Good morning Rogier ! Two lovely recordings, making me happy and a bit jealous at the same time
. I’m working on the same piece too since … much longer than it should take, but still not up to speed and time runs out
But nice you show me how it should be!
Nicely played and fine rolling chords. Do you have singing on your agenda too? Can’t wait…
Thanks for the good season greetings! Did I already tell you, that you are a very special person? I know, I did, what would the community be without you? You are a light of hope in this crazy world, thanks for that!
I wish you and your wife all the very best. Have a very nice christmas and hopefully some beautiful days together with family and friends !
Good morning dear people,
You have put the blushes on my cheeks
Thank you very much Stefan @SgtColon
The The season starts today , this afternoon we went to the pub that my wife and her associate also own (that sounds strange), they had them built in the company intended for after seminars that a previous boss wanted to give … and now we apparently own a pub, I will hopefully take pictures … certainly fun for Dutch people of my age who once went on pub crawls in Amersfoort because of a special attribute …
As far as the speed is concerned, I agree with you that it could be a bit slower, if only that all that hard work is no longer seen so quickly it`s over , but it is the speed that Justin plays and that was/is now in my head pounded.
Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
Almost good, but a 10 for the effort
Thank you very much
Hi Eddie, @Eddie_09
Thank you very much , and the blush is back
Hi Nicole @NicoleKKB
Thank you so very much and yes there are a lot …you too
Unfortunately not entirely through a mandatory day …but we will get through it together.
Thanks for naming the setting… I’m not going to get a more Christmassy atmosphere next to the tree than this … and there are 2 guitars hanging in the tree this year…I’ll take the picture in a moment.
Hi LBro @LBro
Thank you verrrrrr …what???
Yes yes
Thank you LBro
and it is certainly something that is starting to itch more and more, but it will be a long road because at the moment I cannot tolerate my own singing voice … I once sang a “song” for Brian without practice and shame and that’s it for the time being, but since I can play along with almost every song that I sometimes randomly pass by after a lesson on YouTube as far as chords are concerned, it would be a shame if I don’t even try a little and who knows, maybe something will come of it. back from my golden throat of the past… wow what a long story
Best wishes to you and all your loved one’s Rogier.
Hi Rachel @Libitina
Thank you very much,
I just had some computer malfunction… restarted everything and came back to YouTube and assessed all the sounds with fresh ears… and I completely agree with you… and today slight very slight preference even for the electric guitar
Good morning for you too Andrea @Helen0609 . here now
Thank you very much ,and I often think back to your snow photo
in terms of difficulty of some parts (2 for me) this was really not an easy song, and it took me more like 11 than 10 days and when I say day I often mean a day …2 or 3 times for 45 minutes in the morning, then 3 or 4 times for half an hour or so in the afternoon…
I haven’t kept track of time for a long time, but that’s certainly what it comes down to, at least.
I covered that in the post before
Don’t wait for it with your bottom in the snow
You need other people to help me do what I do …so thank you to all of you
Hi Richard @Richard_close2u
Thank you very much again this year as an important backbone of this site and simply as you
Wishing you and your wife a blessed Christmas and Festive Season, Rogier.
Your rendition on both instruments sounded good to me.
Hi David @DavidP
Thank you very much
And the same thing applies to you as what I said to Richard… in addition to your busy life, keeping so many of us in line and your enormous positivity are an example to me from which I still have something to learn.
Glad you liked the sound ,you know that’s difficult for me …to hear sometimes and to adjust is almost impossible, although I have finally found a way to adjust the bass and treble…and now that I’m getting a boss equalizer next week
And Nicole @NicoleKKB Here I’ll spare you the hassle of zooming in
This is a photo just taken … this is the place where I sit all the time listening and chatting with you … then you understand that I can be quite satisfied … no mountains, no snow like Andrea @Helen0609 so I click just occasionally look at her photo and then imagine myself being pulled behind her on a sled
Merry Christmas Rogier! to you and your wife and your cat too. Hope you all have a happy and safe festive season
I agree This is an amazing community with a lot of wonderful people like you but wouldn’t be the same around here without you
I love both versions of the song, maybe leaning slightly more toward the electric too, it sounded a little brighter. Thank you for sharing them and also your sweet words!
Also love all your decorations and the view from your window and the guitars on the tree. It’s all so Christmassy!
Hi Jasmine,
Thank you very much
I will ask Richard if there is room left in his moving box with 'ego 'on it
A little brighter
is exactly the word I should have used…thanks for that
Thanks for the compliment about the atmosphere, it is a lot better than last year because since then I have never looked at a Christmas tree in the same way again… I can`t unsee it with the drag on top …Brian!!! …
Here’s a bunch fresh from our own garden around September to recover from the shock,
I prefer a photo from the garden where they were beautiful, but I only have very old ones and/or zoomed in or very far away, etc. etc.
Hi Lisa @Lisa_S Lisa Siegmund …Where Art Thou?
a bit subtly tucked away somewhere where in a 7 day`s old post so it might produce a grin if the attention is inconvenient… hopefully you are “just” very busy…
yes, I don’t blame you
that’s quite a sight!!
Thanks for the follow-up picture of the sunflowers! It did help
Your garden must be beautiful. They also look really pretty arranged in the vase on the side table
I enjoyed both versions Rogier, well played. Super stuff and they put me in a Christmassy mood.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas filled with love.
Ps. Did you really have to post that photo with the drag queen angel on top of the tree! .
Oh Rogier, I love that it’s an electric AND an acoustic guitar .
And as it seems that you like Winter sceneries, here’s a pic from my veranda - especially for you .
Very nicely played Rogier!
I have a slight leaning towards the electric tone in your acoustasonic, but it sounds like a great instrument both ways.
Happy christmas to you both.
(That’s an interesting looking amp behind you BTW )
Loves how you played that. The mix of plucking and strumming. Great sound. Very Christmas-y background as well. Got me in the spirit .
Merry Christmas.
Acoustic and electric were both very lovely, and I enjoyed them both! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family
Hi Jasmine @Avalon426
Yes, we really enjoy the garden that is becoming increasingly wild/mature every year and now it`s packed … unfortunately this is at the expense of the annual summer bloomers, but that is good for the insects (because a lot of poison is used here in flower cultivation realy a lot
)… and I compensate for the shortage of extra colorful flowers in the garden with a lot of sunflowers that I grow myself.
…and that sometimes results in swarms of distelvink birds and so much bluebirds and great tits (that’s strange and google shows more bare/bikini breasts than birds, but apparently that’s what those birds are called???)…
Hi Gordon @sairfingers
Thank you very much ,
thanks for listening and glad I could get you into the Christmas mood
Shared sorrow is half sorrow …I blame this on Brian @Brianlarsen , he destroyed me a bit
Nicole @NicoleKKB hey Nicole Dear Nicole,
What is your attitude towards adoption? always wanted to have a 50-year-old new (but with minor damage) son? shared parenthood with Andrea perhaps?
Ooooo my god, this is the view from your veranda
I’ve just been watching it for a while with my wife who is off work today and we were fantasizing out loud together that this is really one of the few dreams we have to maybe one day go for something like this…unbelievable to say so from you to be able to look out from the veranda…I am very jealous right now, without begrudging it…the opposite even of begrudging, I found it great for you
Thank you very much for the photo…
O, and thanks for your comment too
I really appreciate that
Greetings mom uh from me
The reason why I’m answering in several posts is because I’m currently having a lot of disruptions here and I’m afraid that all that chatter will be gone before posting …I actually have to do a major update.
Hi Phil @twistor59
Thank you very much for listening and your comment and how funny to read that if there is a preference it is for the electric one ,
Help me ,I’m trying to figure out where you see my amp looking and looking …and now that I’m typing this, you probably mean that big black thing behind me
Hi Mike @MiJoy
Thank you very much for stopping by and listening , great that the Christmas spirit is being stirred up here
Hi Mari @Mari63
Thank you very much
I hope it will be good days for you too. Your cheerful typing a while ago(yippee for the painkillers or something like that) in combination with our previous conversations have thrown me off balance a bit…
Haha, yeah, you know when you hear people say “wow man, that amp’s COOKIN’”