Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

That’s a daily thing for me in winter, lol. No way I’m getting up at sunrise to walk the dog though, especially when it’s often still in the single digits!

I read about the weather down there, that polar vortex is something else, it was several degrees below 0F here. -20C and lower. Brrrrrr I’m in northern Michigan so it’s kind of common up here.


Congratulations @LunaRocket Rebecca!
It’s good to hear that you’re getting a bit more guitar time in lately… sure do feel rusty myself when I don’t get much time in!!! Personally, i feel that ‘Slow & Steady’ is better than ‘Sprint & Burn Out’!!! :grin: Keep it consistent, keep learning & keep it fun!!!



55 and still still alive!


@Saintylad You’re in with the dogs John! :slight_smile:

finishing module 1 grade 1 - trying to jam along with Justin for a simple Dance The Night Away - go to pieces when music starts - its only a D and A chord - too much pressure - only 3rd attempt but finding it difficult !!!


Slow it down a bit at first


Hey Paul, @Simbadsdad
Are you using Justin’s app? If so, slow the tempo as much as 50% to play along & when you find that you’re keeping up ok, increase by 10%… rinse, repeat, etc. & before long you’ll be playing at full speed!
If you’re playing along with YouTube, you can slow the video as well using the settings gear button thingy!
Try it, you’ll be ‘Full Speed Ahead’ in no time!!!



That is a fast song … reducing the tempo is a great suggestion.

Thanks for the reply👍


Thanks i Richard

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BTW - I haven’t committed to the cost of the app yet - giving it a few months so I know I’m sticking to it and will then do the annual subscription - will use the money purine option until then and slow it down - good ideas all

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Will do - thanks

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Woo-Hoo. Vintage Club returns this coming Monday 10 February.


The ‘vintage’ name was initially adopted to provide those of us who have recent a certain maturity of years with a club for us.
That remains the case. Some some young 'uns have been joining us for the fun and thrills. And all good. They will, one day, be vintage too. :slight_smile:

:guitar: Join me in his upcoming live class on strumming & rhythm.

Happening Monday, February 10 - Register here!

Dedicated topic here: Vintage Club #21 with Richard | Strumming Help

Hop on board if you can. Richard.

@1blueguitar @21Sandpipper12 @29PAS @AJSki2fly @akkana @Alan_1970 @alphasoixante @Anastas617 @AndrewCSydney @AndyMcG2 @AndyTake2 @annbin @ArizonaAngie @ArizonaDreaming @Asat11 @asterope @Audifox @axeboy1 @AZSandy @Barrysascotsman @batwoman @Beatup6String @Bettad @BernadetteG @bethruk @bgtrev @Bicyclegeek8 @BigSkyMind @blalalalalala @Bluesdude @bmaclaren @Bon_Jon_Bovi @bpnzk74 @brianlarsen @brozzerb @Brucie @Bsmooth @Burnspot @BurnsRhythm @CarlHackman @carolinadrama @CATMAN62 @CD02 @CharlieHutcheson @ChasetheDream @ChristAlone @CMguitarmama @CobraMisfit @Coljef @Colleenfs @Craftybeggar @CT @ct2ewo @curdius @DaleRogers @danmcmartin @DarkWillowTM @DarrellW @Dave_J @Dave911 @Dave999 @DaveinOz @davemac @davidarcot66 @davidhadley511964 @DavidP @db821 @Deirdre @Delta777 @Derek7f @DerekLHall @DeltaTyne @Denise9 @DevilDog @dhodges @dmisen @dobleA @DocJ @DonnatheDead @drc726 @DRM1310 @DSC1755 @dwalms @Eccleshall @edwardc @Ecronin2254 @eigna527 @Elixir1253 @eric750 @EricinUtah @EssieMD @firasR @firebee @firstrazor @Fish821 @Flying_V @frankherb @franzek @frito @gary_V @GaryA1 @GaryoftheNorth @GDPiper169 @GeoffMolyneux @george3337 @georgemoe @gjlaird @glpguitar @gnamsu @Gonetoearth @gonzo3298 @Gordonsoul @Griff @GrooveStranger @Guitar_n00b @Guitarman63 @Gunhild @Hansmb @Heatherxx @heckler @Helen0609 @Helense15 @Huderstub @hz37 @iainism @Ian_Guitar @isimmo61 @ItsJustMark @JakAngelescu @JamesSuntres @Jamolay @JanKR1953 @JasonBuk @jazz77 @JeneeM @jens_munich @jimchall @jimodonald @Jmwinans @Joey22 @John_in_Dot @JohnnyRoyal64 @JohnnyW @Jomal1956 @jonesdch @jsg12 @judi @Just_Dan @jwalter @KathyTake2 @kdickson519 @kenlahr @KennyB1957 @KJPARKER28 @klentenza @Kpatterson @KrazGuitar @LandMstudent @lankytwang @laser_171825 @Lauriealtman @Leigh58 @Lespaul351 @LievenDV @litesport @Coco66 @LunaRocket @Malz @Mari63 @markr31 @MAT1953 @Mclement @mdrainwater @mfeeney0110 @micknew @Micksull @micmac58 @Miguel51 @mike_m @mikebuley @MikexLee @Milifax @mocanada @Montyster @MrBen @mrgoatee @MrPB @mrpickles @msarro @mtglazer @Muffknuckle @MulchyD @Music1958 @Nancy15 @Narjuna @netahnpaul86 @nevertoold1 @nhh2oskr @NicoleKKB @Nightwatchman @NolaBill @northspoon1 @Notatthetablecarlos @Offshore10 @oldhead49 @Old_Guy_n_a_Guitar @oopsadaisyfaisy @oztelemann @palmtreeguru @Papa_G @pasvorto @paulde @PaulS92 @pbtrout @perfectlyGoodInk @peteh77 @Peterctid @philsmith @phodg @PJMCM @pkboo3 @plagana4 @prbushe @pyradise @quaveda @radicalaccordion @rbartlett @Raqi2003 @rdeitz @RedSchuhart @REPRAHBOB @Richard_N @Richbro @Rick168 @RickB @RickCast @rjdowns @rlfrye @Ro2 @Rob_48 @RobDickinson @roger_holland @rolling56 @rorystrat @RosettaWeller @Rossco01 @runhappy @Russ72 @Saintylad @sairfingers @sandrobertini @sbainhud @Schmidtrock @sclay @scoobie1 @Scoooter @scottasaigon @Scottp63 @SDKissFan @SgtColon @shaunj1380 @Sheshreds @Shodan @Silvia80 @Simbadsdad @Six_of_One @Skimball5561 @smartypantssuz @snoxracr @SombreJungle
@SparkyGlyn @Squibbles @Steve_t1 @SteveCarballo @SteveL_G99 @stevepbyrne @stitch @StrayCatMusic @stuartw @Svoisine @TangleJangle @Taylor64 @Tbushell @TDM5 @Techmanic8 @TennesseeJed @TGFNM14 @TheCluelessLuthier @TheMadman_tobyjenner @theoldman66 @thewritescott @think2100 @Thomasine @tigerbob @Tim996 @tiprakash123 @Tom_B @tommion @tony @TowerGuy @Tracey63 @TRJ @Tusker68 @Vidwork @VSapor63 @waynep @Weebuns @Wheelin_Rev @WhoDatFanMan @Willsie @wiredforsound @witkatz @WonderMonkey @woodroe @wwwoolf


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Vintage Club #21 with Richard | Strumming Help

Hi from an Australian expat living in Bangkok. I’m 69 in may this year, I’ve had 3 attempts to learn guitar, none of them serious. This time, it’s great because there are so many different places that teach online. I stumbled on Justin’s guitar lessons from watching fellow guitar learners on YouTube and I’m loving it. I’ve got a Yamaha c40 nylon strings acoustic with a nut width of 50mm, I bought a steel string acoustic and tried to get my fingers into a 43mm nut width and sent it straight back. I’m a retired military aircraft “black hander” mechanic and have those type of fingers, not long and sleek. I’ll learn a bit more on my Yamaha and then get a BATON ROUGE 46mm nut width or wider if I can find one. I’m a “slowly slowly” person, I’m also a very tragic golfer of over 40 years and I am enjoying learning at my own pace. Cheers. Phil


And that’s what you need for this bunch of fun and games. Those that run often trip and full. Take your time. And welcome to the forum. :sunglasses:

Hi Rebecca @LunaRocket
oops , a little late, but no less sincere :smiley:

A lot of time with your music …


Hi John @Saintylad
Welcome here too and hope you like it here :smiley: :sunglasses:


Hi Phil @Johnno2

Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Slowly is solid growy with guitar :smiley: :sunglasses:


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Welcome, Phil, this is the place to be! :smile:

Hello Phil & Welcome!!!

You’re definitely in the right place with Justin & this Community will gladly help out if you run into problems & need a question (or 2 or 3) answered!!! Most importantly, make sure to keep having fun… the more fun you have, the more you’ll play & practice & the better you’ll get… see where this is going??? :smile:

Tod from New Mexico USA

Coming up on 2/3 of a century in a 1/2 year --is that a middle aged dog, or have I sidled up to to old, not in heart (can you tell I like numbers)?

Been following JG, slowly, since Aug 2024, about to graduate myself from grade one. I just stumbled into this group of folks. Totally new to guitar. Went through the painful fingertips and out the other side [ though, no one warned me that touch electronics are not inclined to respond when I touch with my fretting fingers ]

My dream is to be able to play well, and to sing passably well enough, that others will join in. Semi retirement (and it not being gardening season, kids are adults and out of house). I’ve already developed GAS like symptoms…

Music is a big part of midcoast Maine (USA) social life. Lot’s of cèilidhs in the area (I had to look up how to spell that gaelic word) and I’d like to be able to join our community of shared music making and appreciation. Someday, maybe–in a year or two add be contributing to the beautiful sound?

Just started my “song book”. Going the electronic (via Songbook Chordpro) route so it scrolls. I’m struggling enough that chord progressions all seem jumble into a heap with seemingly random order being produced from memory.

I love the chord and lyrics together and having it scroll–very helpful (assuredly keeping me lazy about fully learning as well). I find it like the play-along on the JustinApp. Keeps me on beat, I can link to the songs in the library so I can practice to the songs that are too expensive for JustinApp to include.

What did the tree say when it left the mill?
Glad to be a board