Playgiarism (original-ish 🤣)

Wow, that was really cool! One of the very few songs on the community I’ve hit “play” a second time after finishing a listen. It doesn’t overstay it’s welcome either.

Loved it, quite quirky, loved the percussion as well, it really made it.

As far as plagiarism goes - what’s that saying, good artists copy, great artists steal?

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Ah Brian. Well done, ever the entertainer. I’m trying to work out which Bob Dylan song melody your lyrics could fit into. I’ll also pour a glass and join @DavidP in contemplating the meaning of it all. :smiley:

I enjoyed your vocal and guitar bass/hammer on play but not the annoying ping pong percussion. But what do I know? I dislike some of the Beatles weird backing track ideas. :woozy_face:

Edit: I’ve realised I’ve mentioned Bob Dylan and the Beatles in this post. Now don’t be getting big headed. :joy:


:clap: :clap: I really enjoyed that Brian!

The ping pong ball percussion effect was really interesting and very creative. I also really enjoyed the bridge section. As others have said, you definitely have a talent for lyrics!

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:clap::clap::clap: that was very enjoyable Brian! :thinking:…no…I don’t think I have anything else to say except…I need one of those super cool drumming machine :smiley:

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That was nice, Brian. The ping-pong thing gave it a special drive and I like those “sparkling” chords very much as a contrast to the catchy rhythm element of the ping-pong machine. Enjoyed it very much! :+1:t3:

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Hi @NicoleKKB , thanks for the listen and encouragement :smiley:
You can never have enough icing on a cake!

@twistor59 Haha, my drum-programming friend.
Yes I had to slow down and mute for the ‘low bridge’
Serendipity had it though, that my song finished at the same time as the video, so I didn’t even have to go into ‘loop mode’ :laughing:

Thanks Mank @TheCluelessLuthier . Drummers are often the bane of the band, although I’ve been lucky to have a brother who can provide a beat when required

Aw thanks @Mari63 . The good book is a treasure trove of artistic material- Good, bad and ugly :smiley:

Hey @jkahn thank you very much. High compliment acknowledged and appreciated! :open_mouth:
I do sometimes feel that my ‘artistic gift’ lies mainly in identifying things l like (and sometimes combining them with other stuff)

@Silvia80 mille grazie :smiley:
Soon we’ll all be able to say: “Alexa put a cool drumbeat to my crappy song…” and it will be good.

Vielen Dank Andrea @Helen0609
Haha, I think what you describe as ‘sparkling chords’ is simply poor hammer-on technique with a bit of fret buzz :rofl:
There’s only alternate bass plucking and muted hits. Still, Daddy says if it sounds good… :wink:


:joy: just wanted to emphazise the glamorous aspect of our performance :wink:, now you’ve blown the stardust away… and yes, it sounds gooood!


Brilliant! :smile: :sunglasses: very cool, catchy and creative. I love it!
Great lyrics and I love the ping pong percussion too :joy:

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Aw thanks, Jasmine. That’s lovely. Much appreciated :sunflower:

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That was brilliant, Brian. :clap:

You have a creative mastermind and I’m a little bit jealous. :smiley: You made music out of a (weird, but somehow very cool) video of some ping pong ball rhythm machine. That’s just great. Liked the guitar part, sounded good and fits the tune perfectly. Lyrics also really cool. Yes, I still go for brilliant and I don’t care if it’s partially inspired by others (I think, that’s how this whole arts and music thing works anyhow).

Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:


Vielen Dank Lisa :smiley:
We all look at aspects of others’ musical journeys through green eyes.
You’re on the right path- Practicing your instrument, using it to create meaningful stuff and willing to share it with others. I find it quite liberating to try something ‘different’ and not to be too worried about looking foolish :laughing:

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Hi Brian, that was great, I got an old school TV theme tune feeling from it. You are a lyrical genus, definitely no plagiarism, just inspiration. For the percussion did you steal Enrique Iglesias ping pong machine? Very cool and super entertaining indeed.

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Fine fine work Brian!! That percussion, both sound and video, is mental in the best possible way! A very moody feel to this one and the slightly more subtle singing tone suits you well. Inspring all around!

Make sure you get some royalties from Lieven :wink: :rofl:

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@Socio & @Notter Ta to the both of you for the listen and kind words of support.
Much appreciated :pray: :smiley:
Gearing up for a big musical weekend now :open_mouth:


Brian, hello my friend! In my opinion, this is perhaps one of the best things I’ve seen from your work :slight_smile: You never cease to amaze me with your resourcefulness and unusual approaches to creating such musical masterpieces!


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Aw, that’s such a nice thing to say, Mike :smiley:
The generosity of fellow musicians always astounds me, especially of those who are much farther down this path than I.
большое спасибо :pray:

Are we in for a treat in the collaboration section of the forum when the weekend is over?

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Indeed there was a bit of ‘collaboration’ on the night.
I’m trying to track down audio/visual footage that may have been taken, and if successful, will post it here :smiley:

Wow that was very different

Cheers mate.
I take ‘different’ as a big compliment :pray: :laughing: