tRONd’s learning log

Love love love ‘the regulator’ :+1: seen clutch live a couple of times as my best friend is a massive fan, always fantastic live :v: will read on hoping you’re still trying :crossed_fingers:

Edit- I see you’re ending the learning log, I look forward to seeing more vids of you playing on the AVOYP thread :+1: and maybe one day we’ll get to hear you belt out ‘the regulator’ :v:

Hahahaha… how cool! Im a bit jalous!

I try to go to as many concerts i possibly can. But never seen them live. I love them! And regulator the bluesy acoustic version :fire::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: oh man!!
I have tried to play around with it though. Im afraid this is one of those i just cannot do voicewise.

If i ever feel i can get close to the level needed this will be on top of my list. Never know. Maybe one day :grin:

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My friend, don’t be so hasty… :wink:
‘Learning log’ is a misnomer.
In our old home, this used to be called a Road Case (which I preferred). It was the thread where folk told the story of where they came from what they have done and where they were planning on going to…
Part of this is now incorporated in the Introduce yourself section but nobody updates that.
I see the LL not as a “what is my schedule?” but more of “What am I currently thinking?” :thinking:
I have never had precise goals and definitely never adhered to any schedules. Here’s the last meaningful entry to my LL just as an example.
As long as you remain engaged with the Community, it’s handy to have a thread where you can share where you’re coming from :smiley:
Your LL will still be here when you have something besides a song that you want to share with your friends :wink:


Yes! This! I share that with you… And I’m sure most others here do too :smiley: :+1: It is an odd realisation to come to but quite comforting in a way.
I hope we do hear more from you here as I always love reading people’s thoughts on what they’re doing now and where they might go next, but totally understand your rationale for not feeling the need for it either. All the best! :sunglasses:

Dear Scandinavian Troubadour,
Imposing things on yourself … making promises … is an angry mistress … so don’t do that (rogier :roll_eyes:).
I now have a good resolution that I will keep for a long time…at least 1 thing a day I will not do what I have planned for the month/week or day for those days that will all come in the coming years…success guaranteed

Yesterday I recorded something solo for 4 minutes with my first you-tube backing track instead of my trio+…a good half a much lesser half where I get distracted, I cut it in the middle…I delete the good half :confounded: :confounded: :confounded:… tomorrow I promise another try and I learn the editing of simple video cutting…I think :smile:

In fact, you just use your LL as a… My Dear Diary :laughing:


Yeah, I agree with this. Listing out what you’re working on is a bit dull. What you’re thinking is way more interesting. Kind of like your post actually was Trond…

Setting time based goals can be too stressful, and take the joy out of playing. For me, at least. But just playing, and enjoying, and learning new songs when you feel like it, so much more fun.

Im glad to see you back and frequently around. You disappeared for a while and I wondered if you were gone for good.

Eh… i think i «jumped the gun» there a bit quick @brianlarsen and @roger_holland :see_no_evil:

You guys are absolutly right.
I can use it as some sort of «diary» did not think in those terms at all.
A manifest for all my lies :rofl:
I was almost about to delete the whole thing. But i leave it as is, so i can go back down the road and laugh at myself…

«I delete the good half»
Hahaha… what an absolute blast to read about Rogier. Made me smile and almost spilling my coffee :rofl:

@jkahn yep. You are right, i leave at a «personal» thread.
I have a job that goes up and down, some periods are very calm, other is really intense. So it will be like that for me. Periods that im not that active. I still read posts and try to keep up. But im not to active. I find it a bit difficult to engage in a lot of things in the forum if in very busy. Dont get the whole picture of things if that make sense? But im very much around. Just very quiet :rofl:
Have too say though JK… youre progress and things you have done the last 8-10 months blow me away. I get inspired when i see how much tecnique that can be learned in such a short time… keep it up. Youre progress in singing is also a huge step… keep it up!!

For the record… i do not want to be accountable for all the lies i have written about practise, and long term goals etc… its all just a big fat lie to my self :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Edit: There is one thing that i plan to do,and want to be held accountable for :grin: that is to do an avoyp with my youngest daughter. Want her to experience the «warm» enviroment there is in this forum, and maybe she gets even more «hooked» on the guitar. and a little bit more confident to play in front of others. So at the moment she is pluckin away on an intro and a solo that we hopefully can get done in a not to distance future :crossed_fingers:


Hello Trond

Learning Logs tend to be about goals and lessons in the early stages, going through Grades 1&2, then they start to develop into being more about the journey, the adventure and our aspirations - what we do with our learning.
The logs are great, we all tell a different story, and so do you!

Keep telling your story. :books:

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Well I’m glad you were easily convinced to keep the LL then :smiley:. And it’s also super good to hear that guitar is a lifelong endeavour now. That’s obviously the more important part that community time! I always wonder if when people drop off the community they stop playing guitar too… I’d think a lot do. Given how many people start to play and then stop in general.

Thanks Trond, makes me blush - it is just because I play so much, I should probably be doing more productive stuff with spare time but I’d just prefer to play the guitar most of the time!


Although playing with your daughter would be awesome. Can’t wait to see that.

I am in that boat aswell JK. Tons of more productive things i could do… but i too only wants to play. That said. I really feel that i benefit from it mentally… if that makes any sense…


Hi Trond, I can really understand your intention and reasons to close your log. Since the beginning, I have an internal fight with myself, if I should start one or not. I always asked myself, if it would be of any interest for someone else, if I could do 45 or 55 chord changes, or if I set myself under pressure to reach goals I’ve written down. I also won’t be a slave to a certain schedule, not in this part of my life. But otherwise, sometimes it would be helpful to write things down (the bigger picture) not to get lost in this overwhelming world of (unmastered) opportunities. When I have a look at others’ LL, I also find it quite interesting to read about others’ thoughts and adventures during their journey and I’m really enjoying to read some personnel stuff apart from someones efforts to strictly following the course. Maybe, as others said, those logs should be seen as a sort of diary or roadcase, an enjoyable way to share thoughts about the journey.
I really would appreciate to stay connected with your thoughts about playing, your plans to play with your daughter, etc. But do, whatever is best for you!


Hi Andrea,
It now feels like I’m chasing you :laughing:

bad Helen :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It is indeed a combination (or not) of a diary , learning path and hopefully also a place where you share your photos of your beautiful living environment that several people will absolutly enjoy if you share them there, I am now going to “abuse” the situation to say hello to someone I miss so much on the forum and I only say hello nothing more and less :blush:, the personal things that (for example our dearly beloved) Maggie @batwoman shares in her LL I wouldn’t have missed…Hi Maggie :wave:

Well Andrea, you’re hesitating and I hope I’ve given you a push in the direction I want to see :rofl:

No pressurrrrre :blush:


Race between the turtle and the hare :joy:

Maybe a push is not enough and I need a kick in the a…, I stop here, don’t want to crash tRONDs LL.
One last sentence, @batwoman we miss you!


Hey mate,

Good to see you’re keepin’ the log.
At a minimum, its a record of your journey. But its also a diary, with aspirations, fears, failures, and triumphs etc.
I’ve occasionally glimpsed at some of my earlier entries, with a cringe here, and a smile there :crazy_face:.
And I think the purpose is not in achieving all your goals and aspirations, but simply having them that makes it all worthwhile, whether that be guitar or anything else.
I for one am glad you’re around, however often that may be. You’ve progressed considerably since you got here, like many of us.
Enjoy the journey mate, and don’t mind the destination. After all, none of us are getting out of here alive anyway :rofl:.

Cheers, Shane


Trash?? Use this as much as possibly want Helen :grin:

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Well spoken Shane!!!
And thanks for your kind words, really appreciate it :grin:

Trond as long as you are learning and playing almost every day you are excused for any absence and lack of activity and always welcomed back whenever you have time to join us :grinning:

Hi Adi. Nice hearing from you again! Not going to leave you guys. I was just planning to delete my LL… but i use as an «diary» instead.

All good on your side Adi?


Yes thanks for asking Trond, all good but too busy and not playing as much as I’d like, but manage to squeeze in some practice daily which is great!

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Hi Trond. No need to feel bad about not meeting any goal you may have set, or about not be working on achieving it in the way you intended to do it. If working on finishing Grade 3 is not being fun or your current personal situation does not allow for that; then taking a break and finding other ways to continue playing, and hopefully improving your guitar skills, like I understand you are going to do, sounds a good plan. If later you feel in the mood of going back to the lessons or your personal situation is more favorable then do it. A guitar learning plan is no more than at certain point someone thinks that he or she could achieve certain guitar goals and plans to do so in a certain way. Along the way things can work differently than planned, but as long as he or she is having fun playing the guitar is good. Your learning log is for you. Post whatever you find useful for you any time you find suitable. Of course making it public as it is opens an opportunity to receive encouragement and advice from other members of the community. Whenever both of you are ready to post an AVOYP of both of you playing I’m ready to watch it.