tRONd’s learning log

The big advantage with posting a video is that people can help you with problems in your technique (guitar playing is rife with these, as you’ve noted elsewhere).

I’ll probably start doing this soon, now that I’ve resolved the problems I was having with audio dropouts using my ancient iPhone 6s.


Dolly parton 9 to 5
Hi Trond,
It will be different apparently in that beautiful country of yours :smirk:, but for the rest of the world this song counts … and the reality is for most people what @Klimperer42 says … but fortunately that neither for me :sweat_smile:
Greetings :guitar:

Hi Trond, catching up here. Good all the time spent with the guitar is paying off and the milestone of playing live to an audience is already reached and past. Nice guitars and that amp looks pretty interesting.

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So. It has been a NGD since my last update in the log.

This is the new beuty….

Fender Strat with tidepool colour

So now i am ready for the world of electric guitars… well, the Fender is actually for my youngest daughter, i pray to god that she will catch the guitar bug, and find the same joy i have from the guitars.
Me and her surfed around a couple of hours online looking at guitars, She landed on the strat cause she recognized it. So Strat it is.
I had to sell my Martin D-15 to fund this. A bit sad… but its more than worth it if she catches on. I had some money left. So i have replaced my D-15 with a used Yamaha FS-TA… i have this thing that i need two acoustics in case one of them «goes down»

Playing wise im a bit on «rough path» right now… feels like i cant play anything. Songs i allready know is not going to well… and i am painfully slow on Grade 3… but i am sure this will blow over…


Bought it for your daughter - sure, I believe you - but I’m very gullible. :grinning::grinning::grinning:

IME, Strats are among the easiest electrics to play…they are very ergonomic. I hope you - your daughter, I mean - has a similar experience.

Though it can be very frustrating, I wouldn’t worry too much about a rough patch, where skills you thought you had solidly acquired seem to decline.

Educational psychologists call this a “pre-learning dip”. It’s often a sign that you have unconsciously recognized some deficiencies in your playing, and are ready to move out of a learning plateau, and up to a higher level.

I’m going through something similar, as I rebuild my technique around thumb muting.

Hehehe… she tried acoustic last year. But she did not stick to it. She wanted electric, and asked me a couple of weeks ago when i would get my self an electric, said she wanted to have a go… so… the decision was kind of easy… i have a deal with her that if she does not stick to it then i will take it back :grin:

To be honest i hope i wont get it back :rofl:

Thanks for the tip on the pre learning dip… never heard of it, hope you are right. Pretty sure it will blow over pretty quick though :pray:


Happy belated NGD to your daughter. I also hope you do not get too much playing time on that nice electric guitar. About your learning plateau, you have acquired many general guitar skills but it requires frequent purposed practice to keep all of them in good shape. For example, If you for a while play only songs with open chords then your barre chords may not be as good as they used to be when you try to use them. I think that you also need new achievable challenges. It can be playing a song you know in a different way, or learning a new song that was previously beyond your skills, or work on a specific genre or technique to name a few.

Hi Andres.
Yep. I think you might be on to something here. I think i need to do some new things. Not go stuck in the same old things and level of songs…

Thanks :pray:

A ever so small milestone today… my youngest has been busy with Justins course and done 1 min changes the last days.
So A and D is at 34 at the moment… most of them pretty clean…
So we had a small Jam today. She played A and D 4/4 while i fingerpicked the same chords. And it did not sound half bad either. So me and her made some sort of music today :rofl::rofl: and it was a lot of fun doing it, she was pretty stoked…


Sorry, if the question is a bit stupid, but what is a „NGD“? :see_no_evil:

Lucky you, Trond, it must be amazing to play together with your daughter! Enjoy it! Hope to see you both on the Open Mic someday…

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Not stupid… had that question myself once.

New guitar day=NGD
New amp day=NAD

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Ah, thanks. Never heard of that :joy:

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Yeah. I am lucky. It is so much fun… so i pray to god that she sticks to it…
Would be awsome to take her on a open mic someday :rofl:

Wonderful :smiley:

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Oh yeah, that must be such a cool feeling to be able to jam with your daughter, I bet you were pretty stoked too :slight_smile:

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Hi Trond,
Cool one… :smiley: :sunglasses:
You can also quickly do the Capo “trick”…1 plays the open chords and the 2nd plays and plucks the same chord further on the neck…that also sounds very nice very quickly,
I wish you a lot of fun together,

Congrats, Trond.
I think I missed my ‘window’ to play with my son-
His ability and music taste has moved a long way from where I am :laughing:

Oliver you will get used to NGD post here, as everyone tends to share their new pride and joy!

Man that’s really cool Trond. When she gains confidence and some more chops, it would be great to see you playing together,
