Thank you Andrea,
But this was a small thing, fortunately. These kinds of things are monthly recurring things that I have to rest for a while because I ran into something again and again and … yesterday in a restaurant I ran over someone’s toe , Luckily I didn’t feel anything …
(People often misjudge those propulsion hoops that are on the side … and the distance between the bottom and the ground just barely fits a big toe my poor ear she screamed quite loudly…and often my poor wife but then it is my own misjudging )
Have a nice Sunday and I remember for myself and all of you…stay away from sharp knives and indeed anything that can hurt our hands
Just because you came back from the brink of death once, does not make you invincible, allowing you to fling yourself down stairs and squash your hand into doors etc.
Even cats only have nine lives…
Don’t fritter them away
O Brian,
I’m laughing really hard…and I just wanted to post something for/about you and that yesterday you were alone waiting for the open mic…first a joke about being old …but decided to do a different one… .now I’m doubting…a little bit… or no…
Tjemig de Pemig,
It’s that time of year again here…although I see that compared to Spain and parts of France it’s not too bad here…
After all I made a joke about this 2 years ago The Cool Guitar, the guitar became way too much top heavy,but it really works with this guitar, because with the fan it is exactly the same weight as the PRS and remains playable because not diving to much, outside in the shade it is now (still) doable at 27.7c thanks to the included fan… I will soon put it on a stand in front of my face…every gram counts
Just a reminder for anyone who is also having a hard time exercising in the heat…put a fan on yourself it helps a lot
Ha ha ,
You won’t believe what I’m taking a break from now and I was thinking about you all this (20 minutes) time …Broken Cowboy…I now practice that with fingers instead of a pick, the thumb and index finger, but I find that more difficult, as it is. but sounds less bad than that plastic on the strings … but ooo cowBOY … it is not easy … I blame the heat … the 0 meeting for myself is on the phone , I do that more and more often because already I am not yet ready to play it smoothly, that pressure from camera works for me and especially if I post that very occasionally or plan to post when I am satisfied…
With some licks it even sounds better (clearer) than with fingers and I can more attack (?) the strings , so I keep practicing like a brave boy , but this intro also contains so much strum… will now record one with pick (it’s combined), because I think the last one I’ll post of this (weeks and weeks later because Justin bombards us with fun new lessons) will be with fingers alone … give me an couple attempts
Hi Shane @sclay yes thanks and whatever helps me I take
And Ooooo, now you have made me dream/wish/hope… She stopped by work today despite the holidays, but now she has to go home quickly …For now I’ll just have an ice cream if the video is successful for what I want now…
Greetings and have fun in the sun under a tree or in the water .
Beautiful surrounding, Rogier!
Please excuse me, but this is really bad advice !
I recently placed a fan towards my stool, so my back absorbed all the cooling air. It felt pretty good, until the next day….the one sided weight of the guitar together with the moving air caused terrible back pain…. . How is the saying? „Never too old to rock and roll?“ Can‘t confirm, at least if a fan is involved !
Now with the pick and the middle finger plucking the bottom string , that took some practice but now it feels like a wonderful movement, let’s see how this develops…
There is still a lot that can be done in terms of sound technology
I have to say that the bottom video one isn’t too bad over my speakers …Hi hopes here
(telephone sound is …well …not that good)
As I sit typing a story in a very concentrated manner, I see your text passing by…concentration and story in my head are gone…okay, that fan…oh wait, it’s already here
I’ve only just turned 50…
Ai ai … but that can be seriously annoying … this is a mini fan that is standing right on my face … but yes, yes yes, while I type it is blowing into the back of my neck … mmmmm . …and I still type something sometimes
Let my wife wave palm tree leaves in a controlled manner, or else keep thinking so the fan don’t cold my neck for too long…
Oooh That’s highly recognisable already! Strangely, I also liked the pick one more, it’s a bit closer to the “spring in the step” energy of the original.
Still waiting for some humming though. Hmm or whistling?
Broken Cowboy, what a great song! Just listening to it right now. You are definitely on the right track ! I liked both versions but keep doing the pick + fingers thing going, it comes in handy once you get a hold of it.
I agree with the girls and Luka Rogier, I thought the version with the pick was better. Allowed for a bit more attack which suited the song. A song which, incidentally, I’d never heard of until you started mentioning it
Garden looking really good there too in the earlier photos.
Thank you very much And thank you for your comments and the ease of answering in one go…
Just listened with a fresh head and in 23.2c after a nice cooling of the house… Yes of course the one with the Pick is better, where was I with my ears yesterday , thank you very much for the 5-0, I will continue to practice the finger-only technique, but sometimes it is clear what needs to be done with certain songs
Thank you on mention the garden, and certainly Gordon, but I usually take the photos through the window because it should give an image that I am now looking at while I am typing, (or to far away) which in combination with my lousy camera, gives not the best colors (still not at all the way I see it)…and it’s high summer now so more big ones to see…
I had the fan on outside yesterday evening because I move and turn more outside the house and now it kept in front of my face, but I am no longer used to playing with a cord attached to my guitar… 1 extension cord down…
I enjoyed both of the musical clips and I know this is a guitar site, so the intricacies of with/-out pick are important
I’m a big picture kind of guy and was just waiting for a gravelly voice to come in with It’s been a long dark dirty road
Get the guitar sorted and send it to me after the summer. I’ll get Christ to play some mandolin and maybe add some vocals