Open Mic (not Livestream) 09 December 2023 : After-Show Party & Chat

Thanks from Zach!


Cheers for the positive shout outs- one day Iā€™ll receive praise for my fretwork. In the meantime, Iā€™m happy to join in the ā€˜entertainment ā€™:laughing:
As always, Iā€™m looking forward to enjoy the whole show without the distraction of having to perform.
Cheers again to everyone for providing such precious memories :pray:


Hey All!!

I had to run straight after the close of the show last night but a big thanks and well done to all the performers.

It was my first time seeing one of these OMs live and direct and it was a thoroughly entertaining evening. I have to say how much I love the great positive community vibe here! Itā€™s seems to me to be a pretty special place given all the issues normally associated on-line forum type places. We all deserve a pat on the back for keeping it a positive and uplifting place to play music!!

Thanks again to @Richard_close2u (who never seems to rest!) and, of course, to the host @JustinGuitar for EMCEEing and making it ALL possible. Looking forward to catching the next one and participating one day soon. Have a wonderful holiday season all!!


Thatā€™s also true for me, Jeremy. This community is a very special place. Iā€™m so happy that Iā€™ve found it and can be part of it :smiling_face:.


@Malz @ElleDeeGee

re: One Step Up

Lovely rendition yesterday of a fine song.

I think I first heard it on the album Love Is A Strange Hotel by Clive Gregson and Christine Collister.
Do you know that version or the album at all?

It is well worth a listen. Every song is a goodie.

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Hi Richard, thank you we are pleased you enjoyed our version.
I had not heard of Gregson & Collister prior to you message. Just listened to their version, I enjoyed it and will check out the album. Thanks for the shout out.

Well done everybody. Super performances all round, playing and vocals. Really inspiring and enjoyable evenings entertainment. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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@Jenndye429 I meant to say as well that I thought it was awesome to see your daughter and your friendā€™s daughter in the band. I hope theyā€™re permanent members!!


Thanks Mari! The girls had so much fun and the goal is for all of us to play going forward :grinning:


12 song playlist

Jackson Browne and Del Amitri, excellent so far. Thanks Richard, nice one.

Hey, guys. Is there a recording of yesterdayā€™s OM? Sorry if I have missed any posting of it. Have a good week, all.

Brucie not sure of the timescale on the release but there will be one.


That takes me back!
Great duo, Home and Away was my favourite album of theirs, and also when they were part of the Richard Thompson band - Christine and Richard singing together live was always a treat.

Thereā€™s a young lass from Hull called Katie Spencer you should check out. Proper guitarist. Two albums out, Edge of the Land is the new one. She has a very similar voice to Christine Collister and is very influenced by the music of that period and John Martin, and she was mentored by and a friend of Michael Chapman


Re: the recording

It will have gone to Justin (as host) ā€¦ I am following up

Canā€™t wait, didnā€™t get to see it live :roll_eyes:

Couldnā€™t make the live show, so Iā€™m looking forward to the recording.

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Also. Why does the header say 4th December (not livestream)? Have I missed that and the Christmas livestream bash on the 9th?

Gordon it should have been Livestream No 4 but due to ā€œtech issuesā€ could be streamed, hence (not Livestream) and as Zoom not Streamyard was used, it emulated a normal JGC OM. Hope that helps.

Thanks Toby all clear now. Not 4th but #4.

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