Happy Birthday, Rogier 🎂

Belated 50th birthday greetings to our virtual friend @roger_holland, who slipped this announcement into the old dogs thread.
Surely this shrinking violet deserves one of his own? :thinking:
I briefly considered asking The Burning Hell to do a musical greeting for him (I get a kick out of supporting small bands), but thought that’ll be way too late and I’d prefer it personalised, so I might as well do it myself :roll_eyes:
So here you go, based on What Do You Get For The Man Who Has Nothing?
:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Ain’t got no purebred stallion, ain’t got no swimming pool
No air-conditioned Cadillac to keep our Roger cool
He rolls along real slow, no motor on his chair
Ain’t got no will nor testament for falling down the stairs
And so, on his birthday, his friends say to me-

What do you get for the man who needs nothing?
What do you get for the man who’s seen it all?
Maybe a song, not too long, about be longing
For the man who got up after the fall

He surfs waves of online guitar stores deep into the night
He hangs around the forums sayin’ nothing’s black or white
He talks in strange emoticons, double Dutch just won’t translate
Half a century on the poor man’s plate
And so, on his birthday, his friends say to me-

What do you get for the man who needs nothing?
What do you get for the man who’s seen it all?
Maybe a song not too long about be longing
For the man who got up after the fall

What do you get for the man who needs nothing?
What do you get for the man who’s seen it all?
Now for a man who’s stuck in a wheelchair
Never seen a man walk so tall


Dear Brian,
That made me quiet for a (short :smile:) time and I felt quite a lot of emotions when I read the text. Thank you very much. :blush: :kissing_closed_eyes:
And I also had a good laugh with the Key change, and I also enjoyed listening to it and and and…
Something about coincidence :smiley: just over an hour ago I was watching again on The Burning Hell site after a few months to see if certain items are now for sale again (but unfortunately)

Just for that idea of ​​you letting them play a song for me, you’ll get flowers from my garden for the rest of your life,
Let alone what you have now done yourself, that is actually even more special to me…

:clap: :clap: :man_bowing: :people_hugging:


You have excelled yourself here Brian.

:slight_smile: :fire: :birthday: :candle: :champagne: :birthday:


:clap: :clap: :clap:


@roger_holland Emotion and a laugh? Haha, all the boxes ticked, so :wink:
I’m more of a Dead Flowers than Tulpen aus Amsterdam kind of guy, but thank you for the thought.
We’re all ‘special’ :rofl:

@Richard_close2u Haha, I’m getting a bit of practice in, with all this burning in hell business, eh? :laughing:


Happy Birthday dear Rogier @roger_holland :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower: and thank you Brian for this special song for our virtual friend! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


What a brilliant song @brianlarsen and a very fitting way to celebrate our @roger_holland . Happy birthday to you again, Rogier, you deserve the very best in life, and I think you’ve been served up a slice right here.

Keep playing nicely boys :hugs:


Super lyrics Brian and a lovely nod to Roger on his birthday. @roger_holland A belated happy birthday to you Rogier! I wish you many more to come!


Fabulous :clap::clap::clap:


Belated birthday wishes from me Rogier. Wow a personalised song from Brian!

Super stuff Brian, loved your lyrics.

Brilliant. Now if only I could make sense of Rogier’s double Dutch google translations. :joy:


:joy: :rofl: :joy:
Perhaps it is a relief that Dutch people do also not always follow my way of speaking or writing Dutch with the sentences words and especially proverbs that I make up. :innocent:

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Many happy returns, Rogier.

Wonderfully thoughtful, Brian.

Our very own Dud and Pete … or maybe just a Stooger short.

Keep bringing what you both bring, we’re all all the better for it.


Hehe it feels weird, thanking you all for Rogier’s birthday wishes, so I’ll keep it short :roll_eyes: :rofl:
Ta @Gunhild @SILVIA @Mari63 @Eddie_09 nd @Alan_1970


Welcome aboard, Curly :clown_face:


A belated happy birthday, Rogier. After seeing Brian perform in a dress, I was expecting a Marilyn Monroe cover for you. That a side he treated you (and us) to a wonderfully crafted number. Wish you both many more fun-filled birthdays.


Vintage Larsen, even Yorick enjoyed that !

Happy Birthday Roger ! :cake: :partying_face: :cake:


Or is this ’ ^^^^ ’ terribly lazy to quote Brian like this? :joy:

And @DavidP and @sairfingers and @Richard_close2u and @Socio and @TheMadman_tobyjenner
many thanks and some of you again :blush:

I never thought I would celebrate this milestone with such a big smile and especially not in this way :man_bowing: :clap: :sunglasses: . :blush:


Bravo Brian! That was a great tribute to the birthday boy. :clap: :clap:

Surely there is going to be a raft of birthday requests now.

I hope you had a wonderful day Rogier.


A very happy birthday to you Rogier! :tada: :birthday: I hope you had an amazing one :+1:

Brian, your song brought a smile to my face. The “key change” was the best part :laughing: I also predict as Stefan said, that you will be bombarded with requests now :wink:


Happy birthday Rogier!


Write Brian you are a true gentleman with a big heart, what an awesome gift to a friend! Rogier of course happy bday, hope another 50 years will get even better! :grinning: