: just let me know so I can update the list and guesstimate how much the whole event will take to accommodate people in more distant time zones :wink: all the best

Hello I’d like to sign up for the audience please:) UTC+1

All done Nancy :slight_smile:

Hi Adi, thanks for the guidance. It will be my first open mic but in for a penny in a for a pound, I will have a go at 2 songs. Don’t worry they will not be 1970 prog rock 10 minute epics, just regular 2 to 3 minute songs.


Hey there,
my, admittedly fairly low, resistance has been broken by gentle and funny peer pressure. So, I’d love to sign up for the open mic night as performer. One song, that should be plenty to put me and especially the audience at their pain threshold. :smile:
I am UTC +2


Now there is no excuses not to attend :smile: jokes aside that is the spirit I love to see in people just starting they journey with the Community! :heart:

Hello Adi, Count me in for 2 songs. Committing to a vocal in public so i can’t back out. Peer pressure can be good at times.

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That’s fantastic John, good to see another person committing to two songs! :grinning:

It may have been published and I’ve missed it, if so, sorry.

What time is the OM?

Hi Maggie it will be posted in the first comment eventually, at the moment still TBC will have to discuss with some fellow organisers and attendees what approach they think is best. :slight_smile:

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Dear All @DavidP @tRONd @sclay @KevinKevan @liaty @R.F.W @Jozsef @Rod58 @TheMadman_tobyjenner (limit 10 ppl per post mentioned mods so need to put a separate comment) and audience members:

I have thought about few options how we can tackle big time difference issue and here are a few options. I think the whole event will as usual last around 2 hours since Brian still hasn’t volunteered to perform so no story telling this time :joy:

Option 1 - start at 7pm and finish around 9pm for UTC+1, means last slots for UTC+10 are 6am or first slots 4am (sic!) @jkahn @sclay for me that is probably not something I could do but happy for you guys to prove me wrong :joy:

Option 2 move start an hour (or two) later and perhaps have a half an hour-hour recess in the middle, this pushes end to 10-11pm or 12am with recess which makes it 7-9am to UTC+10. How are rest of Europeans and people in zones UTC+1 and +2 looking at performing so late in the day? From my point of view I go asleep late so I don’t mind but I want everyone to share their thoughts.

Option 3 start time 12pm UTC+1 time which means start at 9pm for UTC+10 first slots and finish 2pm UTC+1 and last slots for UTC-5 zone around 9am local time. I know this might not work for some who run their errands on Saturday afternoons but perhaps it could work?

If you could let me know options that are good with you and perhaps some additional insights or thoughts that would be great :wink:


@SgtColon @grayal @jkahn @Mari63 @TheCluelessLuthier @eric.lennon @iainism @Mann_und_Mouse @John_in_Dot see above

Edit. From my end as I have to pick an option too it would be numero 2 :slight_smile:

Hey @adi_mrok, my preference is Option 2 or 3. The 1 hour difference in Option 2 would make plenty of difference. Being one of the two in UTC+10!

Option 1 is hard, but don’t feel you have to inconvenience the group for the few.

I’m often an early to rise and late to bed type (yes you read that right, usually up before 6am and in bed at 11pm). So don’t mind too much stretching it either side.

Being in the UTC+10 timeslot, I don’t mind leaving it as it is. ie Option 1.

There may be some merit however in the Option 2 framework, with say an 8:30 pm local start, without any break. This would put UTC +10s etc with a 5:30am start, to perhaps play around 7am if preferable. It would also allow a 10:30 pm finish for locals.

Cheers, Shane

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