Too lazy to die

Hi Nicole

That sounds even more encouraging! Thatā€™s great news :smiley:
You must be feeling quite relieved :slight_smile:

It was an elephant for you at the time! but glad it turned out to be more mosquito-ish.
I love that expression. We say making mountains from molehills here :grin:
Same meaning, but I like your way better

Hope your husband makes a full recovery soon, and hope you are feeling better too :hugs:
Still thinking of you both

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Hi Nicole,

So glad to hear your update and that your husband is on the road to recovery.

I have been watching but didnā€™t know what to say, I do get quite emotional about things like this especially if itā€™s about someone who I have related to in some way.
Iā€™m so happy for you that itā€™s been clarified that itā€™s not the worst thing, I think you must not beat yourself up about any of this, youā€™re a victim of circumstances thatā€™s all!
Take care of yourself and eat properly, you need to be strong for your husbandā€™s return. Be safe, be strong and be good sweetheart :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Nicole @JokuMuu, Iā€™m glad things turn out to be not so bad after all.
I know itā€™s probably not the way youā€™d want to spend your Christmas break but in the end things are now going well so focus on that, not on the negatives.
Fingers crossed youā€™ll be able to spend the new yearā€™s day at home with your husband.
Stay strong, physically and mentally as much as you can.
All the best!!

Soā€¦ The night went well, the morning went well. Heā€™ll have his own room on a normal department this afternoon. Has been bombarding me with requests of what to bring from shop.

In the end, he has won the lottery. Living in a country with phantastic healthcare. Smoking can be stopped. Weight can be lost. Being physically more active will be a challenge at first, yet the challenge will have to be conquered.
It could have been so much worse.

Thank you so much for your support. It meant and it means a lot to me. If I should forget someone in the list below, please be assured thatā€™s the fault of my scatterbrain exclusively.

@Jamolay Thank you so much. I will heed your advice, doc, Iā€™m tempted to say. Itā€™s funny how such sayings work, native German speakers make elefants from moskitoes, Finnish speakers make bulls from flies. ā€¦

@Nicole and @Silvia youā€™ll get replies as DMs tomorrow. So will @TheMadman_tobyjenner

@Siehtscheh CJ, I knew there was a German speaker behind that username. Itā€™s dialect, right? Vielen herzlichen lieben Dank.

@Helen0609 Andrea, my Andrea :heart: How often have I been thinking of you. Message incoming later this evening.

@Lisa Yes, it was horrible beyond words. But how fortunate are my husband and I that everything is manageable in the end. When I left from that ICU yesterday, I was thinking so much about the many people who come there every day and are faced with much worse and much more sad situations. And yes, I felt somewhat guilty leaving from there just like thatā€¦ trusting more that everything will be fine.

Thank you so so much. Oh yes, I did something good for myself as well. Didnā€™t have coconut water in ages. Normally only tea with honey when Iā€™m ill etc. ā€¦

@Jenndye429 Virtual love well received. ā€œVirtual loveā€ that just sounds like yet another song title :melting_face: Thank you so much. I have been thinking of people in similar situations as well quite a lot just wondering how much pressure the associated high healthcare costs bring in addition and so on

Bus arrivedā€¦ To be continued later. ā€“ Next busā€¦

@DarrellW Oh, Darrell, I know exactly what you mean. Same here. Thank you so much, and thanks for the sweetheart, sweetheart :kissing_closed_eyes:

@Lefteris No, it wasnā€™t. The crazy thing is that we argued a day before Holy Eve. I was going like ā€œOkay, thts the last time we celebrate Christmas. Letā€™s simply skip Christmas next year.ā€
No need to say, how much I have regretted these words later

Bus arrivedā€¦


Nicole, it is good to hear your husband is much better. What a frightening time you have been through. Iā€™m thankful to hear of his improvement.

I just read your song lyrics. They are inspiring and I think the meaning is fitting. I am looking forward to hearing the finished product.

What a relief! Wish you both all the best.

At the registration process every nickname i tried was already taken, so i took how the english pronounced CJ would be written in my dialect. :sunglasses: So yes, youā€™re absolutely right.

Swabian? :slightly_frowning_face: Feels familiarā€¦ But I just canā€™t put my finger on it

Hmm itā€™s more kind of mixing Swabian with Badisch :rofl:
No matter where Iā€™m at they always tell me i canā€™t be from there with my accent. But I am! :woman_shrugging:t2:

Aaah ā€¦ Seeā€¦ Now it starts making sense. I have lived in Mannheim for some time, thatā€™s why it sounded familiarā€¦

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Same Bundesland :+1:t2:

Relieved to read your news Nicole, Iā€™m afraid I can relate a lot to your situation as my husbandā€™s health is not good at all and I too often feel like heā€™s winning at the lottery :disappointed_relieved: No ambulance and hospital and my fingers all the time crossed that 2024 brings less workload and worries for him, as well as less cigarettes and weight. Nowā€¦letā€™s cheer up! Your lyrics are unique! It blows my mind you wrote it all at once as your intimate response to the present situation!

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Silvia, promised better reply soonā€¦ Most likely tomorrow, since Iā€™m beginning to run out of akku for today.

The lyrics ā€¦ Thank you so much. I love playing with language and since so many people here suggested that I have to do something for myself, I did just that this morning and it really, really made me feel at ease for some time.

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Hey Nicole, sorry to read your news but happy to hear that your husband is recovering. Music is therapeutic, so Iā€™m glad you found your way back to the community and guitar.

Hi Nicole, Iā€™ve just caught up on this post. No words from me, the others have said it all and I echo all the sentiments.
Iā€™ve just read your poem in the other post. Your husband is a lucky man.

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Hi Nicole, Iā€™ve read your thread here. It must have been a very scary time, Iā€™m glad your husband is doing OK now. Buy a lotto ticket as weā€™d say in Australia.

Thanks. My sister and family live in Canberra. Reckon I should ask them to buy a few lotto tickets then just to keep them in reserve for my husband? After all, life is blooming there now and not buried under blankets of snow like in Finland at the moment.

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Oh Gordon, what can I say to that? :blush: thank you

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Been on tenterhooks following this thread, so glad to see the update! Love and hugs to you and your husband x

Dear all, who helped me stay sane in the recent days. Here comes - hopefully the last - update to this thread.

I donā€™t believe in miracles or otherworldly stuff, but there are serious rumours that my husband will be back home with me tomorrow or on Monday. I am not even trying to understand how this is possibleā€¦ And I wonā€™t believe it before it happened.

Again many thousand times thank you to all of you. Not only from me, but also from my husband, who wrote the following words below:

"There are moments when faith in humanity is restored. Moments when people show the very best of humanity towards one another. Reading all of the response in this thread reminded me of that. In this cold and often cruel world of ours, such moments are worth more than anything.

I am humbled by your kind words and from the bottom of my (healthy) heart, I wish all the best to all of you."