Please do. Never heard of Theo before you shared the video. But… What a voice. What a musician.
I have started listening to the Heartbreakhits album now and some of the songs are really great, some just a tiny bit too “poppy”. So if you have recommendations, I’d be delighted
@Eccleshall played this at Saturday’s open mic (just over 10 minutes in)
One of my favourite songs ever.
Superb storytelling and lyrics, matched with sumptuous melody and strings.
Sigh… Lady of a certain age by The Divine Comedy
and while you’re there, you should also check out the excellent Keb’ Mo’ - Put a Woman in Charge performed by @TheCluelessLuthier
In fact, just watch the whole show!
Fabuolus song, by far the most difficult thing I’ve ever attempted too. It dwells somewhere outside the orbit of my technical abilities, but is something to aim for, for sure.
If anyone else is having a bash at learning it, I can share the picking pattern and all those pesky thumb over spidery chords
This is for me the definitive version
I spent the past week putting the playlist together, but realistically he’s one of those artists that you need to see live. I am not the biggest fan of this genre of music, but live it is so good. So I guess put this concert on and listen to it in one go. And yes, I totally agree with being a bit too poppy sometimes and I really don’t like it on his studio stuff. But the live versions are just ridiculously good.