Where does your username come from?

And all this time I was thinking it was something to do with woowing your wife with a Carpenters song.

Mine is a character from the Terry Pratchett, Discworld books. He is part of the night watch.


My guitar is a Burns.
Rhythm is first and foremost what music is all about.
So I put the two together to remind myself to learn to play rhythm rather than just chasing the fancy lead stuff.

Burns flagship guitar model is the Burns Dream. Fancy looking thing!
All the reviews are good so Iā€™ll hunt one down someday and at least give it a try. Ā£1500 ā€¦ā€¦eeek!

ā€œBurnsRhythm living his dream playing in a band with a Burns Dream guitarā€

ā€¦ā€¦kinda catchy! :guitar:


Hi, hi, Now Iā€˜ve got, what I wanted :joy: :joy: :joy: . The home story againā€¦.
Say hello to Mr. Freud! :wink:

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After trying my own first name ā€¦Rogierā€¦4 times (on the old forum) with one or more letters of my last name, which all turned out to be occupied ā€¦having no patience and thinking that I would only post not more than once a month :roll_eyes: :grin: to thank/ask so then the English variant I try and just to make it clear that I came from Holland ā€¦sounds easy. I did not know then that there many people outside the Netherlands have Holland as their surname, so that apparently does say nothingā€¦Even Justin thought I came from France, I then said ā€œOoo no the horror, only madmen`s came from Franceā€ ā€¦ which is of course a stupid joke :see_no_evil: and certainly if you donā€™t hang out on the forum regularly :blush:

enumerationā€¦ tried own nameā€¦occupiedā€¦no patienceā€¦ready :smiley:



Hi Andrea
Talking here to Brian like that but not sharing your splittend mind story Helen :thinking:ā€¦ I told your explanation to my wife a wile ago and she liked it a lot :joy:


Thanks Rogier @roger_holland for pointing out what I have been thinking :hugs:. @Helen0609 Andrea, I always wondered what the backstory of your username was. (Sorry if youā€™ve already shared it somewhere and I missed it :see_no_evil:.)

And thanks Tod @CATMAN62 for this interesting thread. The backstories are amazing :star_struck:.

My own is not very interesting. Nicole is obviously my first name, and KKB is a hint to the place Iā€™m living at :grin:. Iā€™m sorry for not being able to offer a more fancy story :innocent:.


Hi Rogier, will follow. Quite busy today, but maybe later today!. Oh, I see Nicole posted tooā€¦. Be patient! Real life took over! :joy:


If it is being played by me then it is Malsā€™ muzic, but as I enjoy using Z, it is Malz. :sweat_smile:


Oh no, donā€™t go there ā€¦


nhh2oskr ā€“ Itā€™s a combination of where I live and (non-guitar) hobbies

nh - New Hampshire, state where I live in USA
h2o ā€“ water
skr ā€“ skier (both liquid and frozen)


Instead, go from Seattle to Vancouverā€¦ we drove from the US to Canada years ago and directly on the border thereā€™s a large park with testimonials and monuments dedicated to the friendship between our countriesā€¦ it was truly beautiful & felt historic because of the decades of shared goals & goodwill! No 2 countries are going to agree on everythingā€¦ but thereā€™s so many things to admire about our Northern neighbor!!!
:maple_leaf: Hereā€™s to Canada :maple_leaf: !!!



20+ years ago, the 2year old daughter of two of my closest friends could not pronounce my first name (Greg). Goog came out and for many people it has stuck all this time.


Fun topic, Tod.

Unfortunately I canā€™t add any fun and imagination through my choice of username but sure have enjoyed reading the thread.


Funny that this simple username leads to repeated queries here and in other threads :wink:.
The short story behind helen0609 is middlename, followed by date of birth, 6th of September.
The longer story, Rogier refers to (he only knew the funnier part of it) goes like this:
As I registered to the site, I just had recovered from a life-threatening disease (that kind of illness nobody needs) after months of therapy. Needless to say, that my life changed dramatically within this period, going from a very healthy person to some kind of fragility. After recovering very quickly, I decided to do something Iā€™ve never done in my life before - starting to learn to play the guitar. Thanks god, I landed at Justinā€™s site immediately and started almost 2 years ago with my guitar journey. For me, this guitar journey is so much more than learning to play guitar, itā€™s kind of a coming back to life trip. With all those hassles related to illness and all those long term health restrictions that came up later (like a heavy fatigue that takes away almost all of my energy), I kind of fell out of my ā€œoldā€ life. It was and is not easy to get back into my old life again, as a lot of things for me are very different than before, but didnā€™t change for other people.
At the time I discovered the community (oh, happy day!), I signed up and instantly needed a username. As Andrea very often is occupied as a username, I decided to take Helen, as Helene is my middle name. Had I known, that this community is such a treasure, I had taken my time to find something fancier. Promised! But now, Helen somehow represents an additional part of the personality of ā€œAndreaā€ (which was very much related to sports, sports, sports), the part which is connected to music and all those guitar related issues, kind of a alter ego for the ā€œmusicusā€ in me. I told Rogier, in another thread, that after Iā€™m closing the door to my music room, I switch to ā€œHelenā€ :joy:ā€¦ ā€œjust the two of usā€ :rofl:. Then he was completely confused, as he never knew, if heā€™s talking to Helen or Andrea. Maybe I should change my username to Andrea, everybody knows anywayā€¦
Thatā€™s the whole story :smiling_face:


And what a sad yet beautiful story it is, Andrea!!! Itā€™s a story that I bet is similar to many of us here, especially after Covidā€¦ I believe that ā€œgoing through the fires of lifeā€ is difficult but can be purifying to our souls! Recreation of oneā€™s self is a life changing event - those around us donā€™t always understand, unfortunately.
My hatā€™s off to you for the courage to take on a new challenge while recovering!!! :mending_heart:



Thank you, Andrea @Helen0609 , for sharing your story :hugs:.
I once knew a young man, who decided to use his middle name after being left by his girl friend. For him, it was like the former person he had been, died, and he continued his live with the new name.
I donā€™t have a middle name, so this wouldnā€™t be an option for me :blush:.


Nothing very special or secret. Iā€™m going on 72 so and last time I checked I was a guy, soā€¦


Back in 2004 I started playing PC games and my first multiplayer game was Battlefield 1942. I was young and created a silly name: Major Siff

Major because itā€™s a military game and Siff because itā€™s funny together with major. Also MS are my real name initials.

Siff is a german word and means kind of filth (in a non-sexual way). So if you know german itā€™s a bit like ā€œmajor filthā€, else itā€™s just relatively unique.

This were also my first years using forums, so this became my forum name.

Later I played other games and joined other communities without military themes and omitted the Major.

As Siff was short and not very often used I kept using it.


Itā€™s an abbreviation of Syphilis :wink: