Vintage Clubs - potential topics for future sessions in 2024

If you have attended any of the Vintage Club live sessions 1-3, thank you for your support. If you have completed a survey prior to or after an event, thank you also. The feedback and comments have helped to inform the planning and direct changes to the structure of the sessions, even at this early, exploratory stage of the live clubs.

I planned the first three sessions to give only a sample of three broad musical areas - rhythm, harmony and melody. We were just dipping our toes into shallow waters.

In future, I think there is a desire for topics to be presented in a more expansive manner with a theme, or related themes, stretching across several sessions. I take from feedback comments that participants would also appreciate pre-released summaries of coming sessions, perhaps with practice ideas to try in advance and an indication of the ability level a session will be geared towards.

For the feedback form sent after Vintage Club #3, I asked if people could select, from a given range, topics they would like covered in future sessions. These are the results.

There are many topics all roughly equal in popularity. My thoughts are that I will aim to develop several mini-series and, where overlaps exist, to combine topics and concepts. This will give me plenty of food for thought as I take a short break from direct teaching over the festive period.

I invite open discussion and comment here and I look forward to reading any positive suggestion or constructive critique you may have.

Many thanks. Richard. :slight_smile:


I am taking the liberty of tagging all the Old Dogs in this post. I am sure a good number of you are aware of, and have perhaps attended, a Vintage Club. Perhaps some of you have not been aware of them yet.

@1blueguitar, @21Sandpipper12, @29PAS, @Alan_1970, @alphasoixante, @Anastas617, @AndrewCSydney, @AndyMcG2, @AndyTake2, @annbin, @ArizonaAngie, @ArizonaDreaming, @asterope, @Audifox, @axeboy1, @AZSandy, @Barrysascotsman, @batwoman, @Bettad, @BernadetteG, @bethruk, @bgtrev, @Bicyclegeek8, @Nancy15, @blalalalalala, @bmaclaren,@Bon_Jon_Bovi, @brianlarsen, @brozzerb, @Brucie, @Bsmooth, @Burnspot, @BurnsRhythm , @CarlHackman, @carolinadrama, @CATMAN62, @CD02, @CharlieHutcheson, @ChasetheDream, @ChristAlone, @CobraMisfit, @Coljef, @Craftybeggar, @DaleRogers, @danmcmartin, @DarkWillowTM, @DarrellW, @Dave_J, @Dave911, @Dave999, @DaveinOz, @davemac, @davidarcot66, @DavidP, @Deirdre, @Delta777, @Derek7f, @DevilDog, @dhodges, @dmisen, @dobleA, @DocJ, @DonnatheDead, @drc726, @DRM1310, @DSC1755 , @dwalms, @Eccleshall, @edwardc, @eigna527, @Elixir1253, @eric750, @EricinUtah, @EssieMD, @firasR, @firebee, @firstrazor, @Fish821, @Flying_V, @franzek, @frito, @gary_V, @GaryoftheNorth, @GeoffMolyneux, @georgemoe, @Beatup6String, @gjlaird, @glpguitar, @gnamsu, @Gonetoearth, @gonzo3298, @Gordonsoul, @Griff, @GrooveStranger, @Guitar_n00b, @Guitarman63, @Gunhild, @Hansmb, @Heatherxx, @Helen0609, @iainism, @Ian_Guitar, @isimmo61, @ItsJustMark, @JakAngelescu, @JamesSuntres, @Jamolay, @JanKR1953, @JasonBuk, @jazz77, @jimchall, @Jmwinans, @Joey22, @John_in_Dot, @JohnnyW, @Jomal1956, @jonesdch, @jsg12, @judi, @Just_Dan, @KathyTake2, @kdickson519, @KJPARKER28, @Kpatterson, @KrazGuitar, @LandMstudent, @lankytwang, @laser_171825, @Lauriealtman, @Lespaul351, @LievenDV, @litesport, @LunaRocket, @Malz, @Mari63, @markr31, @MAT1953, @Mclement, @mdrainwater, @mfeeney0110, @Micksull, @micmac58, @Miguel51, @mike_m, @mikebuley, @MikexLee, @Milifax, @mocanada, @Montyster, @MrBen, @mrgoatee, @MrPB, @msarro, @mtglazer, @Muffknuckle, @MulchyD, @Music1958, @Narjuna, @nevertoold1, @nhh2oskr, @NicoleKKB, @Nightwatchman, @NolaBill, @Notatthetablecarlos, @oldhead49, @Old_Guy_n_a_Guitar, @oopsadaisyfaisy, @oztelemann, @palmtreeguru, @Papa_G, @pasvorto, @paulde, @PaulS92, @peteh77, @Peterctid, @philsmith, @PJMCM, @pkboo3, @plagana4, @prbushe, @pyradise, @quaveda, @radicalaccordion, @Raqi2003, @rdeitz, @RedSchuhart, @Richard_N, @Richbro, @Rick168, @RickB, @RickCast, @rjdowns, @rlfrye, @Rob_48, @RobDickinson, @roger_holland, @rolling56, @rorystrat, @RosettaWeller, @Rossco01, @runhappy, @Russ72, @sairfingers, @sandrobertini, @sbainhud, @Schmidtrock, @sclay, @scoobie1, @SDKissFan, @SgtColon, @shaunj1380, @Sheshreds, @Shodan, @Silvia, @Six_of_One, @Skimball5561, @smartypantssuz, @snoxracr, @SombreJungle, @Squibbles, @SteveCarballo, @SteveL_G99, @stevepbyrne, @stitch, @stuartw, @TangleJangle, @Taylor64, @Tbushell, @TDM5, @TennesseeJed, @TGFNM14, @TheCluelessLuthier, @TheMadman_tobyjenner, @theoldman66, @thewritescott, @think2100, @Thomasine, @tigerbob, @Tom_B, @tommion, @tony, @TowerGuy, @Tracey63, @TRJ, @Vidwork, @VSapor63, @waynep, @Weebuns, @WonderMonkey, @woodroe


I just want to say, Thank you Richard :man_bowing: …So far I have learned everything from Justin before from the website and absolutely from your community posts a while ago :sunglasses: but there comes a time when I forget more and/or pick up new things … I will keep an eye on you/this with great pleasure …
Thanks :blue_heart:

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Shame I can’t make the clubs due to timing but they look very good and informative from viewing resources. Am I right to think there is no recording of the session to view. Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:.

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Thanks for sharing Richard. This vintage club and Justin’s Blues club have both caught my eye. Unfortunately, living in the US the times fall right in the middle of my work day. I hope there will be some times when I can arrange my schedule to pop into a session.

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can you please DM me on this topic? I’m not familiar with vintage clubs.

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I also haven’t attended any because of the time of day. Would be nice to have a video to reveiw for both attendees and those who can’t attend. I’ve have read the PDF files @Richard_close2u has uploaded.

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Thank you for the invitation Richard @Richard_close2u . Honoured to be included in the Old Dogs Club! I’m sorry but I seem to have completely missed the Vintage Clubs so another guitar related New Years resolution is added to the ever growing list!!! Compliments of the season to you.

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You will find all the information on JustinGuitar Clubs HERE as linked by Richard in the first post.

and HERE on the Community


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Thank you @Richard_close2u for posting this. I have attended several of the club sessions and all of them were great. The approved teachers were all great and the session was informative and helpful! All are free also. I could not ask for more from Justin and his staff! Great job!


I attended all 3 Vintage club sessions and think they were great and helpful. For me the bit about the Capo really helped, specifically how to move it to change the key? to be able to lower it for voice. I think it’s key, anyway. I haven’t tried it yet but really need to!

I think the chart of things to discuss are pretty good, too.

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Man that’s one huge pound !
Mutley laughing-laugh


While the idea of these clubs is probably a good one, it doesn’t work for me. I live out in the country and my internet connection isn’t very good. It can take 20 minutes to run a 5 minute video so I doubt it would be able to handle the tech needed for clubs.

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Thank you @Richard_close2u for this. I am unable to attend all classes owing to time constraints but will attend every one I can.

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Thanks for the invite. I would definitely be interested assuming East Coast US works timewise. Also, I see in the club descriptions Melody/rhythm/harmony for vintage folks, but it says the event is over. Actually, most, if show that message. Thanks and all the best.

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Bruce there will be more scheduled for the new year. Think of this as a heads up and place to discuss future direction and development. :sunglasses:

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I’ll check it out after the holidays. There might be a time lapse due to being in the US. We’ll see. Merry Christmas to everyone!

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Thanks, and happy holidays to you.


I’ll be watching for them.

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Hi @Richard_close2u, those Vintage Club live sessions and the WhatsApp group are phantastic. They contained a lot of useful information, especially the stuff about using the capo to get other voicings when jamming with other people was very enlightening.

As for the topics for future sessions, I find all of the ones in the survey very interesting. My problem, however, is that on Monday evenings, I normally should attend choir rehearsals. I skipped the rehearsals for the first two occasions, but I can’t always do that :wink:. - Is it conceivable that the Vintage Club events could take place on another evening? If that is not possible, I will still try to be there, especially if it is on a topic that is very relevant to me.

In the meantime, I’m wishing everybody happy holidays. :wave:t2:

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