Too lazy to die

That sounds positive :hugs: Thank you for the update
Iā€™m glad your boss agreed to your time off work too! :slight_smile:
(yes, the saying does translate to English, it is also a common saying here :smiley: )

That is great news! What a relief! I am not sure I approve of the ā€œno newsā€ policy of your health program, how stressful! I would think it would be better for you and your husband emotionally if you could be there with him.

I do, however, agree with the no ā€œ surstrƶmmingā€ on the bus. Good rule, that.

I wonder if he had a viral myocarditis or something. COVID definitely can do that, probably influenza and many other viruses as well.

Whatever, he is improving and I am wish no permanent residual for him. I guess, under the circumstance, you canā€™t now tell him to get off his backside and back to it, his laziness may well have saved his life!


Hi Nicole, Iā€™m sending you all my love and with you Iā€™m waiting for your husbandā€™s speed recovery; please do feel free to DM me any moment if you need any extra writing to share your feelings and worries. Iā€™m relieved to read the latest news you wroteā€¦What is important now is that he is out of danger and Iā€™m sure theyā€™re taking good care of him at the hospitalā€¦hopefully heā€™ll be back home soon and youā€™ll play your guitar for him to keep him cheerful!

I really feel for you. I know the feeling from your husbandā€™s point of view. I had a heart attack at my daughterā€™s wedding 14 years ago. I have had stents put in to open things up, changed my diet and life style, lost a bunch of weight, quit smoking and here I am 12 years later going strong at 72. Be strong and relax a little. Enjoy life.


Best wishes, hope you get good news soon.

Nicole, thank you for the encouraging update! Hoping the next update has him roaming the halls in the hospital. Weā€™re still here with and for you.

Thatā€™s great news! Hope you both keep going strong and he will be home with you soon.
Big hugs for you and your husband!

Nicole, I entirely missed this thread this morning. First, I was so happy to see youā€™re back. I already wanted to contact you the days before christmas, but didnā€™t due to life circumstances.
Then the shock to read about your husbands health problems. I feel with you and I totally relate to your fears and sorrows out of personel experience. My thoughts are with you and your husband. Nicole, if you need someone to talk to or just a bit of a feedback in your own language, feel free to contact me via DM. We all here canā€™t take the load from your shoulders, but we can support you mentally. At least a bit, as I hope! All the best for your husband and yourself!
Auch wenn wir uns nicht wirklich gut kennen, ich drĆ¼ckā€™ dich in Gedanken ganz fest :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I am hoping for the best for you and your husband :crossed_fingers:

Dear Nicole,

Iā€™m so sorry to read such sad and worrying news from you and your husband.
My thoughts are with both of you, and Iā€™m wishing your husband well and that he gets better very soon.
Lots of strength and love to you!
Iā€™m hoping that your husband will be back at home very soon and will enjoy the song you are planning to write for him.
And Iā€™m happy about your positive update.

Wishing you the very best and thinking of you :mending_heart:

Hi Nicole,
wow, Iā€™m so so glad that your husbandā€™s health situation is developing into a positive direction, and that itā€™s not life-threatening any more. That is a big relief. I wish him all the best for a thorough recovery. The uncertainty during nighttime must have been terrible for you so I hope for you that you can relax a bit.
Take care,

All you lovely people, thank you so much :heart:

Iā€™m in the bus back from Helsinki to home after spending several hours in the ICU with my husband.

What can I say? He is fine, so he claims. He was alert, he was talkative. He was his most charming self.

Theyā€™ll transfer him to a normal room if the next night and morning go well.

I am glad, so glad and at the same time, Iā€™m angry with the Porvoo hospital personal who allowed for me to be scared that much. Who spread rumours about possible heart attacks without having evidence etc.

I donā€™t wish the night and morning that I had to anybody. Meaning, @Franzek, you are abolutely right.

Well, I have not slept. I have not eaten anything yet and I will feel like a lier and a cheat, turning a moscito into an elephant. But I am happy. I am happy that he is fineā€¦ Or as fine as he can be now.

@NicoleKKB @Helen0609 @SILVIA I will get back to you tomorrow, when my brain works better again


I think the hospital was the one turning mosquitoes into elephants (new expression! I like it!) not you.

Of course you were scared out of your wits! Who wouldnā€™t be?

Get some rest, do some things that calm and nurture you. Donā€™t go back to work quite yet.

:mosquito:ā€”>:elephant:ā€”> :mosquito:

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Hello Nicole, Iā€™m so glad to hear that things turned out to be not as bad as it appeared in the beginning. Thatā€™s really good news :slightly_smiling_face:!

Now, you have time to calm down while the bus brings you home. Make sure youā€™ll have something to eat and drink. And I wish you a really good night. Tomorrow is a new day, and it will certainly be a better one.

I send you a big hug :hugs::hugs::hugs:.

:sweat_smile: happy to read this!! Wish you a good sleepā€¦and some good food refreshment too! Hope to hear good news as well tomorrow!

Sorry for the German, i donā€™t find the english words:
Das sind doch gute Nachrichten!
Iss und trink erst mal was, wenn du zu Hause bist und dann ruhā€™ dich aus. Es gibt nix, weshalb du ein schlechtes Gewissen haben solltest. Es ist doch selbstverstƤndlich, dass du dir in der Situation groƟe Sorgen machst. Ich hatte auch schon mal so eine Situationā€¦
Tu dir was Gutes, damit du Kraft sammeln kannst.
FĆ¼hl dich gedrĆ¼ckt.


@JokuMuu Shoot Nicole canā€™t believe I missed this but my heart goes out to you. I was glad to get to the latest update and see things are looking better but even so, the not knowing and not being told what is happening must have been excruciatingly stressful. My wife has had a couple of close calls, so I know where you have been. So sending love and hugs.

As to the song and guitar, let it wait. Take time to get over this shock and be with your husband, focus on that for now. But yeah it does sound like a great song title.

Will add you and your family to my metta chant these coming mornings. Take care and hereā€™s to a speedy recovery and things returning to normal.

:sunglasses: :heart: :person_in_lotus_position: :pray:


Nicole, glad to read the good news! Iā€™m so happy for you and your husband. Have a safe trip home, try to relax a bit and take care of yourself :heart:!
Itā€™s totally understandable that you were scared. Donā€™t worry about the elephantsā€¦ itā€™s not your fault. Try to get some sleep!
All the best!

Hi Nicole,

so sorry to hear about all that, itā€™s heartbreaking. :mending_heart:

But itā€™s also a relieve to hear your husband is doing a little better already. I keep my fingers crossed for him and you as well. May he get well soon and fully recover from all of this. My thoughts are going out to both of you.

Itā€™s totally relatable that youā€™re shocked and have hard times getting some rest. But please, also take care of yourself a little. :heart:

As itā€™s also a little easier for me to express it in our mothertongue:

FĆ¼hl dich mal herzlich virtuell umarmt. :people_hugging: Es ist furchtbar, wenn man sich solche Sorgen um geliebte Menschen machen muss. Ich hoffe, du kommst gut und sicher nach Hause und kannst trotz des Schocks ein wenig Verschnaufen und etwas zur Ruhe kommen. Vielleicht kannst du etwas fĆ¼r dich tun, das dir hilft. Sei es auch nur eine leckere Kleinigkeit zu essen. Meine Gedanken sind bei euch beiden, mƶgt ihr gut und schnell den Weg zur NormalitƤt zurĆ¼ck finden und dein Mann sich bald vollstƤndig erholen! Alles andere wird sich mit der Zeit wieder finden. :four_leaf_clover: :pray:


Hi Nicole,

Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your husband, but was happy to see in the update that things are looking up! My husband I both have family members that have dealt with serious health issues and we know how stressful it can be, especially when there is limited information available.

Please donā€™t ever feel bad about reaching out to the community. We are here for you! Sending you and your husband some virtual love from Oregon :hugs: