Have you named your guitar(s) yet?

I built my acoustic. It’s a copy of a Martin D28, but I feel it would be cheating to call it Martin. I just call it my acoustic and my electric the Strat.


I’ve barely got started as a newbie on my Player Plus Strat, but it’s in the shop for a few days to get set up. I’m not sure if I’ll name it, but I’ve got some ideas brewing:

  • “Cherry” - The color is “aged candy apple red”, and it’s my first electric, so Cherry would work on a couple levels.
  • “Mariah” - Temptress from Hamilton, my favorite musical, so the name would tempt me to keep playing.
  • “Desiree” - I desire to play it.
  • “Arya” - Arya ready to make music?
  • “Pippi” - It’s a Player Plus, and Pippi’s hair was red. (Unlikely choice, but I like the alliteration.)

I’m never going to anthropomorphize a guitar, but I think it might be fun if my wife asks me where I’m going, to be able to say something like, “to play with Arya”.


Good one, I’m worried that might get me slapped.

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So this is NOT Bruce, Springsteen or The Boss…


I named mine the other day. I looked over at my electric and the names just came to me.

My electric is Bonny and my acoustic is Clyde.


Awesome. And they are wanted in 3 states across the south.


Could have been worse, could have been Derek and Clive! (one for the oldies).

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The electric I just replaced and sold was Vincent Blue Beast, based on a couple of comments made here. Now now to name the new PRS. I am waiting for the muse to show and the guitar will name itself with a little help from my friends.


Or Doug an Dinsdale


Just wondered if anyone else has given their guitar a name, my red Fender is Mateo, and I used to have a cheap Ibanez called Fifi Wang.


Just a few


As I said the last time this topic was discussed, I don’t have names for my guitars, but they probably have names for me!


The ones I rarely play wouldn’t know me well enough to name me.

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I initially named all my guitars with color specific names, which I understand now to be very racist, and/or with gender specific names which is also taboo in some circles. Now I refer to them with names like “The Strat”, “The Tele”, etc. Never anything ridiculous like something from “Star Wars”, “Game of Thrones” or the Marvel Universe. LOL

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Andrea, Mateo looks fabulous, what a gorgeous colour.

I allow the name to emerge in its own sweet time. My new PRS is still referred to as the PRS.

I have also merged this Topic with the existing Topic about naming guitars.


Tony, that is awesome!! Glad that you are here with us :heart:

And on your other point, I completely agree with you! For some time I’ve wanted the option to “love” a post. I’m guessing that’s not something the admins can do though, I’m presuming that’s limited by the forum software.

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There is an option to Love a post. When you read a post there is a little heart under it. Click the heart and it will turn Red and a message will be sent to the person who posted.

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Right! Thanks, yeah I do know about being able to do that :grinning: What I (and I presume @tony) meant though was the idea to have a “higher like” (aka “love”) on a post. I’m usually pretty free-flowing with my likes, but the problem with that approach is that if I want to “super like” a post I’m not able to denote it as such :joy:

Hey @ardemenz

Yeah, I agree, like verses love would be good. Enjoy your day!

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