Space Oddity, David Bowie

It was light when I started trying to record this song and it got darker and darker as I kept trying, and failing, to get it right. So, this is what I ended up with before the darkness took over completely!


Hi Claudia, that was a real treat to listen to. Thought you sang and played really nicely.:clap::clap::clap: I found the darkness added to the atmosphere especially given the theme of the song. Your hands/guitar and face/hair have a warmth in the way they are lit and contrast well against the darkness of room and your black top.
Best wishes

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Sounds beautiful Claudia :exclamation: Not only youā€™re playing great with solid rhythm and sing in tune, but you make an atmosphere, a soul, a spirit. I just listen for a second time. Thank you. Very inspiring. :pray:

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Hi Claudia :wave:
Thatā€™s one of my favorites and a true timeless classic for me. All your time was obviously well spent because I thought that was great, it looked easy and comfortable and your handling of the bar chords up and down the neck had me reaching for a paper bag to fight off the panic attack :scream: :rofl: At the moment I break out in a sweat every time I see anything with a bar, unless thereā€™s Rum involved :tumbler_glass: Sorry I digress :grinning:

Loved it and loved the strumming :+1:


Wow Claudia, you have the rhythm and strumming down. Perhaps the vocal could have been slightly more up front but that was really well played, thanks for sharing. :smiley:

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Hi Claudia,

That was certaintly a nice way to start my Friday morning. I enjoyed the vocals and guitar playing.

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Hi Claudia,

Very much enjoyed that thanks you for sharing timing sounded on the nail and so did your singing thank you for making a nice start to Friday.

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That was wonderful Claudia! And I agree with Craig, you really nailed the bar chords up and down the neck. Great vocals as well. :clap:

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Awesome! I really enjoyed whole song. :heart:

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Hi Claudia!!
I just listened through a couple times to your recording. Well done!!

Great job on the strumming and the singing in time. Itā€™s clear youā€™ve got the song down. The barre chord break was really well played and itā€™s not that straight forward a strumming rhythm to get down.

The only suggestion I would make for improvement would be that you might consider spending more time playing with the recording in order to get more comfortable with the overall ā€œrhythmic feelā€ of the song when transitioning from section to section. But this is simply a question of time and not of technique nor ability. I hope that my comment is helpful.

As a new member to the forum and a TOTAL RECORDING NEWBIE I was wondering about your set up for recording videos. I am looking for a relatively simple way to record video and audio. I have MICs, cables and a DAW but it all seems a lot to have to set up and break down every time I want to record and post something. Maybe I am just being a whiner and thatā€™s the way it goes but I would love to hear how you set yourself up for recording.

Looking forward to your next video posting and hoping that youā€™ll take a moment to let me know how you recorded your Space Oddity!! Thanks!!

Thanks all for your comments and encouragement. Those barres are a challenge, Craig, @CD02 and, as there are four runs of them in the song, the main reason I had to keep re-recording was that Iā€™d inevitably mess one up each time. I probably did better versions overall, in terms of singing and playing, but they just sounded so crap if I didnā€™t nail those runs.
@jgottwals Thanks for your comment about the transition rhythm. I think thatā€™s a very fair and useful point. Welcome to the world of recording yourself. Iā€™m looking forward to listening to your playing and singing. I have zero technical knowledge about this stuff. I record on Quicktime Player and use just one mic that belonged to my son when he was a big gamer. Itā€™s a condenser mic, whatever that means. Iā€™m not very good at getting the guitar/vocal balance right. Partly because Iā€™m too lazy to faff about with it. There are lots of technically knowledgeable people on here who will be much better placed to advise you! Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

A great job of this classic song Claudia. Well done. You nailed the barre chords and the rhythm pattern and sang it beautifully. Iā€™m pleased you didnā€™t try to include the sliding up and down the neck ā€˜spaceā€™ effects. Sounds really effective on the original but not on a stripped down version.

Haha, no, Iā€™m not a fan of the faux space effects on the guitar either. Thanks Gordon

I canā€™t offer anything in the way of constructive criticism, as Iā€™m just getting started myself - but to my ear that was just lovely! :slight_smile:

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Hi Claudia, that was tremendous.
Well played and well sung.
Solid performance all around :smiley:

Kiljoys the pair of you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Ya gotta have fun when youā€™re playing!
When I killed this a couple of years ago, I was so disappointed by the ā€˜engine soundā€™ of my classical guitar, I had to augment with vocal fx :laughing:
(I wonā€™t even mention the purple Harry Potter scar I employed :rofl:)

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Iā€™d forgotten about that one Brian aka Ziggy! I went back for a look/listen and yes, the vocal spaceship noises were quite something. :grin:

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Iā€™ve just been and checked this out. The Aladdin Sane lightning bolt :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: AND the space effects. Pure genius. Brian, I shall have to check out some more of your earlier contributionsā€¦ :+1:

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply!!

As far as recording audio and video goes I can definitely be described as having ā€œall the gear and no idea.ā€ :joy:

I am looking forward to playing about with the different bits and pieces that I have and seeing what I can set up that sounds reasonable. . . I am definitely eager to post something, just need to figure out how to get that done at this point.

Thanks again and keep working those transitions!! You are sounding GREAT!!

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Thanks very much Paul and welcome to this lovely forum for guitar people

That was a great listen Claudia. Your dynamics were good, you sure nailed those barre chords, good rhythm and great vocals. Whatā€™s not to like. :clap:

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