What are you currently listening to? 2022

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Live at the Fillmore, 1997 - a box set that was just released on Friday. Four hours worth of Tom Petty classics and tons of covers. Really loving it!

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Jimi Hendrix would have turned 80 today


Listening to it since it dropped yesterday. Buying the double gig tickets tomorrow!

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Unleash the Archers, Brittney is a vocal beast!

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Love this.


Sometimes things just show up. Dude is an angel.


Piano piece…

I’ve searched for some time fro the original composer with no luck. Soundhoud, sound cloud and shazam do not know this piece, Sadly. It’s an amazing inspirational piano piece , just love it.

I gave the piece a name, not sure why that name came to mind thought…

I contacted Helen Jane Long but alas she said it wasn’t hers.


Oh no that will be today’s earworm !! I certainly recognize it but could not put a name to it or who composed it. But I have a strong feeling it could be a film score, not that will help as I could not say what film. :scream: Hopefully someone will name it ! Not much help sorry.


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Hi Rachel,

For me, this piece has a very high level of the piano guys,…in any case, it contains the same pieces,…
Now I’m going to post something else from them,…just because I have to think about that now and listen for a while, :smiley:…good luck with your search,

The Piano Guys Live at Red Butte Garden - Beethoven’s 5 Secrets


Beautiful, powerfull music :slight_smile:

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Wow, that is a good one!!

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I’ve recently rewatched Dead Man by Jim Jarmusch and had the soundtrack album on for repeat. It has a great sort of ambient vibe. Interestingly, the main theme was not included on the official soundtrack.

These girls rock :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

So do these!

ENJOY :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

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Dropped into my YT feed today for some reason despite it being posted 13 years ago.
Could not ignore a listen to RVZ’s daughter Tammy. RIP Ronnie.

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Funny, one thing leads to another.

Remember big arguments with my daughter about Shinedown covering Simple Man. I’ve mellowed a bit since then !!


After seeing a new(ish) lesson pop up I couldn’t resist! :joy:


Thank you Darrell.

That’s erased the nightmare earworm that embedded itself when I saw the lesson.
Toto never floated my boat back in the day and Africa got way too much air time.
As Frank Carson once said “that’s a cracker” !


My thoughts exactly, they’re some really cool stuff on his channel!
If you want a really good laugh look for his cover of WAP :joy:


Just found this in my feed

:rofl: :metal: :rofl: :metal: :rofl: :metal: :rofl: :metal: