“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” - Zig Ziglar
“To achieve a dream, you have to dream it first.” - dobleA
Hi everyone, here I am with my learning log to set a roadmap for what is ahead in my guitar journey so I can implement a cycle of plan, execute, and evaluate, and make adjustments along the road. I will also share my work-in-progress to seek some feedback, and send a message in a bottle if I am stuck on something.
2022-04-05 (catch-up entry)
I had a scheduled medical procedure, and I will be for a couple of weeks limiting my physical activity, including playing the .
2022-04-12 (catch-up entry)
After a week of not using my cell phone or the tablet, I am increasing the use, alternating it with resting and watching some YT videos in the TV.
I have had some time to fool around with the GarageBand app in the tablet, and is a more serious software that I had thought .
2022-04-19 (catch-up entry)
No hands on the yet. My wife and I are taking a very cautious approach with my recovery.
It has been very good to have some time for working on planning my guitar journey, watching some YT guitar lessons, including Justinguitar ones, and watching nicely played music, including nicely played guitar, very uplifting and inspiring.
I am also reviewing the lessons of the new beginner course to see if some of the new content can be useful for me. So far the riffs are bookmarked for having some fun with them.
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” - Zig Ziglar
After looking some of the learning logs already posted, and watching Justinguitar videos about setting the goals for guitar learning, here is the roadmap for what I would like to be ahead in my guitar journey.
Note: Click the triangle or the three dots to see more under each header.
Where I come from?
I am a Level 8 student of the Justinguitar Beginner Guitar Course [Classic].
I received private guitar lessons for a total of 3 years starting in 1982 when I was 15.
I learnt to accompany traditional Colombian and Mexican songs playing a nylon string guitar.
I got a second hand electric guitar to make some noise, but I never played an actual song with it.
A monthly guitar magazine was published for a while in the late eighties in Colombia.
Each issue consisted mostly of the lyrics and chords for songs in Spanish although it also included at least one in English.
With what I learnt from the private guitar lessons, I was able to try some of the songs in the magazine.
I just played the songs the best I could without memorizing or mastering them.
My guitar playing got interrupted for several years when I moved to Canada without a guitar.
I got a guitar again when my sister and my then brother-in-law gave me an acoustic one as a birthday gift.
I played the guitar only occasionally because I did not have my songbooks with me.
In 2018 I brought my songbooks from Colombia and bought a Hal Leonard guitar method and started following it.
That year also I got an electric guitar as a Christmas gift from my wife.
YT, and the internet in general, became an important source of guitar learning.
At some point in 2020 I started following the lessons in the Justinguitar YT playlist for the beginner guitar course.
After a few hesitant visits to the Justinguitar website, I gave up and signed up to use the tools.
In 2021 I started donating to help to keep the engine running for all.
At the end of last year I bought two Justin Guitar books about sight reading and one Justin Guitar/Hal Leonard songbook.
In 2022 I started to participate in the community side of Justinguitar.
To do that I first presented myself to the community with a longer and more detailed where I come from.
Andrés. - beginner guitarist for 40 years saying Hi from Kitchener, ON Canada
Second after my presentation I did my debut in the AVOYP section with Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ In The Wind (link here and further below).
Where I want to be in 10 years?
I want to be able to play for family, friends, and myself as a sing along one man band using electronic accompaniment in addition to my own guitar playing (and singing).
I want to have my repertoire of rhythm guitar (and singing) songs increased to 100.
I want to have my repertoire of finger style songs increased to 20.
I want to be able to play 10 basic versions of classical pieces or fully fledged études.
I want to be able to play at least one fully fledged classical piece.
Where I want to be in 5 years?
I want to have my repertoire of rhythm guitar (and singing) songs increased to 50.
I want to have my repertoire of finger style songs increased to 10.
I want to be able to play 5 basic versions of classical pieces or fully fledged études.
I want to be able to sight read sixteenth notes from 1st to 6th string (frets 1 to 12).
I want to be able to make music tracks and videos of professional quality.
I want to be fluent in computer generated music.
Where I want to be in 3 years?
I want to have my repertoire of rhythm guitar (and singing) songs increased to 30.
I want to have my repertoire of finger style songs increased to 6.
I want to be able to play 3 basic versions of classical pieces.
I want to have completed a couple of original songs ideas I have in mind.
I want to be able to sight read eighth notes from 1st to 6th string (frets 1 to 12).
I want to be doing the Justinguitar advanced guitar courses.
I want to be able to make music tracks and videos of decent quality.
I want to be conversant in computer generated music.
Where I want to be in 1 year?
I want to have my repertoire of rhythm guitar (and singing) songs increased to 10.
I want to have my repertoire of finger style songs increased to 2.
I want to be able to play a basic version of a classic piece.
I want to be able to sight read quarter notes from 1st to 6th string (frets 1 to 4).
I want to be doing the Justinguitar intermediate guitar courses.
I want to have completed JUSTIN ear training exercises S6 to S9.
I want to have learnt the basics of music tracks and video edition.
I want to have learnt the basics of computer generated music.
Where I want to be in 6 months?
I want to have added three rhythm guitar (and singing) songs to my repertoire. I have some in mind.
I want to be able to play decently one short finger style piece in the acoustic guitar and in the electric with FXs. I am already working on that.
I want to have finished Level 9 of Justinguitar Beginner Guitar Course [Classic]. For that, I am reviewing the lessons and setting up my practice items.
I want to have completed JUSTIN ear training exercises S2 to S4. I am currently doing exercise S2.
What gear I have in my backpack for the journey?
All my gear is budget friendly, just the minimum needed to support my learning needs. If I outgrow any component, then I will upgrade it.
- Acoustic guitar: Art & Lutherie Cedar GT
This model is no longer produced. Does that mean that I own a vintage guitar? .
- Electric guitar: Yamaha EG112C (probably the Costco reference of the EG112GPII that as per Yamaha, it is equivalent to a Pacifica 012)
So far I am happy with the sound of this guitar.
- Guitar amplifier: Yamaha GA-15
I usually practice with the clean channel volume knob set in the middle (and play around with the tune knobs).
I would have liked this amp had the AUX IN input the GA-15II model has, but otherwise it does the job.
- Guitar Effects: NUX MG-200 Guitar Modeling Processor with an M-Audio EX-P Universal Expression Pedal.
I have not really spent much time digging in all the options. It is basically an enhanced multi effect pedal with a built-in drum machine. It has the AUX IN input the amp is missing.
It has 36 preset tones to have fun with and 36 custom tones, that initially duplicates the preset ones but each one can be fully customizable. This model is discontinued.
The only custom tone that I have created is one with no effects, Control 1 (built-in toggle button) set up to activate the compression, and Control 2 (external expression pedal) set up to control the volume. Sometimes I edit this custom tone and activate the noise gate. Now that I think of it, I should save this later setting as and adjacent custom tone to switch more easily between them .
The built-in drum machine has 72 preset rhythms, distributed across 8 several musical genres, plus 9 metronome time signatures.
My initial interest in the drum machine was using it to help me with the rhythm, but nowadays I just use the metronome for that. I am planning to use it for the Level 9 introduction to blues improvisation (in addition to record myself doing 12 bar blues rhythm and looping it).
The expression pedal is all plastic, but if you do not jump or put all your weight on it, it should not break with normal use.
Microphone: two Emerson microphones of a karaoke set for children that my daughter no longer uses. I have tried to use them to increase my voice level when I have felt my voice overpowered by the electric guitar, but I get shy and red-cheeked of hearing my voice amplified
Microphone stand: Ohuhu Tripod Boom Microphone Stand
It can hold two microphones and is very adjustable, but definitely it is not a heavy duty gig oriented piece of equipment.
- Audio mixer: Moukey S(4-Stereo) Mini Audio Mixer.
I get some static when I use this, but I have not identified if it comes from the mixer itself or from any of the connected devices.
Headphones: wired closed back ear muffs just as Justin advises to use. I use them sometimes for silent (low noise) practice. I connect the ear muffs to the amp or the modeller (cable is long enough) and put wired ear buds under the muffs to hear the songs or the metronome played in the cell or the tablet (cable is not long enough! [something got lit in my brain writing this and I ordered an extension]).
Tuner: Guitartuna app for the acoustic and a chromatic Korg tuner for the electric.
Metronome: Guitartuna app.
, pencil
, and eraser: I can use technology, but
with my
and my
looking at it is a different dimension for me.
Hopefully my little notes do not infringe any copyright .
What gear I could need (want) in the future?
A nylon string guitar. The Yamaha SLG200NW Silent Guitar looks interesting (although out of my budget comfort zone), kind of Sci-Fi, like the cellos 2Cellos sometimes play. I would have to try it first.
A two humbucker guitar. The Epiphone SG Special Satin E1 looks interesting and within my budget comfort zone. Vintage walnut would be my preferred finish for that one.
A better quality microphone(s).
An audio interface.
2023-05-02 Repertoire update together with one year assesment
2022-04-26 Starting repertoire:
- Songs that I can play rhythm guitar (and sing) fluently from memory:
- Songs that I can play rhythm guitar (and sing) fluently reading lyrics and chords:
- Saber que vendrás (mass song in Spanish based on the music of Blowin’ in the wind) - Same post than Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ In The Wind
- Los peces en el río (Christmas carol in Spanish)
- A la nanita nana (Christmas carol in Spanish)
- Songs I am working on how to play rhythm guitar (and sing):
- Elvis Presley’s Don’t Be Cruel
- The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine
- Songs I am planning to work on how to play rhythm guitar (and sing):
- Elvis Presley’s Can’t Help Falling In Love
- The Beatles’ Love Me Do
- America’s A Horse With No Name
- Finger style songs that I can play fluently from memory:
- Finger style songs that I can play fluently reading some type of musical notation:
- Finger style songs I am working on:
- Finger style songs I am planning to work on:
- La guaneña (traditional Colombian Song)
- Classical pieces that I can play fluently from memory:
- Classical pieces that I can play fluently reading some type of musical notation:
- Classical pieces I am working on:
- Classical pieces I am planning to work on:
- Isaac Albeniz’s Asturias (basic version)
- George Bizet’s Habanera of Carmen (basic version)
- Software I currently use:
- Guitartuna running on an LG 7 cell phone (simple to use app).
- Dolby On running on an LG 7 cell phone (simple to use app).
- Audacity for windows running on a PC (very basic knowledge of how to use it).
- GarageBand running on an iPad (very basic knowledge of how to use it).
- Software I could need (want) to use in the future:
- DaVinci Resolve
That’s the plan, now hands on the ; see you in six months
Log’s Updates
- 2022-05-10 Started Level 9 of Beginner Guitar Course [Classic]
- 2022-05-24 Slow progress with A minor pentatonic scale patterns and 12 Bar Blues variations
- 2022-06-07 Don’t Be Cruel cover posted
- 2022-07-05 The Pink Panther Theme cover posted
- 2022-07-19 Slow progress with Yellow Submarine and started practicing Asturias
- 2022-09-13 Some progress with Yellow Submarine, Asturias and Habanera
- 2022-10-11 Playing some old beginner songs in Spanish
- 2022-11-08 Six months assessment
- 2022-12-13 Participated in JGC OM XII and JG Xmas Bash 2022
- 2023-02-07 New year 2023 practice schedule adjustments
- 2023-03-07 Participated in JGC OM XIV and posted Asturias and Habanera progress updates
- 2023-05-02 One year assessment, posted original and updated my repertoire list
- 2023-08-01 Yellow Submarine posted and started working on A Horse With No Name, La Bamba, Pueblito viejo (Old Little Town), and Esperanza (Hope)
- 2023-09-26 Participated in JGC OM 18 and good progress with 12 bar blues variations and minor pentatonic patterns
- 2023-10-31 Eighteen months assessment and updated my repertoire list
- 2023-11-07 Beginner Guitar Course [Classic] consolidation plan
- 2024-02-03 Three months into Beginner Guitar Course [Classic] consolidation plan
- 2024-04-30 Twenty-four months assessment, updated my repertoire list, and started using Guitar Pro
- 2024-05-07 Six months into Beginner Guitar Course [Classic] consolidation plan