Open Mic 008 - Call for interest

i’m good with any of the options, and apparently i am in UTC -4 this time of year.

I’m happy with any of the options.

I definitely think that keeping the event as one is the way forward so if we need to cycle between morning/afternoon/evening start, that’s fine by me….

From an organisational point of view, I guess option 2 would be the least disruptive?

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Assuming I get my “stuff” together I am happy to go with the flow. A later UTC+2 start is no real issue for me and if we put the folk out in Oz and out East at the end of the show, it makes it a bit more reasonable for them.

Planning a Mojo hunt later today, so will see what falls out the tree. Still hoping for a couple of songs but will let you know either way as the clock runs down.



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I think options 1 or 3 would be better for me but I’m happy to go with the flow.

@adi_mrok can you add me to the audience. Our slot at the festival we’re playing is 4-5pm so there is an outside chance I’ll get back to at least catch some of it ( depending on option taken). Cheers

No problem Jason :slight_smile:

Hi Adi,

Options 1 or 2 would be the best for me.

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Option 1 or 2 are fine for us. Option 3 might not be doable, it might be early for singing. That would be okay though, I’d be happy to join the audience.

For Option 3 start time, if 12 noon is UTC +1 then 11 am is UTC, so UTC -4, my time, would be 7 am. Did I calculate that correctly?

Option 1 or 3 work for me. Participation and attendance in option 2 would depend on how late you move it out and the intermission.

I still think an option 4 to run two shorter events to make the timing convenient for everybody is more viable given the number of people wanting to be in the audience and play.

But quite OK to go with the general consensus and fit in as best as I can.

Spot on, Mari.

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I am equally ok with all options , probably because I am equally confused by them all :smiley:

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Can you confirm the date for the open mic.

If its the 21st May, then its not possible for me to play.

I would like to step forward to play 1 song, I have to admit I am nervous even signing up, but in the end I think it will be a great experience. Option 1 or 2 is better for me.

Time differences have always been a challenge. having moved to the US from England.

I did find a website where you can add different locations and see what time it is at each of the locations.

Also wondered whether the community profile could list your UTC, as it is probably in the settings that we entered when we signed up. Seeing as people here know people to help with these things.


Wonderful news Phil I will add you to the list shortly. :slight_smile: and I agree would be helpful if in my profile section we would have an option to list each user timezone would save some time overall :smile:

Hi Rob yes it is 21st May unfortunately, understood as we know life gets in our way from time to time but there will definitely be a next time for you to perform :wink:

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Remember this pinnned topic for timezones:


Don’t mean to creat extra work but can you list the 3 options again with just start and end times in UTC?

Sure no problem:

Option 1 - start 6pm UTC finish approx 8pm UTC
Option 2 - start 8pm UTC finish approx 10pm UTC
Option 3 - start 11am UTC finish approx 1pm UTC

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I don’t know if I will actually be able to attend until nearer the time, but can I please be added to the audience so if I can make it I will have the details.

Name: Emma
Username: VirtualM
Timezone: UTC+1

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No worries all done :blush: