Open Mic 08: Recording + After-Show Chat

Great post Trond, and thanks again for the support mate. Lots of very enjoyable performances, and congratulations to the other debutants.
Very glad I had the opportunity to make my debut. I wish now that I’d stayed around for the after show, but to be honest, I felt physically ill after my performance. Was feeling very despondent after having to start the song again, and flubbed a few times. Literally felt like my hands turned to concrete when I started playing. Having watched the recording since though, it wasnt nearly as bad as I thought.
So the sky didnt actually fall in, the dummy is now back in the mouth, and it was a tremendously valuable experience moving forward.
So for anyone thinking about it, go for it!

Cheers, Shane


Ahh… wished you stayed Shane…
But hey, seems like you realized that the performance you did were smashing… please give it another go. I too was so nervous and shaken on the first one. 2nd… still a bit nervous and shaken of course. But not even close to what i felt 1st time.
In fact. What you tell me is excatly how i felt… but when you look at it in the rearview mirror its not even close to being that bad you thought it were yourself.
Keep it up Shane and please join in next time. Looking forward to your next one :grin:



Appreciate the nod, Trond, but truthfully all I did was show up on the night to run the soundchecks, introduce the event, performers and close, and every now and then let the next performer know when they were next up.

And as I’ve said before, it really is not a big deal, not something I want to keep for myself, and would love other members to put their hand up and run the show on the night.


Glad you reached the appropriate conclusions, Shane. And everything you are saying, is exactly what Adrian was saying afterwards. However well we may perform, I think almost everybody would recognise moments in their performance that they have done better in practice and rehearsal. The trick is to accept that and with experience learn to play through any flubs. Note the key word is ‘experience’.

We all continue to grow as performers through every experience. Some of us have grown beyond becoming comfortable performers to become entertainers.

So celebrate this first, it is one more memorable milestone, and know that like everything guitar, the more you practice and perform the more comfortable and confident you will become and your performance was memorable last night, great groove and vocal. Celebrate!


Great night folks, sad I couldn’t stay for the after chat.
One thing I noticed in comparison to the other OM I was in, is I was a lot more self aware of the performance and did more of an effort to enjoy it, thinking of it as a performance to myself rather than to others.
Not that it matters cause my internet decided to wreck lots of parts but still :sweat_smile:
The point is, the more you do it, the more comfortable you are and the more things you learn about yourself as an artist/musician/performer.



Could not agreed more Kevin. 100% the same thing i experienced :+1:

Crackin performance by the way!! Awsome as always :fire:


That was a great experience. Thanks to everyone. So many good performers, from newbies to some insanely good pro level shredding and singing.


Same here JK, you included, I’m so happy I could stay for the whole thing.
Great people running the event, great performers and a great vibe.


Looking forward to watching the show.


Yes It was a great experience, that I am grateful that you gave me. Being part of this community has pushed me beyond my greatest expectations. I would definitely participate again. As a newbie it was a very welcoming environment and I encourage any one to try it. Whatever level you are at, it was also inspirational to see where folks have got to that started on this same journey. Justin’s lessons are great and their effect is multiplied by this community.


Looking forward to the recording, sound like it all went down well, congrats everyone!


Maybe you can play at the next one @Notter?


It’s on the record in my learning log as a goal for this year @jkahn , so if the date on the next one fits then, gulp, yeah I’ll go for it!


@Notter see my latest post !! :sunglasses:Open Mic 009 - Call For Interest


Its out there now Mark :rofl::+1::raised_hands:t2:


Saw it as soon as I’d typed that reply to JK and did a facepalm!!
Will check both of those dates and post up on your thread @TheMadman_tobyjenner . Cheers!


:joy: sure is @tRONd , what’s typed cannot be un-typed!

How did you find it on your side. Looking forward to checking out your slot from last night!


I did the same thing Mark. Posted it in my log, gave myself a loose time perspective as before 2022 ended.
Just do it Mark. You will not regret and the outcome is quite a thing regarding building up confidence. Seen your playin. Its great so you will kill it… no problem :+1:
Yeah. Take a look at the OM8 when you have time and its released. There is a couple of mindblowing performances and a very high overall quality on the performances.
You inspired me to play standing up by the way… your last take were you stood up were cool, decided to go for it myself this time. So thanks!


Wow that’s some compliment to give and receive @tRONd , thank you!

I can imagine the rewarding feeling from it as well as the nerves! But of course I know the support everyone would give. I’ll be on it :+1:


What a a great night it was with fantastic performances. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay for the after party chat.

Thank you @adi_mrok and @DavidP for organising it and running it. It is really appreciated.

Anyone who hasn’t done it, I would say give it a whirl. Everyone is very supportive, regardless of your level. We all know what it takes to get to where you’ve got, so don’t be afraid. Like Nike said, “Just do it!”


Thanks Trond, went a lot better than I expected given my practice time.

You, my friend, were awesome. It’s very easy to get transported to another place listening to you!