Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

Yeah that’s pretty much my aim. The thought of playing in front of any sort of audience fills me with dread, but if I can learn enough to amuse myself I’ll be more than happy.

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At my age, I’ve decided that playing guitar is a good alternative to taking Prevagen :wink:
Memorizing songs and lyrics beats playing games on the iPad. The guitar works all portions of your brain very well.
I started earlier than you (at age 55, and retired at 59), and like you, I find great enjoyment in being able to play a piece. My sole audience is one of my cats, who insists on being in the room with me. My wife, however, takes no interest whatsoever in my playing. It would be nice to be complimented on my playing for once, but oh well… That’s why I have you guys! This community is awesome!


Glad I’m not alone in this. My wife has never commented on my playing, one way or the other, in the eight years I’ve been doing it. I assume she’s operating on the “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” principle. If I mention that I’m learning a new song, the response is “hm.”


Hi Hec, yes as in electrician and looking forward to my retirement although I have about 8 years left to go :frowning:

Well I have given the trade up now and taken on a new trade Glyn being blues guitar so I’m sure as our trades suggest we will stick in and get it done my friends :guitar:

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I’m sure we’ll give it our best shot :wink: