Open Mic 24 : Recording & After-Show Chat

Thank you :metal:

Thanks a lot, JK :hugs:.
The funny thing is, that I donā€™t drink any alcohol. But the imagination of being on the road with my guitar is very tempting :grin:.


Congratulations to all the Players it really is great to watch these sessions and for me it just like attending a free concert you are all so good. So keep up the good work everyone you are all inspirational. :clap: :clap:


Thanks for posting the link Toby. I inevitably miss a some of the acts, esp. if Chris comes over, as we do a run-through and have a bit of a chat afterwards

Ruaridh, you made me all homesick, playing all that Celtic fiddle with your guitar :smiling_face_with_tear:

Michael, well done on your debutā€¦ Itā€™s all downhill from here :laughing:

Colin, Iā€™m going to have to look up the Springsteen song. Loved it :smiley:

Paul & Mal- Who wouldā€™ve guessed weā€™d have a continuation of the Taylor Swift/Beatles face-off at the OM? :open_mouth:Canā€™t make my mind up who wonā€¦ more everything please

Mark, thereā€™s a jazz setting on the Trio+? You killed it and the guitar sounded like a 12-string

Chris, you messed up again, but I think Brian covered for youā€¦ :rofl:

Nicole, when you said you were going to sing an obscure song by a Dutchman, I braced myself for linguistic gymnastics, but alas no. Good performance and nice to see you settle in as an entertainer. Be careful though: that stuff can kill you

Alexey, Iā€™m not going to repeat anything, as I donā€™t want to inflate your self-esteem too much :laughing: Fingers crossed for your gig.

Andres, so good we had it twice :smiley: Seriously, well done for not being phased by gremlins and carrying on like a pro. Ole!

Tosh, your one-trick-pony is a thoroughbred and becoming a legend :smiley:

As for the clueless Hats in Honolulu brigade, I think you had a margarita or ten too many at Jimmyā€™s buffet. Love you guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Dan, love it when folk share originals, esp. at an OM :smiley: Great stuff. Trust me, Iā€™m a doctor :roll_eyes:

And as for the grand finale, DyeV brought the house down. Twice :open_mouth:Must have heard I love originals. Good luck scoping Robin Hood.

Cheers to all who watched, live or here. Much appreciated. And ta for the shout outs @jkahn and @CD02 :smiley:


Another great OM, thank you to all the performers and everyone who made it happen @DavidP and @TheMadman_tobyjenner it is much appreciated how much you do :smiley:

I loved all the performances :heart_eyes:
@NicoleKKB you are improving so fast! You looked so relaxed and like you really enjoyed playing :star_struck: :cowboy_hat_face:
@MAT1953 awesome debut! :clap:
@Alexeyd ā€¦ wow!

Looking forward to the next show :sunflower: :guitar:


Thanks @TheMadman_tobyjenner and @DavidP for steering the ship for us! It was great fun as always.

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Thanks a lot for your kind words, Jasmine :hugs:.
This song is my absolute favourite to play at the moment. Iā€™m glad, this shined through :blush:.


Cheers JK! A surprisingly enjoyable departure for me but still plenty of oasis songs in the sea :joy::grin:


:joy: itā€™s the very last one on the dial Brian so itā€™s not surprising you havenā€™t found it yet!! :wink:

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I never expected someone to sing in " Bourbine "

We had proof that this is a truly international effort as we listened to a woman from Austria, @NicoleKKB , singing an American Country Western song that was written by a Dutch singer songwriter. :grin:


ā€¦ and, to make it even more international, a Dutch singer songwriter, who lives in Bavaria :grin:.


That was a great Open Mic, enjoyable performances by all. Itā€™s really nice to see such a wide variety of music. I missed one of the performances because I was distracted by something. I had the audio turned down quite low then, and the song was recognizable and sounded good, but when I turned the volume up for a moment I realized the sound quality wasnā€™t working. So @dobleA AndrĆ©s I went and listened to your 2nd take now, so now I can say how much I enjoyed it! You brought great energy to the song, and I especially enjoyed the vocals in Spanish. :slightly_smiling_face:


Alex and Andres, absolutely mesmerizing. Great show, everyone ā€“ Nicole, Brian, Malz and All. Hope everyone here is well. Bruce


@Elixir1253 @Jenndye429 @CD02 @brianlarsen @Avalon426
Apologies to anybody I have missed out.

Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement. and


PS In case any is interested I thought I would add a bit more about the two songs. Both songs come from Lindisfarneā€™s album Fog on the Tyne, which made No 1 in the UK Album Charts in 1972. The first song is Meet me on the Corner, made No 5 in the singles chart and was written by Rod Clements who was part of the original line up and still part of the current line-up. I first heard them perform it live in early 1972 when I was at University, all the top UK bands played on the University circuit then. Seen them quite a few times since at the regular Christmas Concert at the City Hall in Newcastle, not been for a while, but I see they are doing it again this year.

The second song is Together Forever written by Rab Noakes, a well-known Scottish singer songwriter, one of original members of Stealers Wheel I understand. He was not really member of the Lindisfarne. although he played and recorded with them on many occasions, including for this song on the album.


Ah gonna have a watch later today since I couldnā€™t make it once again :confused:
Very thanksful for these recordings as they allow me to enjoy the sessions afterwards


Sorry couldnā€™t make the live session this time but have thoroughly enjoyed watching the video recording.
Well done to you all. A very eclectic mix of songs.


Thanks Brian, I truly appreciate it.

My ā€˜tabā€™ arrangement will be available on Patreon ā€¦ well, maybe one day when I have a Patreon account ā€¦ one of lifeā€™s ā€œround-2-itsā€ :wink:

Finished on a low with my 2nd song, but being my most severe critic, and having thought it through, I have a positive way ahead. (no guitars were harmed during this exercise) ā€¦ :sunglasses:

Blimey, Michael, ā€¦ 1972 ā€¦ :dizzy_face:
I was a fan of some young up-start called David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust era) back then, but did buy Fog on the Tyne a couple of years later in '74.
Well done again on your debut OM, hope to see you back some time soon. :clap:

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ā€¦ and on a new acquisition, a Canadian guitar ā€¦ well, I think it looked like a Seagull ā€¦ :upside_down_face: