What are you currently listening to? 2023

Hank Williams, Jr. - ā€œA Country Boy Can Surviveā€


@TheMadman_tobyjenner How about some Blackberry Smoke doing Skynyrd


Bring in it on brother !! That acoustic set is pretty much the Endangered Species album plus extras and those missing five. Adding a few to my play list but with vox playing the keep it simple approach.

Groups like BBS is where I love my daughter who keeps me current and that will be tracks that surfaced in the last 20 years !! :rofl:

Great cover but those vox donā€™t quite hit the VZ standard. Close but no cigar but hey all i got is the hat :rofl:

Another emotional tug. Last one before I turn in . Tomorrows another day, will I remember today ? Food for thought.


Just about to click on that X and saw this. Loved Patti Smith back in the day, yes I am old but this cover blew me away.

Then this Midnight Oil cover !! Never Too Old To Rock n Roll go Patti !

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I watched that once, good performance, now youtube wants me to watch it all the time.

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@TheMadman_tobyjenner Just finished listening to the Skynyrd play list. Wasnā€™t a big fan of Endangered Species when it came out in the mid 90ā€™s but after listening to it now itā€™s starting to grow on me.
Totally forgot about Pure and Simple off 1991 loved that song when it came out.
Thank for posting the whole play list. Got me thought the afternoon. :beers:

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This track is just rolling around in my head all day

Released about an hour ago. Anyone spot the power socket for the amp ? :rofl:

We all need hope!

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DH and I and a friend were getting into bagpipe music last night. Good whiskey drinking music.

The Megalodon Reel - YouTube

Piper Ally. I would have liked to post the box/thumb/photo of that and someone told me how once but for the life of me I still canā€™t get it to work!

AH HA! I figured it out!

Maybe thatā€™s why I can barely hear the guitar over the backing track?

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And pipes with violin.


Lately Iā€™ve been playing a recently discovered video game called Road 96 (if you can, definitely get the game its so fun) and one scene during the game has a song that made me fall in love with the game even more.
I am also learning how to play it on my acoustic guitar, and i feel like it is a really big step up in my guitar journey.
The Road by Cocoon made for Road 96


wtf Iā€™m a Dolly Parton fan now?


And that really doesnā€™t make you less of a personā€¦ just different :joy:

I often practice Jolene and sometimes put on a live version of herā€¦really great :sunglasses:

Immediately when posting, that ā€˜editā€™ pen is in the right corner?? thatā€™s strange

Sheā€™s great. Have you heard Annika Bennett?

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Canā€™t wait to see those guys live at a metal festival in approx. four weeks


Leo Kottke, always a good listen: