Have you named your guitar(s) yet?

About 6 months after I started trying to learn to play I named my guitar Shitty-Shitty-Bang-Bang. Then I bought another one that I like a lot better. Havenā€™t named this one, though.

To be fair, there was nothing wrong with the first guitar.


Haha, thatā€™s a good one. It probably likes you better too

Yes I have, but unprintable on this website.


I havenā€™t named my guitar OR my motorbike but one night after an argument with my wife I went into the garage and gave my bike a hug - ha ha, true story. (Honda VFR 800)


Thatā€™s quite wholesome.

As you should.

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Hey Gang, maybe itā€™s time to ā€œnameā€ your guitar. I just took an in person lesson this past weekend and my new instructor suggested naming my guitar after Iā€™d mentioned that a big breakthrough for me in learning guitar has been to find a place in my room to showcase my guitars. So theyā€™re begging me to play every time I see them. I also welded stands for them with personalities that suit their style. Iā€™d post photos if someone could help me figure that out?
Anyway, Iā€™m naming my latest ā€œLilaā€ after my grandmother and the title of Robert Pirsigā€™s second book after Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.


You may find this interesting then :sunglasses:


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Thanks Toby
Ibanez 2
Here are two of my three guitars. Homemade stands.


Hey Kevin - a wonderful book, one that I have read multiple times.
I bought it as a Christmas present for Justin a couple of years ago too.
I still make my own mental references to the wisdom in it (and Zen & the art of too).
:sunglasses: :+1:


I bought my guitar with the money I got for my 55th birthday back in September. Itā€™s a Yamaha beginner guitar that I got at the last minute before heading back to Scotland when I was visiting my mom. I was gonna buy a normal beige guitar, but the salesman mentioned he had the same model in black in the store room. He brought it out, and I fell in love. Heā€™s so damn beautiful, all black and shiny. I call him ā€œJohnnyā€ for the Man In Black. Iā€™ve loved every moment Iā€™ve spent with him; well except for the moments where I canā€™t get him to play automatically what I want him to play! This is me and my new ā€œbest friendā€
Me and Johnny


Thatā€™s a great name, nice to meet Johnny

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Iā€™ve called my guitar many things, wouldnā€™t say Iā€™ve named it though.

I am lame with the guitar names. But I do also have a motorcycle history, although my ā€˜fro was never so magnificent.

Unfortunately, motorcycling ended on the front end of an Oldsmobile in the mid 90s.

Never participated in this Topic first time round, but why not.

First guitar to be named was my electric, not by me but by the Community.

On my NGD post, somebody made a comment about liking the body colour but not the knobs. @batwoman picked up on that and shared that the contrast made her think of Van Goghā€™s Starry Night. Later after posting some audio samples @CT referred to the guitar as a ā€˜blue beastā€™.

And so my electric was christened Vincent Blue Beast.

Later I named my acoustic Rose, the lady in the couple, simply after the rosewood back and sides of my Fender Paramount Deluxe. I fell in love with the sound of that guitar when considering an acoustic upgrade. Iā€™d sat trying guitar after guitar and it took just one strum, a D7 as I recall, to be seduced by the rich warm tone of that chord, a cord which I usually find far too bright for my liking.


I havenā€™t named my guitar yet.

For me thatā€™s half the fun of GAS, figuring out a name.

@DavidP I really like it when names happen organically.

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I havenā€™t named my guitar either. However, reading this thread now I want to :sweat_smile:. As my guitar is an imitation of the iconic Angus Youngā€™s SG. Maybe I should call it something like Youngie. I accept suggestions, though :sweat_smile:

Iā€™ve never named my cars, either. My guitarsā€™ names are just the ones on the headstock.

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My guitars are named, my motorbike is named, my RV camping trailer is named, heck even my wife and kids have names.

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