What are you currently listening to 2025?

I love seeing big names play small venues.

EDIT: here’s two more. . .

This is an Oz Noy original


JGC old friends Marcus and Sandra still doing the bizzness !!


Goes to show Justin’s Lesson work if you want to put in the time.


Drinking some caffeine and getting my eyes open. Listening to some old school, for me at least. I remember buying this CD in Tower records in Dec on 1992 the end of an amazing year, But for the life of me, I can not remember if it was the Tower records in Reno Nevada on Virgina street or in San Jose California on Bascom. Everyone was looking at me funny that month. I had frost bite injury on the tip of my nose. I was beutiful. :kissing_heart:

1992 Plug the ears kiddos.


Cant wack a bit off offsprings love it cheers Hec

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Jeffrey Martin: just a voice and guitar. Superb!!


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Brilliant Brian i loved that, really good lyrics cheers Hec

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That was so cool, thank you for sharing. We just missed the SERPENT tour last year. :cry:


This video affected me a little this morning. I know that kurt would be so stoked that these amazing women are fronting his bandmates and just pouring their souls out to everyone. It raw and it is blemished.

No fallacy, no falsehood It is just the way things are in real life, mistakes and everything. That is what everybody understood who was there and we were hungry for it and why it was so succesfull.

-Breed (with St. Vincent)
-School (with Kim Gordon)
-Territorial Pissings (with Joan Jett)
-All Apologies (with Violet Grohl, Krist on accordion, Kim Gordon on bass)


Jason @Ontime, thank you for posting this. Man so many feels. All women standing in for Kurt - brilliant. Violet Grohl harmonizing with her dad. Good to see Dave. I streamed a bit of this concert last night. Brought back very strong memories of the benefit concert after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the Bay Area. Both brought tears to my eyes.

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There were some seriously strong emotions for me too. It was so unexpected, for me when I linked to the video this morning. I was just cheaking emails getting caught up in forums and social media. It stopped me in my tracks.

Pat Smear is always so happy. You could tell he was having a blast every time he looked over at St Vincent. I really like her prog stuff. It reminded me Nirvana unplugged and him swingin his feet with socks on like a little kid. Punks have feelings too.

I really realized how special this performance was when Krist gives that look back at Dave, thats when it really hit me in the feels. I don’t think I honestly ever thought Novoselic could be happy when playing a Nirvana song every again, but he was happy during that performance and it really got me tearing up with emotions.

Kim Gordon was a very big influence on Kurt and the whole alt. rock movment going into the 90s. Joan Jett man. Even St Vincent she is solid prog today.

You are so right about seeing Dave singing back up to his daughter. I know they had a really difficult year. Clearly he is a proud father and I am so glad that that family has been strong enough to work through it.

Does Violet Grohl give off some Hope Sandoval/Mazzy Star, Vibes to you? I think she has a rock star future. I read some negitives about her but I dont see it. I am biased and I don’t care.

I am so pleased you enjoyed it. We are a very small cohort. And the ones who really lived this small nitch is even smaller. It was a very special time that changed everything.


Pink Does an amazing job of Janis and Zeppelin, and her original isn’t half bad either.


Pink is a solid vocalist. She really can still belt it out, as you can see from her song what about us. My wife is a huge pink fan. Plus she married Boom Boom Huck. :laughing:

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Amazing live


I am in love with this new album. Those two sisters are awesome on the electric guitar and lap guitar! They are really talented and have that flame of the oldies with some brushes of some new rock. Check the whoooole album musicians! :star_struck:


If you any one wants to watch a master of percussion and amazing fills watch Danny Carey. He is regarded as one of the greatest living today. I can only think of one other with comparable skills and thats Neal Pert. I am sure there are others.

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That’s epic.

You may enjoy Mike Portnoy from Dream Theatre trying to learn this (warning: explicit language):

This is on Drumeos channel where they get famous drummers to learn other bands songs.

They also have a series where they give the drummers a song they’ve never heard before with the drum track missing, and they have to come up with their own version.

I found Portnoy coming up with a part for Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off hilarious:

But it’s worth looking through the series, as some of these are Gold. Some of my favourites include Jess Bowen, a pop drummer, killing it with a RATM track, and Nic Collins doing a pretty good job of Whiplash:



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That was really cool video Danny is really incredible I have seen tool live a number of times in the 90s i alway used the first released Opiate in my head to get ready for gnarly lines snowboard back in the the day. My wife and I managed to go and see Fear Innoculum when they came here to arizona. They are just amazing, we saw them.perfor this live so yeah unbelivable.

Haha i watched that whole thing. That Mark Portinoy guy was cool. So funny. "I need the code, whats the code? " how about “665 the nieber of the beast” I was like omg this guy is so funny.

That was funny. I am going to cheak out the frank zappa song he related this too. The Black Page? Very cool.

I only had one person say this drumming was basic. I knew that person they didnt know music. LOL. Glad you enjoied it. I try to watch it ever few months. Such an amazing 11 mins. I will check the other videos as well.


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