Songs that make you happy

Listen to the Music is the happiest of songs for me. I currently have way too much work stress, and I remember a period of time 20+ years ago when I had also had way too much work stress and I would blast this song on repeat when I left the office and be in a much improved space. Thanks for the reminder :slightly_smiling_face:

Love this song. Listening to it again this morning definitely brought a smile and good memories.


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Yes that song. Youā€™re not bad at singing or playing just working towards improving. This is the foundation for success based on my way of thinking. Iā€™ve put out some videos that were terrible but I look at it like itā€™s something to improve lol. Have a great weekend Nicole. :sunglasses:

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One of my favourite punk songs ever, from before the Sods became Sort Sol (I even did a lousy cover of this somewhere :laughing:)

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Theyā€™re on a world tour opening for Muse and some headliners at the moment, UK at the moment, Europe next week!
This is one of my favourite songs of theirs at a recent live gig - headline gig at Mexico City!

Tell me what you think of them!

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Gotta have this one!


@Socio I had been waiting for when the first Monty Python would appear in this list :slightly_smiling_face: There is this one that always makes me smile, no matter when I hear it.


I just love them. An all-female band, that alone is amazing. The lead singerā€™s voice is one of a kind. And the drummer, I donā€™t even know what to say, she is a goddess. :star_struck:

Checked their tour schedule and was relieved not to find Finland or any Nordic countries on the list. I have already more than exploited my budget for concerts - well, for this summer at least - but would their tour have included Helsinki or so, I might just have thought twice about this issue :slightly_smiling_face:


Itā€™s a beautiful song. ā€œGracelandā€ was one of the first CDs I have owned, and I remember listening to exactly this song over and over again :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks also for ā€œshowing me the ropesā€, looks as if quoting people works just fine, even on AndroidšŸ™‚


Patience, patience, patience :grin:
Gonna send you a DM or PM, or whatever these are called here :slightly_smiling_face:


This is a good one:


This is another good one: Not the video, the music.

@tRond last year:

ā€œYou will never ever hear me play something that is bright, joyful or much positiveā€

It is so nice to see folk progress in this community :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The archive is always your biggest enemy :rofl::rofl::rofl:.


Ouch :see_no_evil:

Thereā€™s nothing you can do about itā€¦ just embrace it :joy:

I made a mistake postingā€¦ geeeez you are so fast :see_no_evil:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Toucheā€™ Rogier :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hereā€™s one for you Trond :wink:

Bit cheesy and definitely an earworm for me. Not my usual taste but hey summers coming.

Heheheheā€¦ cant argue with that Stefan :grin:

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Silly idea since this thread is getting long. How about we collect these songs into one playlist (e.g. YouTube) and keep track of peopleā€™s ā€œhappy songsā€? Might perhaps even be a nice playlist for some not so happy days :grinning: