What are you currently listening to? 2023

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Something a bit different.
A Welsh folk supergroup.

Finally got round to watching this Gibson interview, with one of my favourite guitarists.
Such a humble person for some one who has had a huge influence on Hard Rock and as he capitulates Heavy Metal since my mid teens and adult life. :sunglasses:


Can’t believe I was just 14 when this album came out, a lot of “stuff” has happened since then but the music still rocks. A week of Sabbath discography is on the cards and 6 decades of joy. :sunglasses:


Watched that a few weeks ago, what a dude.

Lost finger tips, couldnt play full chords easy

Invented heavy metal.


Nice bottle of 9 years old Frontonais Red and some Larkin Poe. The weekend starts here.

But hey aint it nice to see the band teaching you how to play their latest, rather than some iffy UToob jock.

And another couple off of Blood Harmony for good measure :sunglasses:

You know it makes sense. Simples. :sunglasses:


And for good measure, same album, go girls !!

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:metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:they gurlz rocks!!!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

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The Hissing of Summer Lawns has become one of my favourite albums of the past few months, this is another song from it with great lyrics:

And the piano and guitar is this song are wicked:

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Not heard the John Frusciante track before. Now listening to the whole album.

I’m going to see them opening for Muse at Huddersfield this year, two birds with one stone job and also 2 to cross off my bucket list!
This was at Mexico City at their home crowd!

Wow Darrell with what you posted of their stuff in the past and doubling with Muse, what an absolutely cracking concert that will be. Enjoy !!

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I will for sure, they’re on fire live! They’ve learned so much in the past year performing with top artists, it’s really making a huge difference for them!
A couple more from that same gig - high octane all of the way! All at 7,500 ft above sea level as well!

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Hi @sticktothemuse
The resemblance to the number you posted elsewhere is enormous :sunglasses:

This one is also beautiful :sunglasses:


:heart_eyes: @roger_holland I bought the CD while I was at university, still loving it :green_heart

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Hi ,i got this cd from my athletics and music friends when i turned 17 or 18 years old (have to look it up) and not long after this tour in De KUIP rotterdam…it is still on monthly :star_struck: and of course a lot of :heart_eyes::smile:
Greetings and have a lovely evening :wave:

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Madman, stumbled on this today. What great video! Rory only had one acoustic album and that was published posthumous by his brother. Never knew this existed.

Came across this band a couple of years ago. Subtitles are needed, so put those on if you want to know what they sing about :joy:
The Mongolian throat singing style is very special, especially for us here in the west.
They have some cool guitars and other string instruments. They are really cool guys! - Best heard on full volume and with more bass to the speakers. Then it’s like being recharged :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Just about anything by these two are worth listening to. :smiley:

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