Tjeerd's March AVOYP, I am Satisfied

So this is what could have been my OM -15 Contribution. A dive in the country blues once more. It is a reasonably short song by Mississippi John Hurt, and it is a sweet song. Despite its innocent tone, it tells of the self confidence of young girls vis a vis older men in a particular trade.

The song is simple in structure, strictly key of C and I, IV,V, but it does change from 4/4 into 6/4 and back at a particular instance, which took time to get into. Also, it took ages for me to be able to start the singing one beat ahead. John Hurt didn’t do intro’s or outro’s, and often times built in empty verses between the singing verses. Not quite sure if this is the right speed, but I am comfortable with this pace.

I do hope you like it.


Tjeerd, that was really good, Iiked it!

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I like it.
Deep and very nice vocals.
Lovely tone on your guitar!!!

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Very impressive Tjeerd! Sorry we didn’t get to hear it in the OM, but there’s no reason why you can’t perform it live at the next one if you want to!

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I did enjoy it, Tjeerd, well played and sung. I can imagine maintaining the right hand picking plus embellishments and the timing of the singing is pretty challenging.

As for speed, I thought it felt good, and who really cares if it is faster or slower than an original rendition … generally true but more so I reckon when it comes to the blues :grin:

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Hi Tjeerd,
I copy paste the comment here above :sunglasses: :clap:

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@sticktothemuse @ReneAsologuitar @roger_holland

Thank you Roch, Rene , Rogier, much appreciated. These are such nice pieces to play, a little out of the ordinary, but then again, there is much in the ordinary that I would not be able to play at all :wink:. Being my age I can relate very much to these Country Blues musicians, who were only recorded extensively when they reached that particular age. And its great stuff to play on the Porch or, as in my case, on our summer terrace, with or without singing.

@twistor59 Thanks for that Phil. I really like the OM’s. I have been in the audience now twice and once participated, and even though I would be quite focussed on getting it right for my own performance, there is so much to learn from all of the other participants, and I am in constant awe what a confidence booster participation to the OM is for many of them. I am quite sure that for all of them, the OM never is a routine experience. Btw, I really enjoyed your ‘Where the streets have no name’, it was so elaborately put together with the backing tape, just great level of mastery there. :+1:

@DavidP Hi David, thank you as well. But you can’t imagine how fast Mississippi John Hurt played, just sittin’ there, relaxed in his chair. If you like, look up Monday Morning Blues, or Beulah Land, a spiritual. Anyway, there are still plenty of songs out there to get my teeth into.


Thoroughly enjoyed it!! Great smooth guitar and rich vocals. The tempo sounded good just the way it was.

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Great Tjeerd ! Everything sounds great !

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That was terrific Tjeerd. You have every right to be satisfied by that. I was watching your right hand closely and your finger style is a lesson on keeping the thumb in front of the fingers. Excellent vocal too with some difficult timing and phrasing. Well done.

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@VanishingPirates , @BigLuc many thanks for you kind appreciation.

@sairfingers Hi Gordon, you are very observant. What I have taught myself is to rest the pinky on my right hand on the fretboard, it stabilizes the hand and allows me to find the right strings (most of the Time) quickly. I only use index and middle finger to play. Moreover, these songs are nearly always palm muted on the thickest bass strings , e.g. E and A, to get the requisite thumping which contrasts with the melody line. That by necessity brings the thumb forward I find.

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Tjeerd, that was wonderful. Both playing and singing were excellent on what I suspect is a very hard song to master. Lovely fingerstyle.

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