Open Mic 20 : Recording & After-Show Chat

Great to see, and congrats to everyone and thanks to everyone that makes these work​:+1::+1:.

Few mentions, @twistor59 Phil, you talked it down but what a great sound had me locked in all the way​:+1: and don’t think I didn’t notice towards the end what sounded so very close to the Top Gun riff​:thinking::+1: :joy:.
@Charlie_James Dale, great to see some looping again, and hats off to be able to manipulate that many pedals, play and sing all together, good work :+1:
@TheCluelessLuthier Mark & Jen, entertaining as always, thoroughly enjoyed it and looking at all the instruments :joy::+1:


Thanks to all the organizers and the performers - I really enjoyed the event. Definetely yet an other highlight of the community :smiley:


Hi JK, the name of the song was: Travailler C’est Trop Dur.


Aint that the truth ! :rofl:


Well that was an extremely enjoyable watch, very well done to you all for taking part. Some terrific performances in there. Hopefully there will be another before Christmas :ok_hand:


Just caught up on OM XX; a superb show. Sadly, I was AWOL last night because I had unwittingly double-booked with Jools Holland and his R&B Band, which had been booked by “the boss”, earlier in the year.

As ever, a great OM variety of acts … and a big :mega: shout-out :mega: to all of you who walked all over those pesky “Gremlins”; that had the audacity to walk onto your set. It’s been said further up this thread already, but +1 to everyone for allowing them to be kept in the edit: this will only serve to encourage others to step up and have a go.

Talking of editorial: thanks to @brianlarsen for hosting; your calmness dealt with those few “gremlins” wonderfully. As ever, thanks to all those “behind the curtain”, pulling all the levers that make it all happen.

I don’t know everyone’s names yet. I never (ever) forget a face, but shamefully names I have never been good at: so forgive me for not highlighting any of the performances, for fear of missing someone out being perceived as a negative. Safe to say that I have sat through the whole show and enjoyed every minute.

So, roll on OM XXI, Dec or Jan, and I hope my diary is clear next time ! :sunglasses:


They’ve got some fun ones Jeff.

A cracking riff in the new one Punk’s Dead. A bit too fast for me at the moment…


Man that’s a bummer Travis, I thought I couldn’t see you in the gallery. Make sure you sign up for the next show’s audience and if you you start having issues on the night, let us know via the Audience DM and we will try and solve the issue for you if we can. :sunglasses:

Appreciate that Brian, as I was quickly into the flow but as you say, leaving these things in shows folks what can and does happen. Thanks for sharing Jim’s recording, nice song and you should definitely do it. Given I was not hearing much string bleed from him, it also gave me the opportunity to check out his mic positioning, which one day I’ll get right !

Top job on the hosting Mr Hammer which should not go unacknowledged sir !



Happy 20th OM. What a great night it was. Performances absolutely top drawer, again.

A big thank you to @brianlarsen for hosting, great job. @TheMadman_tobyjenner for keeping the wheels on the party bus turning. @nzmetal for some great camera work and last but not least @jkahn for making everyone look and sound pretty. :clap: :clap:


@Eccleshall You’ve made me a fan of Karine Polwart :star_struck:
I hadn’t heard of her before but looked her up after hearing your cover. So beautiful! :sunflower:


Well done to all the performers, what a great show! Tried to get onto the meeting, but couldn’t get the link (from own fault) and when managed to get in 50 mins late my internet gave up :laughing: well there will be a next time. Again bravo to everyone!


Hi Jasmine,
Thanks very much for the kind comments
Karine’s album called “Scribbled in Chalk” is probably the one to look for first, easy to find on You tube etc


Thanks Ruaridh :smiling_face: :sunflower:

I’ve just caught up on the recording as family commitments prevented me attending the live show.
Wow, what a variety of styles and talent we have here in the Community. Well done to you all, performers and stage hands.
I liked the idea of including the false starts in the recording. Made the whole thing ‘real’.


Have now found time to review the recording, what a range of songs.
The community must be in good shape if it can contain people with such a wide variety of musical interests.
Michael :notes:


Same here, struggling to use one layer and doubting I’ll be able ever to overdub, but my level of hopefulness has increased after this OM.

Hi, last night I finished watching the show recording without having to worry about getting prepared for my song and enjoyed every performance very much. As always a lot of inspiration and lot of roads that can be walked should be needing new challenges to take. And thanks to all the JGC OMs team for their time and effort to keep them running.


Andres, you should think about hosting one.
That way you don’t have to worry about your upcoming song and you can enjoy the whole show in ‘real’ time :laughing:
It’s about time we had a ‘transatlantic’ host anyway :wink:

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Sorry to have missed the live version. Went on a much needed weekend outing. But I finished the recorded video and loved every minute of it.

@brianlarsen I loved your intro tune! “…look and admire and learn and listen”. Great quote, Brian!

Following are the thoughts that came to my mind as I listened through the video.

Throughout the performance; beautiful tones, incredible fingerpicking, lovely harmonies

Very, very good

Excellent song choices.

Such variety. Loved it!

Dale, that harmony-pedal-thingy was pretty cool!!

I loved the family and friends performances. Zachary, good job!

And a HAPPY 20th Edition to all!! :partying_face: :raised_hands: