Skyscraper Stan

Every five to ten years or so I stumble across a band/artist that just grabs me by the short and curlies. It’s often just a chance listening to a song with a special ‘something’ that makes me look them up. I can feel the excitement growing like an old-time prospector, catching a glint out of the corner of his eye and discovering a rich seam… :pick:
I’m aware this is more to do with how ‘receptive’ I am feeling in my personal life than it being objectively ‘great music’ :wink:

Besides the giants like Beatles, Pink Floyd, Nick Cave, Tom Waits & Radiohead, less popular artists that fall in this category include Pavlov’s Dog, Laurie Anderson, dEUS, MeWithoutYou, The Lonelyhearts and The Burning Hell.

Last night I was watching an Australian comedy Colin from Accounts and as the credits rolled, I noticed a cool alt-country tune. A couple of hours wrestling with the Google-beast later, I’m sitting listening to my new favourite musician Skyscraper Stan (from New Zealand, based in Oz) with a big grin on my face

The song below is a minor chord fingerpicking ballad (@trond :wink:), but he has a broad musical palate and serious lyric chops. Check his albums out.
I know this probably belongs in the 'what are you listening to’ thread, but I there is a missionary streak in this musical zealot…
Sue me :laughing:


Thanks for that, Brian. Really enjoyed the lyrics and the finger picking.
Definitely a proper handle for a tall dude

Shan’t be sueing, prosecuting, or even moving the Topic into the listening topic, Brian. Most enjoyable.

I see BalconyTV is a thing, some great recordings from the Balcony in downtown Johannesburg. But fear not, shall not present you with an opportun ity to sue by dropping in personal favourite.

Enjoyed that Brian, regardless of where you post it. Keep spreading these obscure titbits pls. :sunglasses:

Thanks Brian. I came here from that Locked thread. :grinning:

He looks good. I wish I’d known about the gig earlier. Will keep an eye out for future Melbourne shows.

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I forgot you guys in Oz are ahead of us (in more ways than one :rofl:)
If you ever get to see him, tell him his newest fan from the UK sent you :laughing:

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Hi Brian,
With a story like that, it deserves a topic in just chatting, I think too :sweat_smile: … super catchy :sunglasses:and it is now in my favorites and will look for it if I ever find time for it,
Greetings …

Thanks for sharing, that was great!

Great share Brian. That was a really good song and I will be checking out his album. He seemed like a really nice bloke with a great sense of humour.

P.S. We’ve recorded, Colin from accounts but not watched any of it yet but we’re looking forward to it.

I’ve been mearning to get into Colin from Accounts, now you’ve given me another reason Brian!! The dude has some skills, will do some exploring into his stuff :+1:

Cheers all :smiley:
A couple more tasty morsels for those who need a nudge to start trawling

In the Dylan/Cohen/Cash style of storytelling

and with full band backup for a ‘Talking Heads vibe’

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Really enjoyed that.
rhythm and vocal line pacing and lyrics make an excellent and remarkable combination.
I really need to put out more writing to perhaps once reach that level of writing. Inspiring!

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Have you ever tried using Shazam? If it’s a motion picture spundtrack I am sure it would pick it up.

Great tune nice catch Brian!