Blues Immersion - Justin mentioned a blues course starting in June - could we please have some more info on that?

:rofl: :rofl: Use coupon code math07 to get 10% off your next purchase. Ahahahaha !:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Boris, did you make up your mind yet on BIM ? Will you be in ?

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Yes, definitely, if I get the spot!

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@FannyJustinGuitar @JustinGuitar

Fanny/Justin can you confirm payment via PayPal will be available globally ? I have had some experience with US sites where they will not accept payments unless it is a US PayPal account. Not sure how this sit with

Just want to make sure I have a valid method of payment if I get that far !


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Hi Toby :wave: Yes PayPal will be available globally!


Thanks for confirming @FannyJustinGuitar see you Tuesday !


ok just got the email about this, is it something I need to turn up on time for or do within a certain timeframe? I really have not paid attention to all this its been somewhat confusing

nevermind just had a look I see what it is now

Justin will release 1 module per month for the next 6 months. You can watch the video anytime you want, you will have lifetime access to the course. There will be also be Zoom lesson once a month which will be recorded.

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I am tempted…


Hey Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner just making sure you saw that registration is open. I know how much you wanted to sign up!

To everyone that signed up already, hope you all enjoy the course! Blues is not my focus so I won’t be joining, but I am oddly feeling a little bit of FOMO watching people sign up :laughing:


21 posts were split to a new topic: Blues Immersion - I’m in for BLIM - yay - who else is BLIMing?

Seeing the enthusiasm from so many forum folk I like and admire leaves me sad about my lack of interest in ‘the blues’ :cry: Sounds like it will be a super fun as well as rewarding experience. I hope you all have a blast and continue to share your blues journey here in the main community
I am slightly puzzled why the number of participants is limited :thinking:
Even if there’s a once a month online zoom lesson, I presume that’ll be largely Justin adding additional material and answering questions sent in about the course as it proceeds?
An extra $500 for every participant would be a significant support for this great site and Justin’s living :smiley:
Mah baby left meeeee… :notes: :guitar:
Nah… not yet :rofl:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Blues Immersion - I’m in for BLIM - yay - who else is BLIMing?

You clearly got the blues Brian! :smiley:

I assume/hope (based on what I read in all the emails and now in the month 0 from the course) that Justin will try to listen to people’s recordings, answer questions/guide students, etc.

So I guess it’s easier to manage when you have a limited number of students. Now, what this number is, I have no clue. I guess we’ll find out.

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Alles klar, Herr Kommissar! :man_police_officer: :saluting_face:


I feel with you, Brian. Although I’m very much interested in Blues, my current playing level doesn’t meet the requirements for this course. Would have been great to walk this path together with so many of you great community members :blush:.

I wish you all lots of fun and can’t wait to see and hear the results of this musical journey :star_struck:.


Thanks for the heads up Jenn, I’m signed up and happy. Don’t forget the Blues underpins everything, so learning the language applies to pretty much to all of the rock soloing that followed and not only rock. Simples !


@brianlarsen as I said to Jenn the Blues underpins so many genres, so don’t discount it too quickly, just think of the Blues Rock of someone like Rory Gallagher or even Angus. :thinking:

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Luka thanks for the DM, I had an early night and was sparko when that would have landed. My assumption from the blurb was that the doors would be opened at the Live Club this evening and close at 2359 on the 11th. Was not expecting midnight at the oasis or would have stayed up for the launch but all is good, I’m in.


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Totally agree :smiling_face:

I’ve been working on the Blues lessons on the website and loving it! It’s really amped up my enthusiasm for playing/learning guitar and I thought it was already maxed at capacity TBH :laughing:
There’s more than enough there to keep me going for a while and I don’t think my skill level is high enough for BLIM yet. Maybe if Justin runs the course again we could do it at the same time @NicoleKKB :slightly_smiling_face:

So loving all the buzz and excitement with BLIM though, it’s going to be amazing and fun for you guys. Also looking forward to updates and hearing results :star_struck: :sunglasses: :sunflower:

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:+1::star_struck: Absolutely :smiley: