What are you currently listening to? 2023

Some classic Billy B, shame its all so current.

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These are a fun listen

Actually reminds me a bit of daisy chainsaw


I just found this while YT surfing. Though I prefer the rawer version by the Dominos, this is also pretty good.


I don’t know why, but there’s something very captivating about Chaise Longue.

“Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?” is a fantastic line (I think).

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Love Ideology. The music comes from Dylan’s “Chimes of Freedom”, you probably knew that.

BTW, have you listened much to the stuff he did with Wilco using Woody Guthrie’s lyrics? 3 great CD’s worth of music there.

their other stuff is equally captivating, poppy but a good fun listen

Will need to check that out JJ thx for the nudge :sunglasses:

Listening to some Sky, John Williams on guitar with Kevin Peek and others, excellent band, a mixture of classical and rock. Saw them a couple of times, inspiring.


The Warning recently released live version of their song from the last album and it’s great. I cannot listen to them enough, because they’re just awesome.

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In the past few weeks I’ve listened to The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway several times, focusing on the lyrics as well as the music. This song is probably the highlight of the record as the words and the music seem to fit together seamlessly. I’ve been thinking about using it for my next big transcription project, so tonight I started to play along to the recording and some pieces (from the solo in the outro as well) have already fallen into place.

Great imagery in the lyrics, these lines being probably my favourite ones:

“Each empty snakelike body floats,
Silent sorrow in empty boats.
A sickly sourness fills the room,
The bitter harvest of a dying bloom.”

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Only 8 years behind the curve, I’ve gotten into London Grammars first album by way of my daughter and hearing those haunting vocals a lot on internet radio. I really like the way the subtle highly compressed delay oriented sound and phrasings work to support the vocals.

They are awsome live :slight_smile:

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This song has been on repeat for awhile. Both at home, but also at the gym :slight_smile:


This is a MUST LISTEN.

I can’t believe I didn’t post this yet. I think it’s quite important to listen to for many reasons. First of all, Ren is a remarkable young talent. He’s very charismatic. His “lyrics” are brilliant. His playing is extremely expressive. And he can sing.

But that’s not the most powerful thing about this video. The song is explosively strong, emotionally speaking. It’s beyond honest. And it’s put together in a way that certainly has a history, genre wise, but is not your usual rap song. It’s part narration, part character acting, part rap, part song, and calls back to Shakespeare, The Threepenny Opera, and to me, very early British renaissance influenced folk.

It’s also a huge viral hit on YouTube and Spotify et all.

Finally, Ren Gil is suffering from Lyme Disease, misdiagnosed as bipolar and chronic fatigue syndrome for years. It derailed a very promising career from his days busking in Brighton. mostly with the band Big Push but also with other buskers in tremendously wonderful collabs. He’s undergoing treatment now in Canada. I wish him well. His very personal story song could not be more universal. Yes, he’s highly skilled. But he still invites all of us to let your guard down, experiment, try new things. I’m crazy about him.

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I knew I saw it somewhere but didn’t expect it was you who posted it originally :grinning:


Oooo post 888, whoooaaa spooky :joy:
Just a couple of musings, first on not usually my thing but they are good!

Second, my sort of thing featuring Rob Chapman (of Chapman guitars) his wife singing and my favourite Bass player CiCi plus two others I don’t know!

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I’m trying to make amends for not paying enough attention to Jeff Beck as I was growing up. :frowning_face:

Beck’s Guitar Shop (full album playlist)

Seriously though, is this not the single most beautiful bit of instrumental electric guitar you have ever heard?

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And then there is Pat, not a single day goes by without listening to at least one of his instrumentals.

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