Where does your username come from?

Haha, true! Never thought about the etymology, oops.

Well, it was never a very pretty username if you know. But now you really made me feel even worse for itā€¦

Well, the damage is done :stuck_out_tongue:


Never entered my mind either until you mentioned it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Syphilis is like that or so I hearā€¦ :face_with_spiral_eyes::scream_cat::pray:t2::roll_eyes:



Back from vacation and trying to catch up. Interesting thread @CATMAN62 :smile:

Nothing special hereā€¦ really. JokuMuu is simply a contraction of two Finnish words ā€œjokuā€ and ā€œmuuā€. The best English translation of ā€œjoku muuā€ is probably ā€œsomeone elseā€.

I also like the sound of muu, i.e. mooh, i. e. cows mooing. So, just like there is a cat in your username, at least an animal sound is hidden in mine :cow2:


OpsRes is my short version of Operations Research (or the lengthen version of OR) . It was my field of study way back in my university days and then throughout my career. Later on I was back in the lecture halls only this time I was at the other end of process and taught the subject.
OR is the application of various mathematical techniques and models to improve (usually) organizational problems.

I use it because I have never had to add extra numbers onto it.



My username is from The Neverending Story- Atreyuā€™s faithful steed Artax who suffered a heartbreaking demise that, once youā€™ve seen it, will never leave you. The book was written the year I was born and the film came shortly after, but anytime someone references this tragic scene somewhere on the interwebs, the reaction from everyone, including me, is always the same- Too soon, dude. Too soon. Itā€™s one of my favorite books, and sure, the movie is fantastic, though I wouldnā€™t say its one of my all time favorites, but Artax ranks up there with some of the most memorable emotional book/film scenes of all time for me.

I donā€™t particularly relate to the vibe of the character of Artax or his prolific demise, however, like most young girls I did and still do love horses. The 2 comes from being my favorite number as a kid, and I put it in a rhyme scheme that goes with my middle name Lou, so when I was thinking up email names many years ago, I came up with Stacylou_2. The Stacylou sometimes gets replaced with Artax. Aside from the movie reference, Artax, the word, is easy to read and pronounce so there arenā€™t issues with anyone replying to me in forums where I use it.


That was an enjoyable read/ride!!!
The Neverending Story was not one of the Fantasy books I used to readā€¦ I favored mostly Space or some Tolkien storiesā€¦ youā€™ve given me a title I have to find!!! Thank you!


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Meow :black_cat: & Moo :cow2: to you!!! :laughing:

Thanks for sharing!!!


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After reading your story, I remembered this heartbreaking scene when Atrejuā€™s horse died :see_no_evil:. I saw the film several times when I was a child, and Iā€™m sure, I cried every time :sob:.
But I couldnā€™t remember the horseā€™s name.


One of my former hobbies was horse riding :horse:. It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed being out in nature once in a while. That was before I moved back to the city. The lady who ran the horse farm was quite a character. She gave everyone and everything a nickname, the horses, her dogs, the truck, and her clients. Thatā€™s where I got this nickname, a modified version of my first name.


I can always identify someone with similar interests to me, or perhaps from my age group, when they react to the name Artax. :slight_smile:


This is how my username Prof_Thunder came about: Iā€™m a university professor in Switzerland. We had a visiting researcher from Japan who was unable to pronounce my family name Sanders. When he said my name, it always sounded like Professor Thunder. After that, everyone in the lab called me Professor Thunder, with great amusement.


Never had much interaction with horses, Franz. My youngest daughter & now my granddaughters are bonkers for horses :racehorse:! I have found that just about every horse instructor they have had areā€¦ wellā€¦ letā€™s be nice and just say ā€œdifferentā€!!! Characters for sure!!! Nice story!!!


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Love this one!!!

Good thing though that you donā€™t have one of those hyphenated namesā€¦ imagine if your name was Ian Sanders-Burns.
Youā€™d have been Professor Thunder-Buns!


@CATMAN62 @NicoleKKB Thank you both for your kind words :heart:!

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Ah go on thenā€¦

Notter is very much a play on words courtesy of my brother and I continuously acting like 5 year olds when weā€™re together, for reference Iā€™m 48 heā€™s 51ā€¦ We ā€œinventedā€ the word to describe perfectly normal people doing odd things. Where the word ā€œnutterā€ has harsh and unpleasant connotations, we concluded that notter is more playful and better suited to things like pratfalls, freudian slips and other stupid behaviour.

So why do I use it? Iā€™m quite susceptible to doing randomly stupid things so here I am as Notter!!

(You can imagine my amusement when I stumbled across an email address for someone where I work who carries the surname Notter :slight_smile: )


I posted the origin of ā€˜sairfingersā€™ a few years ago in Sairfingersā€™ Learning Log so Iā€™ll copy and paste the entry across here.

Back in the Summer of 1990 (not ā€˜69) I was on a campsite in France with my wife and 2 kids. We were touring around with our caravan and ended up near Sarlat in the Dordogne region.

Anyone who has been camping/caravanning in France will know that the campsites are full of Dutch people and I met up with a bunch of Dutch guys. They all spoke great English so communication wasnā€™t a problem. They had brought their guitars on holiday with them so there were regular singalongs in the bar and swimming pool area etc. So my interest in guitar was reignited some 20 years after my initial short lived introduction as a teenager.

One of the guitar players was suffering from painful fingertips as he was not a regular player. Much to my amusement he described this in Dutch as ā€˜zere vingerā€™, but it was pronounced as ā€˜sair fingerā€™ (finger pronounced as in singer).

Had our national bard Robert Burns ever written a poem about a sore finger in addition to those for which he is famous like ā€˜Tae a mooseā€™ (thatā€™s mouse, not the large North American animal) he would undoubtedly have used old Scots and written and spoken it as ā€˜sair fingerā€™.

Unfortunately when I returned home the guitar spark, like many post holiday plans, was extinguished by work and family commitments.

I never forgot the Dutch guy and his sore fingers and on the 21st March 2018 (I checked my profile) when I joined Justin guitar and needed a nickname and certainly had sore fingers from playing for the previous few weeks, ā€˜sairfingersā€™ was born.


Wow! Super interesting post! Iā€™ve spent almost all my practice time reading this one thread! ooops :laughing: but have enjoyed reading everyoneā€™s responses :smiley:

I know right!? Do they still make childrenā€™s movies that are so horrifying and tragic!? (The Dark Crystal is another one that comes to mind)

@Helen0609 Hope you are feeling better these days Andrea :hugs: so awesome that you discovered JG and the community so soon after taking up guitar, hurruh! Thanks for sharing your story, it is beautiful and inspiring!

My username was originally Calvin after my old dog (in my profile pic), then changed it to my name, but had been thinking of going back to using Calvin :woman_shrugging:


Thanks Jax, I make my way through the days and guitar helps a lot :heart:

I would be Nelly then or, after our current dog, Emma :blush:


Haha, I initially presumed you were a Carpenters fan :laughing:
When I read you were a teacher, I wondered whether it was a nod to Gordon Sumnerā€™s Donā€™t stand so close to me ditty :thinking:
I canā€™t believe you had to ā€˜imagineā€™ scenarios where teenagers were being cheeky :rofl: