tRONd’s learning log

Ahh… good idea!!! Thanks.

What a wonderful moment, Trond. Look forward to AVOYP with you and your daughter playing together.

@tRONd Really enjoyed reading your learning log, I had read it in parts before, but sat down to read it in one go. You really are doing great for such a short time playing guitar. Really enjoy your songs and performances at the OM’s. LL’s are great way to learn more about people. I am reading through many to figure out how to do my own.

Thanks for inspiring me.

Thanks a lot for your feedback Phil! Means a lot :pray:

I too like to read others logs, gets some sense of knowing the person better…

Just star one up Phil, and develop it as you go :grin:
Would love to read yours!

Hi Tron. What a nice experience it should had been for both you playing together. Hopefully she keeps the interest. Be thinking which songs both may be interested. And if not at least which ones she could be interested.

We are working on come as you are with Nirvana. She is a huge Nirvana fan. So she pretty much love their whole catalog :rofl:
Would be fun to make an AVOYP at some point :grin:


I love your progress, @tRONd! Thank you for sharing.

Its been a while. And thought i would just drop by, mostly to say hello. And that i have not forgotten about any of you.
I have not put my guitar into the shed… at least not yet :rofl:

Its been a crazy buzy last months, both with moving from our farm into an appartment. And with a new job, i have simply not had the time to be much on the forum… whenever im here i can see theres a lot of new people signing up every day almost. A big welcome to all of you!! Sorry i have not welcomed every one of you personally…
also a lot of AVOYPs i need to catch up on…

Guitar wise…. I am on a platou… still :rofl: at least it feels like it. I am painfully slowly progressing through level 3, when i have time to play, i am focusing just on songs these days. Just to keep my mind interrested in playing…
I decided to learn to play Claptons nobody knows you when your down. I have succeded on that. More or less… was a tricky one. It is the song i have spent the longest time on to try and learn so far.

I cant play as much as i like these days, and my time with the guitar has really gone down hill. Never the less… i still enjoy every second of it… guess thats a good thing.

My electric journey has not kicked off at all :rofl: i still dont like to play it… but my daughter uses it every day, and allready rips a few solos on it. So all good there. Shes going to start playing with other kids, some kind of culture offerings to kids through the community. So shes signed up for electric guitar and band practise… witch is really really cool.

With a bit of luck i hope we can do some kind of AVOYP toghether down the road. Trouble is that shes all into to the hard stuff… not the sobbing minor stuff that i am into :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Other than that… well… just keep pluckin on i guess…
Hope i will see many of you on the next OM! Really looking forward to it…


Trond, glad your still at it, sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Glad your daughter is getting into it, look forward to your AVOYP duet, with one of her favorite songs, with you rocking out. I struggle to keep up with the forum too. See you soon Phil

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Glad to hear from you Trond I was wondering how you’ve been! Yes life gets busy especially during summer holidays and not to mention when job is kicking our butts :frowning: good that at least you manage to find some guitar time, so happy for your kid! What a great opportunity from your local Community to invite kids over to form a band, I think this is just amazing!

Hopefully soon you will get rid of the plateau and you manage to get back to playing full time. All the best!

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@tRONd really enjoyed this thread, look forward to more updates.

How did you learn the Pirate looks at Forty? I don’t think Justin has any Buffett on the site / was there another source that you used? I liked your Fingerstyle version a lot.

I used to sing my kids to sleep and went through a bunch of Jimmy Buffett songs as lullabies.

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Hey Trond, good to hear from you. Sounds like life has been pretty hectic, and perhaps the daily guitar sessions while your family were out are a bit harder! :scream:

Just keeping playing is the main thing I think, I see videos of people that I think are really good then I go and read their bio and see they’ve been playing over 10 years - wow - so plenty of time to plateau and then reach new heights later.

Looking forward to seeing you at the OM.

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Hey Trond, nice to hear from you. I already asked myself were you are :joy:. Always liked your playing and singing and comments. Seems that life goes busy for a lot of people, including myself.
Don’t get frustrated about maybe having reached a plateau… you’re doing great as far as I have seen, and this will continue for sure…
Glad, that your daughter enjoys playing so much, hopefully you can play together one day, even if she’s on the tougher side :rofl:
Keep on going!

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Hey Trond, appreciate you taking time to let us know what you are up to.

I think coming to terms with being on plateaus is a key thing to master. Whether it is the impact of life or just the challenge of learning the next techniques, plateaus are inevitable. Learn to love it.

Keep on playing.

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Hej Trond,
Sounds like it’s all happening at your end but happy to hear you can still carve the time to play with your axe. Many of us do, but shouldn’t apologise for not being as active in the Community as we might like. We all have more important priorities and we shouldn’t let it become a chore.
Look forward to your next offering :smiley:

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Hi Trond,
I sometimes thought “he must be so busy again” and now also another job … you have had a major life makeover, I hope you all like it … .how great to read that your daughter plays every day… :partying_face: :sunglasses:
Good luck and make something of it all :smiley:,…
Greetings Rogier

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Life gets in the way of life sometimes and plateaus are just part of this learning experience.
Good to see you sir. :wave:


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Hey Trond, good to see you about. Progress through Grade 3 may feel painfully slow but it’s still progress mate. Just enjoy the opportunities you get with your guitar during this busy time.

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Good to hear from you Trond, life does indeed have the ability to eat into guitar time unfortunately but the key sentence was that you’re enjoying every second with the guitar in your hands still! I’ve had less forum time too over the last few weeks but it’s just the ups and downs we all go through I guess.
Will absolutely catch you on the next OM :slight_smile:

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I finally had some spare time on my hands last weeks. So its been a lot of guitar related things going on. And that is awsome :grin: had some time to really catch up on the forum and finally see a lot of AVOYPs from other members, missed out a lot the last months :pensive: There is a lot of them. Amazed over how skilled all you guys are… it is so cool to watch the huge progress everyone has achieved since i first watch the first avoyp or open mic 1,5 year ago. Also supercool to see the pure joy everyone has when they play. It easy to see that all of you love playing guitar.

Been looking through my goals i have put down for myself. And well… most things i had set up for practise has not happened. Sometimes life happened, but most of the time i have done other things on the guitar.
So i am currently not done with Justins grade 3 yet as i promised myself.
On the other side of it. I play everyday. I do learn new songs, and i can throw in a hammer on/pull off here and there. Can do a few easy licks.
Considering i could not play one single chord in jan 2021 i can probably say that i had some progress since then.
I am extremly happy that i stumbled upon Justinguitar, and especially this forum. Without it i dont know were inwould be on the guitar. Not were i am now, for sure…

So why do i write this? Well… this is most likely the last thing i post in my learning log. It has been down for a long time anyway…

It just gives me bad concious, and its all more or less a lie to myself to try to keep myself accountable. So.
I will keep on playing. I will try to get through all the grades at some point. And i will finish up the strumming course that i currently are working on. But i cannot promise myself anything practise wise, and that i will play this and that song down the line. Some part of this log was probably to get me going and not quit. I have realized i will never quit playing now. I will continue doing this until im not able to hold a guitar anymore.

So thats that with my learning log, feels pretty good to be honest to myself again :rofl::rofl::rofl: