Hi from the Berkshire village in the UK which has been my home for the last 21 years. It’s a fairly quintessential British village with an old church, primary school, a duck pond, cricket pitch, village hall and several pubs: 3 in easy walking distance, two an extended walk, and three others that are probably a short drive away.
As you can imagine, a lot of village life revolves around the pubs, but also the church, village halls, school, and local cricket and kids football teams. There’s a lot of organised events including a couple of outdoor fêtes, a small music festival in the summer, and a couple of parties every Christmas, and a village pantomime which has been put on every two years since 2003 (except for 2020/21 due to the pandemic).
There’s also a nearby country park with beautiful walks around lakes which used to be old quarries, and they hold regular events there too.
I had to dig around for photos, so some of these are quite old. The snow pictures are from a few years ago when it snowed quite heavily in the village. The beautiful old white building is my favourite local pub which is opposite the church, and is actually owned and managed by the church.
As some of you know, I’m actually currently living in Singapore. Currently I’m back in the UK visiting family for Xmas and New Year.