Anyone in for a beginner songwriting challenge?

Dear Community,

thereā€™s so much enthusiasm around and so many of you have talents in one or the other fieldā€¦
and Justin has often stated in his lessons that meeting other players, jamming together or co-writing songs is a great addition to practicing on your own.

I have two friends locally I could meet (but still a bit away), but somehow we never make it, or when I meet one of them, we spend nearly all of the time with our families and nearly donā€™t get to playing the guitar together!

I have seen quite a few cooperations here with great results! But how do you find each other?
Except for Lievenā€™s thread about co-writing a song (for which Iā€™m not up to the level, unfortunately), I havenā€™t seen threads with a request for cooperation.

I would really like to change that!
Iā€™ve had the feeling that a lot of us would like to write a song, and have ideas and even bits here and there, but something still holds everyone back.
At least thatā€™s the case for me.
Iā€™ve got lots of pieces of music, and subjects and some lyrics, but could not finish one song yet.
Except for a few instrumental ā€œalmost readyā€ or mini songs.

Iā€™d be happy about any collaboration ideas you got!
Iā€™ve got a few ot them, but the first Iā€™d like to drop is based on Justinā€™s suggestion in here:

This was exactly the idea I had as a kid! I was a huge Beatles fan and as I wanted to write a song but didnā€™t know how! I thought myself very clever to exchange the lyrics from an already existing song first, then, in a second step exchange the music so you couldnā€™t recognize the originating song anymore.
I wonder how many people already had the same idea and actually even did that?

Another video on the subject

Back to the cooperation.

How about - anyone who likes the idea and wants to join in -

  1. proposing a great song (maybe with a rather not too complicated rhythm?)
  2. then having a vote for a song to choose (among the many :grinning: )
  3. everyone works on the same song, starting the lyrics and music echange. EIther people alone, or we build groups of 2 (or more), some people are more comfortable with lyrics, the other maybe more creative with the musicā€¦

Iā€™m not so much after a competition, but just gaining experience, hopefully learning something about songwriting and cooperation in music along the way.
And maybe, there could be additional rules set, like o topic for example. Or a set of chords or a maximum number of 3 chords for example.
Because, often limitations make it easier to start something. Or we could have a free-form category and the other that want to stick to the rules.

Is that a doable idea? Would someone be interested?
Of course, weā€™re not forced to all work on the same song, but I think it could be fun! Some could be very close to the original, or make fun of it, others could have gone completely elsewhereā€¦
And if you have any ideas on how to make the thing better or more practical, itā€™s very welcome.
This is just a draft.

Best regards,


Hehe, looks like Domi has been bitten by the Community bugā€¦ Congratulations! :smiley:

Back on the old Forum Justin used to host monthly ā€˜song competitionsā€™, occasionally themed. They were more good fun than anything else, but a lot of work for the team.
You learn a lot from collaborating with others and have taken the first step with your post. Even if there is little demand for a ā€˜challengeā€™ Iā€™d be surprised if there wasnā€™t anyone up for helping out with lyrics or music on any project you fancy tackling.
Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m embroiled in another ā€˜family & friendsā€™ project Iā€™m putting together, but Iā€™m sure someone else will bite. Also, donā€™t be afraid to message folk directly. The worst they can do is politely decline :laughing:
Your Beatles anecdote reminds me of this one I did along similar lines :smiley:
If you are bored, Richard curated a very long post of an ā€˜accidentalā€™ collaboration on the old forum and posted it here :rofl:
Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:


There used to be a thread on the old forum for people to reach out and invite others to collaborate on a project. I have had a quick dig around and donā€™t seem to be able to find it here, in this relatively ā€œnewā€ house. The collaborations recording Category certainly still exists but to the obe to offer invitations, which used to encompass what you suggest.

Maybe @Richard_close2u is aware of its location or perhaps its demise. :thinking:

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Dominique, I love this idea! I canā€™t commit to anything right now - my plate is a bit full, and the holidays are coming (which in my beginner guitar life means trying to learn a couple Christmas songs). One thought might be to continue refining your already-well-thought-out ideas, and begin collaborating after the first of the year. I think I could commit to that! And if you do get this going sooner, Iā€™ll still consider checking in after the new year.

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Letā€™s just do it, I am game Dominique I have time on my hands for anything musical so Iā€™ll help no probs cheers HEC :guitar:


Hi Dom,

Great idea and I look forward to seeing what comes out of it. Iā€™ve thought about some type of collaboration a few times either a cover or original but will probably wait until I have a better skill level.

Iā€™ll be watching your progress with interest, good luck :+1:

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not sure how this would workā€¦as in, online, I guess.
sounds like a great idea in concept though, I would love to join in. I have written maybe 4 or 5 bars of a song, though I wrote it as I went along, I think it sounds good, but I cant play it :rofl:. pretty silly of me. maybe someone who is good at fingerstyle would be able to tell me if I have made somethign worth while, or just a dogs breakfast :dog2: :grin:

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Domi, your post has been like a thorn in my heart, since you put it out there. I kept on thinking, I would like to so much, but I canā€™t and shouldnā€™t.

In fact, there are many reasons why I shouldnā€™t. I have not even finished Grade 2 yet and am at the moment on a mission to fight old bad habits. My only recording equipment is my phone, and I donā€™t even have a DAW, the real Guitarapro or any other computer than an old Linux laptop. I do have the mobile version of Guitar Pro though.

There are so many reasons why I shouldnā€™t and why it would be wise not to. But then. Maybe this is one of these ā€œjump over your own shadowā€ situationsā€¦

Thus: I am all in for such collaboration projects, if you will have me.

What I can offer is love for music, very good listening skills and a relatively good ear for music, imagination, creativity, curiosity and inquisitiveness. I can aso offer a good feeling for lyrics and hopefully usable language skills (acceptable English (I hope), German (mother tongue) e.g.). Oh, and I can offer completed lyrics for two songs, on which I havenā€™t even started working yet otherwiseā€¦ and two more song ideas :bulb:


I have not even finished grade 1, just dive, thats what Iā€™m doing. wing it!

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I love your attitude :sun_with_face: You are right, letā€™s go for it. Nothing to lose, only to learn and win :slightly_smiling_face:


Meet the newly edited and rebranded Meeting Place sub-section:


Hi Dominique, Hec here well it looks like we have some interested people here so I think you and I should just go for this, how do you feel we should approach the subject and get it off the ground, I will support you as much as I can, the only day I do get a bit busy is fridays I volunteer to teach in a local community centre playing learning music fixing guitars etc but apart from that I have lots of time on my hands cheers Hec

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Cheers Richard and Toby ill wait until I hear from Dominique, cheers

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Hi all.

Fantastic - it is great that people want to make music together.
There are lots of interested people.

Two things.

I have moved this to the newly rebranded sub-section of the Community.

I suggest that once you have some interest, you begin to communicate via direct message between yourselves.


dont think i have done that but Iā€™m sure ill learn thanks again cheers Hec

Itā€™s easy, Hec :slightly_smiling_face:

Click your profile icon = in your case the D in the light orange background colour circle.

Then click for example the bell, but clicking most any symbol will do.

Next click the envelope. Next you will be shown a view where this envelope is and highlighted in red-orange

Click this envelope and you will be shown a view similar to below screenshot. Here you can add the recipients of your message, the subject, write your message, add links and pictures etc. and send it.


Hello again, everyone!

Thanks a lot for your interest! :heart:

I thought that Iā€™d keep the thread slim and have a few clear posts, while still encouraging you to detail your own ideas.
Well - because I thought to perform the actual challenge in this thread.
But after all, itā€™s probably best to discuss everything just like in usual threads here and when we are a group agreeing in what we want to do, start a new, slim and clear thread with the proceeding of the challenge with not so much discussion, because we will have discussed everything in here already.

I would like to reply to everyone one by one here, but I have to leave the house now and will - later!

All the best to you,

Dear Richard,

I have send you a private message, after you told us to mainly communicate in private messages along the way, while I still tought the challenge would be proceeded in this thread, but now have changed my mind:

  1. have some discussion how this challenge will look like in here
    ( I have one ready but maybe there will be inputs of others)

  2. start a new thread with the agreed proceedings that will be more clear and have less discussion.

Best regards,

Thank you, Nicole, I appreciate your help its not easy getting old. :+1:

Not at all. Iā€™ll send you a DM as a test when Iā€™m home :slightly_smiling_face:

Such small technical barriers are nothing compared to the fun this can probably be :slightly_smiling_face: