What are you currently listening to? 2024

That’s what I needed to hear as well!

As both my music collection as well as the songs I can play on the guitar are heavily dominated by 80s and 90s music, I’ve been listening to the top songs of the past few years according to Spotify and Billboard, and it’s just a complete wasteland[1] as far as guitars are concerned.

These guys are great, thanks!

1 - With the exception of a few country songs, but while I like plenty of country artists (e.g., Alan Jackson, Holly Williams, Brad Paisley), I’m not a fan of the Nashville country sound.

Yeah, that’s dang impressive!

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New song by Royal Republic and it’s great!
Such a fun, positive and catchy song and even a better video. Can’t wait for the album to release next month.

Been meaning to drop some of my recent Spotify finds but the list keeps growing. Weird metrological events may make the Aurora Borealis visible here in Normandie tonight, missed it last night. So its beer, ear buds and some good old sound while I sit in the courtyard and wait for the sun to drop and the light to fade.

In the mean time here is a couple of gems. Fell in love with Elles voice and did ne have a clue that she hailed from the UK. Smoking Blues Rock.

And I just love this Jackson Dean song and have it squirreled away for a future performance !

Enjoy peeps. Who needs Eurovision ??



Particularly enjoyed the collaboration with cold play and the killers on raze the bar.

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As an older dog, Argus is one of my favourite albums - here’s a track from it. Caution - Riffs ahead :grinning:


I have a couple of releases from this band - I really like what they’re doing. Probably mainly of interest to progressive music lovers - I know there are some of you out there :slightly_smiling_face: It is rather lovely I think.

A couple of songs released by my favourite YouTube reaction Channel host - The Fairy voice mother, who is also a vocal coach and Singer songwriter.
First a cover of Nine inch nails / Jonny Cash Hurt - performed in her own style.

Then her first single released pre her first album, I can’t decide

Waiting patiently for the album to drop, not quite sure when as yet!


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@Vordus :metal:
Perhaps you’ll enjoy this in return, which was delivered to me today (via Bandcamp) from Profound Lore Records…


Gooood evening New Zealand, Holland has just had a rude awakening :smile:… I just thought I’d click on something here after a wile…but but I think it’s quite nice :sunglasses:… and disturbing at the same time :laughing:
Greetings and I hope that you can adapt well to your new situation and that things are going a little well for you :crossed_fingers: :metal:



Nothing like some black metal in the morning to blow the cobwebs out :wink::joy:

Greetings to you too, my friend! I am well thank you for asking :hugs:, beginning to feel more settled.
I hope all is well with you too :smiling_face:
Have a great day! :sunglasses::+1:

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Right on @nzmetal ! I’ll check that out when I get near my headphones.

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I’ve been listening to songs by Hungarian group Skorpió (active in the 1970s and 1980s, one of the few who also played real funk rock in that era here; also crazy popular in Poland then) and the lowdown bass rumble is giving me a GAS for a bass guitar :scream: Of course, the guitar solo is also pretty good.

Got to love the crunchy riffing and the electric piano in this one:

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A friend of mine, who is a blues and jazz musician (guitar and sax) shared a Spotify playlist with me of some of his and his friend’s Jazz collaborations, which I’ve been quite enjoying as background music whilst I work.



This whole album is amazing!!

OK I keep promising to drop some of the gems I have found on Spotify in the last few months but was conscious of not stirring the Dutchman and @roger_holland reminding me I was double posting. Hopefully I’ll avoid that, so no additional Elles Bailey but I’ll sift through the tracks I have in my Spot Like selection and cross match on UTub. Those that know me will recognise the theme. :wink:

And two of my new favourite bands The Commoners, very Black Crowes feel and The Georgia Thunderbolts, full on SR Blues Rock !

Loads more to come but that will give you a taster, heck its just Friday evening and the weekend starts here !

Keep rocking peeps North or South don’t matter.


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