Hey Roger…shame on me that I didn’t check it out yet!
But I know how to beg for forgiveness…Husband and I went out for live music recently and I couldn’t resist take this short video thinking “Roger might enjoy some singing along!”
Hey Roger…shame on me that I didn’t check it out yet!
But I know how to beg for forgiveness…Husband and I went out for live music recently and I couldn’t resist take this short video thinking “Roger might enjoy some singing along!”
Hi Silvia,…
No,It is really a collected mess, really something for and from the absolute beginning, and first month and i can`t believe now i did it that way … don’t start, go practice guitar,
Aaa,that is so sweet,… ,…I only can’t open it , but you get a hug for the idea
I got a notification on my e-mail and I think you might be able to open it from there…I’m quite bad with technology
Me too as you notice
,…I go for the find
Oh you got a message … me too , … but I now understand what you are typing and I see that it works well ,…
And… What…??? WOW and WOW ,…that was a small intime setting,…wow
Good job on your log, Sylvia. You have a sound approach that will serve you well.
I thought your strumming sounded pretty good in the clip, especially the first portion which provide a perfect accompaniment for the song. The 1/16 bit was also OK, consistent rhythm.
Look forward to updates and more AVOYPs with those chord melodies and the rest.
Hello, I started last year in January to learn Fur Elise and then in March I learned Brahms’ Lullaby, and I thought I was doing pretty well. I was a bit scared to start a classical guitar journey in my adulthood, I thought it would have been too much demanding. Last summer I finally made up my mind and bought this Method Book, from the site Thisisclassicalguitar.com and I’m finding it very enjoyable.
Here the links to the video I posted in the Community
I’ll add the Lullaby later on, as I need to share it from Instagram (I removed it from my smartphone and only have it on my tablet, so that it is less time-consuming!)
@RadekSiechowicz Here’s the link I mentioned, it’s a beginner arrangement from SkyGuitar on YouTube. I thought it could be of your interest.
Thank you for reading Tony, I agree it is indeed fascinating how differently we all approach guitar!
Thank you! I’m going to find sometime soon to check your log too
I knew you’d love this!
It’s a Cover Band…isn’t he a younger Vasco?! And oh how he sings!
Thank you for your feedback David! I’m planning to share short clips of my progress monthly, this will keep me motivated and focussed…
and full recordings when ready.
Yes it`s his Son and the same sound ,…and the same look when i “see” him the first time…a few(kuch
) years back,…
Thanks for sharing Silvia, you approach is enthusiastic :. Classical pieces are such a wonderful journey into music history.
Hi Silvia, I’m glad you decided to share your journey into classical guitar with us. Your enthusiasm is contagious! It seems you have a nice balance of being organized and just playing for fun. I enjoy your videos, and I especially like your take on Fur Elise!
Thank you Donna, I appreciate very much your feedback The organised schedule is quite a necessity, for time management during the day, or I wouldn’t be able to be focussed and do all the stuff, the job, the house and life commitments…it’s working well insofar. Also working on single items of practice prevents me from over-doing and get obsessed with my struggles, which is something I seem to be very good at
@Silvia80 Thanks you for sharing your learning experiences. You have inspired me to dust off my classical guitar, add new strings and add a few classical pieces to my practice routine. You are also making good progress with strumming. I look forward to hearing more of your playing.
Hi Silvia, very interesting to read your LL and about your approach to the classical guitar. I should start a LL by myself, plan to do that possibly during my consolidation of Grade 2. But I keep a diary about my practice items which hepls me a lot to stay focused.
Well said, so true, but I think, you actually have a very good way to handle your struggles
Hi Silvia, good you started your learning log. Just going back a few post back you’ll be able to check where you were and the progress made since then. Skyguitar is also my source of accessible tabs for classical pieces in YT.
Lovely start to your learning log, Silvia. Your super organised and that will serve you well. You’ve been making great progress as showcased by the recordings that you have posted. I look forward to following your progress this year.
@SteveL_G99 I’m glad to read this, I hope you’re enjoying your nylon strings Thank you for your encouragment with strumming
@Helen0609 The only thing I can do is going very slow…yesterday after a frustrating 15 minutes with my strumming practice I just happened to think that maybe it’s not worth keep going, but I know I can be so irrational that I learnt not to take my own self too seriously
@dobleA Hello if you share something classical please @me
I think SkyGuitar is a good resource for beginners, as it has both standard notation and tabs and also gives a slow metronome-like demo…also the right hand technique is very accurate.
@Socio Thanks James, I also look foward to following your progress this year!
I like your journal and organization! I’ve considered starting a physical journal like that, but can’t decide exactly how I want to set one up. I do keep notes in a Google Docs document, and a separate one which is my songbook of songs I’ve been working on.