Music Theory
Music Theory Live Classes Please read our FAQ to learn more about this! Major Scale Theory & Key Signatures Let’s get serious now! Learn all you need to know about the Major Scale and other important fundamentals. Introducing Music Theory Learning a little bit of music theory can be rewarding and unleash your guitar playing. Check it out! Quadad Chord Theory (4 Note Chords) Quadads is my name for Four Note Chords! Triads are 3-note chords, so why not Quadads for 4-note chords? Chords In Keys & Common Progressions What are chords in keys, and how does it work? Solve the mystery of improvising! CAGED: Exploring E & A Shapes This module has all you need to develop your guitar chords knowledge! CAGED: Exploring D, C & G Shapes Once you feel confident working with the E and A Shape Chords, it’s time to explore more advanced grips! Notes, Sharps & Flats & Octaves! Learn all about tones, semitones, sharps, flats, and octaves, and get familiar with the note circle! Triad Chord Theory & Practice Understand the relationship between chords and scales and how they come together in keys. Scale: Pentatonics & Why So Many Minors? Explore Pentatonic Scales, Minor Scales, and learn what’s the best arpeggio to learn first! Major Scale Modes All about Major Scale Modes and how to use them on your guitar playing. Neck Notes, TAB, Chord & Scale Diagrams Wondering the differences between scales, chords, and arpeggios? The answer is here! Upper Chord Extensions (9, 11 & 13) Chord Extensions are very common, and I’m sure you’ve encountered them before. But what exactly are they? Music Theory 4.4 Blues Theory Diatonic & Chromatic Intervals Learn the theory behind intervals and how to develop your musicianship and ears. Harmonic Analysis. What & How! Once you understand keys, it’s time to look at the note function over the chord that is being played! Are you ready? Notes On The Fretboard & Cycle Of 5ths Get to know your guitar fretboard. Entirely!