A song about coping in a changing world

Hi ya fellow Justineer’s
I haven’t posted for a while as I had to move house. Busy time.
This song is an original. Just wrote it a few weeks ago.
The words flowed, then melody and chords were done all within a couple of hours.
It has been a ver very long time since I have written an original song so I thought I would share it with you guys for feedback. Please be honest as I am thinking of submitting it to a Folk club song contest.
The song is about me getting older and finding it harder and harder to deal with all the change in this crazy world, especially since the big “C”.
[Will It Ever Be The Same Again an Original Song by Ron Gloss - YouTube]


Wow, you sure are the whole package

smooth, tasteful and textured playing.
Fitting songwriting; stuff to think about
good singing voice and the courage to use it.

Very fond of the part where you dare to go high in pitch.
I’m also a fan of the bridge and how it feels like the tension of the theme…a tug of war of “then” and “now”.

I think my only real critique would be that it is …a bit too long.
I know; what kind of feedback is that but part of of storytelling is communicating that falls within a span of attention that fits the medium. Therefor I think you might want to condense it.

Also, if you care to post lyrics,
I would like to check out if there is enough evolution in your story arc;
a beginning, a series of events or evolution, a change and a conclusion.

Perhaps length and story arc need some tweaks but the song itself, the music, the theme, the singing. awesome!


Music can really be a helpful medium to express and handle emotions about what’s around (or inside) us. Amazing job taking what’s on your mind and putting it into a tangible musical piece.

Stellar vocals, and I love the percussive element to your strumming. Please keep bringing us music! Wish I could write songs in a few hours like you! Usually takes me anywhere from days to over a year!

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Hi Ron,

That is quite something! As to your question, definately yes, please enter it.

I am really not qualified to comment on the songwriting, never having tried it, @LievenDV has you covered there, but the playing and the singing, and your relaxed presentation, has everything you need for bringing the song ‘out there’.

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Enjoying this lovely production.
The venue is so nice.
Love your vocals, and the lyrics are well crafted.
Very emotional singing, love this.

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Oh Ron, you’re an absolute talent mate, and a pleasure to listen to.
What a great original - heartfelt lyrics, melodic, beautifully played, and wonderful vocals.

You could ‘submit’ this song in any forum you like Ron, and it would stand on its own.
A real treat having you in this community.

Cheers, Shane

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That was incredible Ron. Loved the complete package, the lyrics, vocals, chord progression the lot. Really well constructed and good luck with entering this in the folk competition! It will take a cracking song to beat you!

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This was a difficult song to listen to as a Big C survivor x 3 myself, I choked back tears through much of the song. I think even without that backstory though the song stands on its own as a song about change. It’s beautiful, Ron. Guitar, vocals, lyrics, melody. I do agree in general with the comments about song length, and ensuring a story arc, but at the same time I don’t know what I would change. I think there’s some leniency for song length in folk music, and your song has sufficient changes that it works well enough for me as a longer song. Maybe you could keep the original as is for length, and then have a ‘radio edit’ version for it as well. I say definitely enter it into your folk song contest.

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This is hauntingly beautiful

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Thank you Lieven for the encouraging feedback.
I will go back and tweek it before I submit it to the competition.
I did wonder if it was a tad too long.

Will It Ever Be The Same Again
By Ron Gloss ( Capo 2)

Verse 1

F#m7#5 Gadd9
I was thinking just the other day
Em7 A7/A7sus4
About what the world has now become
F#m7#5 Gadd9
How so many things have just gone astray
Em7 A7/A7sus4
The things now lost that once were won
Its all changed into something else
G A7
Something new but not quite right
F#m7#5 Gadd9
It’s changing each and every day
Em7 A7sus4 D
What once was black now is white

G Bm11
Will it ever be the same again
G6 D
Or is this change just here to stay
G Bm11
Will it ever be what it use to be
G6 A7sus4/A7
Oh I desire for that and pray

Verse 2

F#m7#5 Gadd9
I was walking just the other day
Em7 A7/A7sus4
Along a path I use to know
F#m7#5 Gadd9
Every corner seemed to be so unclear
Em7 A7/A7sus4
Every step just took me low
It use to be such a high for me
G A7
To walk along this well trod road
F#m7#5 Gadd9
But now it’s full of stranger things
Em7 A7sus4 D
As I sojourn with heavy load

F#m11 G
Oh please please can they make it be
F#m11 G
Oh how how can I make them see
F#m11 G
The way it was and use to be for me….

Verse 3
F#m7#5 Gadd9
I was resting just the other day
Em7 A7/A7sus4
To make my mind clear and free
F#m7#5 Gadd9
When I remembered what they use to say
Em7 A7/A7sus4
“It was just the same back then for me”
So I looked back upon my life that’s been
G A7
Of friends and love and sights I’ve seen
F#m7#5 Gadd9
A life of twisting turns and what’s called choice
Em7 A7sus4/A7 D
Yet now, so few will hear my voice

copyright(C)by “Ron and His Guitar Covers” 21/2/2023


Thank you Ben.
The song was obviously bottled up inside me and needed to come out.

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Thank you Tjeerd.
Your encouragement is appreciated.

Thank you Rene,
My music room is no more :cry:as I had to move house and will need to start again at the new place.
My next video should show my new music room work in progress. :smiley:
Glad you enjoyed it.

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Wow thank you Shane.
So happy my song is hitting a chord with my fellow Justineer’s.
I love being in this community as it is a encouraging and instructive place to be.

Thank you Eddie.
I will tweek the length a bit as suggested and then send it in.
Really appreciate your feedback and encouragement.

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Hi Mari,
It made my wife cry :cry: as well.
It has been a tough few years for everyone and the song needed to come out of me for a bit of healing :mending_heart:
Thank you for the feedback and encouragement.

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Thank you Vin.
I am glad it reached inside you somewhere and spoke to you.

Hi Ron, that was brilliant! An outstanding original, beautifully played and sung with heart and emotion. :clap::star_struck:
In terms of feedback, the only piece would be the same as the others who mentioned making it a bit more condensed. In fact I felt when listening through that it was going to wrap perfectly when you started the 3rd verse with…

As I thought that tied nicely to the opening line and just needed one last statement to close it out. I could picture you sitting back, wistfully reminiscing about times and loved ones gone by, so could perhaps just finish with…

Or something like that maybe? :thinking:

Lot of great stuff in that final verse which seems a shame to waste though. But whatever you decide, rejig or not, it’ll be grand either way! :smiling_face_with_sunglasses::+1:

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Lots to love in that, Ron, thank you for sharing.

Admired your right-hand technique, lovely blend of chords, notes, bass walks, percussion.

Song length is a tricky thing. I didn’t find myself drifting off in the song, you held me start to finish. I liked the way you started the 3 verses and the bridge/middle 8. I haven’t listened a second time to dig deeper into that.

All I’ll say is that some of the finest song-writers like to write songs that are longer than the 3 minutes plus/minus 30 seconds length for a radio-ready pop song for the charts.

From the song contest perspective, maybe that will have some influence on ideal length.

Irrespective, a fine composition, arrangement, and performance.


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Bravo Ron, beautiful song, nicely done! I like how you used the capo to get the song to match your voice. And no, I don’t think it will ever be the same :).

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